Thursday, August 28, 2008

Interesting Videos

Found this circulating in Facebook. It is soooooo cool!


Music using ONLY sounds from Windows XP and 98!





This video demostrate how the spirit of Web 2.0 can be applied to real life.  


Haircut2.0 - Get a Free New Hairstyle




 (Facebook is the most impressive site that applied the idea of Web 2.0, that is why I am so impressed with it.)


Btw the recent 2 podcasts from are damn funny! Go take a look! =)






Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Thoughts



Superhuman speed. Unbelievable reaction. Tremendous Strength.


Strategies. Tactics. Psychology battle. Mental contest.


Struggle. Stress. Tension. Concentration. Relax.


Unpredictability. Unexpectedness. Surprises.


Hope. Anticipation. Luck.


Skill. Form. Movement. Rhythm. Beauty.


Cheering. Support. Love for Nation.


Excitment. Exultant. Jubilant. Release. Emotions.



Ain't those the essential characteristics of a good story?



Anwz, my new idol, Table Tennis World's Women No.1, Zhang Yi Ning :



Too Fast. Too Furious. Too Unpredictable.  =)



Friday, August 15, 2008

Interesthings from the Web (Cut and Paste)

An Unfortunate Accident

Status: Undetermined
This news clipping has been doing the rounds:



Is it true? It does have urban-legend qualities to it, but a search of LexisNexis reveals that it was widely reported in April 2002. English-language papers credited the story to the Danish newspaper BT. The surgeon was identified as Jorn Kristensen. The Sun had this line:

Surgeon Jorn Kristensen said of the chain reaction: "No-one considered the possibility."


So, given the specific details, I'm going to say that it appears to be true my hunch is that it's true, but I'll list it as undetermined.



P.S. "No one considered the possibility." ?!? Hahahahaha! ~iw



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Killer Whale vs. Penguin


Killer whales do eat penguins, but I'd say this has been photoshopped. For a start, if you look closely it appears that the killer whale already has something in its mouth.

I have no information about who created the photo or where the original images came from.



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$1000 iPhone App Does Nothing


Customers at Apple's online iPhone store recently had the opportunity to buy a program called "I Am Rich." True to its name, it cost $999.99.


The program, created by Armin Heinrich, a German software developer, displayed a large red ruby on the iPhone's screen. And that's it. Nothing else. The product description read:


"The red icon on your iPhone always reminds you (and others when you show it to them) that you were able to afford this. It's a work of art with no hidden function at all."

Eight people actually purchased the program before Apple removed it from the site. One of them complained that he bought it thinking it was a joke, only to discover a charge for $999.99 on his credit card.

This program walks the fine line between a prank and a scam. The concept is kind of funny, but Heinrich is apparently keeping the money that people paid. I wouldn't find that funny if it was my money.



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mini rickshaw in beijing

~ Design Boom

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 nike (burguer) air max 90 by olle hemmendorff




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Magic Trick With Google



This should be quite fun! Haha!




Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Mystery of the Missing OG - Part 2

I went to see a hypnotherapist today.


Why do I remember something that all other don't? My sixth sense tells me that the answer to that is locked within the depth of my subconscious. Hypnosis is the key . I have no choice. I have to try.


The room was bright and sunny. Breeze blew in through the windows, lifting the white curtains. It was quiet and peaceful. The therapist was a beautiful lady in her late twenties, Miss Lee. 


"Are we ready?"  I nodded.


"Imagine you are sitting on a comfortable chair on a beautiful beach. You can see the golden that surrounds you... and the waves as they crash on the shore. You can hear the gentle and rhythmic sounds they make. You can feel a moist sea breeze waft over you body. You can feel the soft morning sun on your skin. All your thoughts seem to quiet down as you concentrate the sun's warmth on your face... your body...and your legs..."


I don't know what happened next. I guess I fell into a trance .....


. . . . . . .


Suddenly, I was shocked into awareness by a ear piercing scream! I looked around, and to my surprise, Miss Lee was trembling on the floor, face completely white, eyes wide in fear, mumbling nonstop to herself. 


"... impossible... no... no... dark... too dark... please... no..." 


She soon calmed down and fell asleep. The originally peaceful room now seemed abit too quiet.


Eerily quiet. 


After I carried her to her bed, I walked around the room and found a tape recorder. I rewinded and played the tape.



Her voice: "... Now, tell me what happened that night?"


My voice: *Sleepily* "...I was sick in the day and went back home... but I felt much better at night... so I went back hall for the finale of FOC... I rejoined my OG... for the Fright Night... The Fright Night was scary... very scary... I remember... we walked along this corridor outside the physics lab... then we saw........."


*A long while of static followed by Miss Lee's scream*



I quickly stopped the tape recorder.


So I went for the Fright Night! Why can't I remember?! What happened at the fright night?? What frightened Miss Lee until she lay trembling on the floor? Fright night... Imaginary ghost turns real? Fake cult ritual summoned true demons? I got possessed by the devil, Lucifer, himself?!?


NO! There must be some logical explanations. Let me reorganise my thoughts. Before I can know what happened at the Fright Night, I need to know what was supposed to happen FIRST. To know that, I need to find the...




(printed from a blog entry, dated 13 Aug 2004)




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Today I was quite bored on the MRT on my way to work, so I did some daydreaming and attempted to solve the mystery of the missing og. It was quite fruitful. I got a partial solution which I quickly keyed into my handphone as message draft before I can forget. Anw the offer still stands. Anyone who can guess what happen next will get a treat from me. (I have put a subtle clue in the story... =)


Btw I got the hypnosis script from a website.



Monday, August 11, 2008

7 Deadly Sins

From Singying...


Your Sins are Revealed, Your Fate is Sealed

Your sin has been measured. You have committed many sins, but Greed is the mortal sin that has done you in. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and learn what it is about you that codemns you to hell.
























Now all of you know my true colours... Hahahahaha!


But wait! Sloth is the shortest?? There are only 2 interpretation:


1) Either I am under the illusion that I am damn slack, when I am NOT.  Or

2) I am even worse in other aspects!


No wonder I have no girlfriend... T_T



Saturday, August 9, 2008

Answers, magic, tarot card, future, signs, meaning of life... Random

There are only 3 things I pursue in life.


Happiness. Fulfillment. Answers.


Happiness I have I talk about before. Fulfillment I will talk about in the future. Today I will talk about Answers. How I like pursue Answers to all kinds of Questions.


What happened 100,000 years ago? How is the universe created? Does God exists? What is the meaning of life? What will happen in the future? How does the economy works? How to buy stocks? What make a good story? Who will be my girl friend next time? How to write computer codes? How to catch the legendary pokemons? How does this magic works? How all things and people are connected together?


There are some Answers I want to know more than others - Answers that little or no people know, Answers you can't find on the net. Secrets. 


Magic is one of them.


I read somewhere that "Magic is the cheat code of the world." I once thought that if I can learn the secrets to do the impossible things that magicians do, I can do anything! So, I spent maybe even over a thousand over the years to learn the secrets of many different magic tricks. But when I stripped the mysterious veil, that is all it is, just tricks. Trickery and showmanship.


(I know the tricks, but I don't have the showmanship, that is why I very seldom do magic tricks these days. But I DO have a few tricks up my sleeves.


Actually I am disgusted by salesmen who sell tricks just for money or people who do magic without showmanship. Where is wonder and amazement that should come with magic??)


But at least I satisfied my curiosity. This is not the real magic that can give me the Answers.


Then I gave up and went to find methods and ways to peer into the Future. I went into Tarot Cards. It gave me answers to some questions, but I will never be sure whether they were correct or not. Again, I found that arcane arts isn't the Answer I am seeking. But in the process, I learnt something new. That is the important thing.


(One thing I learnt in the process is that if you can look out for certain signs, it can give you some glimpse into the immediate future. For example, if you want to predict, to the second, when the pedestrians traffic light will turn green, you look out for when vehicle traffic light turn red. It gives you a few seconds of advantage over other people when crossing the road. Same thing can apply to economy, stocks prices and most other thing.


Look out for Signs.)



Maybe I will find the Answers one day. Maybe not. But I have already found the Meaning to my Life. (Part of it.)


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Mystery of the Missing OG

Do you think there were always four Orientation Groups in the history of Hall XI's FOC?


You are WRONG.  


Before the incident that happened 4 years ago, there were always FIVE. 


Four years ago, I participated in the FOC as a freshie. At that time, for the first four days, me and my OG had lots of fun, together with the other four OGs. Strong bonds were built between each member within our OG. Even now, I still miss the time we had together during FOC.


However, on the fifth day, I fell sick and went back home. In the end, I missed the highlight of FOC - The Fright Night.


Then, something strange happened.


When I went back hall on the following Sunday night, I tried to find my OG mates, but I can't. Puzzled, I asked some seniors I knew who happened to be around. They said they never heard of my OG or knew any of my OG mates. In fact, they had never seen me before. 


It was as if my OG had disappeared overnight and everyone had forgotten about us!!! 


Despite what happened, I still stayed in hall, pretended nothing happened, and reforged friendships with fellow hallmates. However, since then, Hall XI FOC has only 4 OGs.


And their Fright Night had been renamed Mystery Walk ever since.  


This incident had left a question mark in my mind that won't disappear no matter how hard I tried to brush it away. I suspect I am mentally ill, but I seriously doubt so. I couldn't have hallucinated the 4 days I spent together with my OG.


Could I?


The truth is out there. I am going to find out what happened during that friday night, by hook or by crook.


(printed from a blog entry, dated 06 Aug 2004)




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The above is a Mystery Walk idea which was inspired from a dream. (In the dream, there are 2 additional OGs, Black/Demons? and White/Angels?, but invisible to everyone in the FOC.) The dream itself was inspired by a conversation with Singying, who commented that every year's Mystery Walk revolves around boyfriend killing girlfriend or vice versa. The tagline 'The truth is out there', is inspired by X Files of course. =P


What do you think is / should be the ending to the above 'mystery'? Who can guess how will the story continue and what ending I had in mind will get a dinner treat from me. =)



Saturday, August 2, 2008

Freshmen Orientation Camp

This year's Hall FOC I only went back for 3 nights - Sunday's precamp, Tuesday and Friday night. On the precamp day itself, at marina, is where my hall and uni life finish a complete cycle -taking convo photoshoot on the day when exactly 4 years ago I was a freshman about to step into the hall and uni stage of my life. Thinking back, I was just as cock as how some of the most cock freshies I saw in this camp last time. Actually, I am still as cock now, just that most in hall don't dare to say cos I am older than most of them. Ha!


Talking about FOC, I never liked 50% of the games I played during FOC. Who in their right mind will like to play games that are disgusting, muddy, wet and last until 4+ am into the night?? I especially hated Ixnitiation when I was a freshie. Does it remind anyone of the 'Good Cop Bad Cop' routine used to bend the prisoners to police's will? Most of these FOC games are basically designed to satisfy the sickening minds of seniors (who, too, suffered in the hands in their seniors), all in the name of "tradition".


I started to love FOC when I was in Year 2.


And I had gone for all the FOCs (unlike some of the lao rens), and made alot of good friends since then... starting with Weiling, Veena's batch, followed by Weichen, Alvin, Zhengxi, Singying's batch, followed by Angela, Yanli, Yizhen, Kelvin's batch... watching them all turned into psychotic-freshies-torturing-seniors over a period of 3 years. I can hardly believe my eyes and ears when the AGL this year told a blindfolded freshie to do a hundred squats and starjumps during Ixnitiation night! (She told him to stop when he had done 20 la... I was about to intervene already.) Oh well, the tradition had been passed down good. I remembered I was told to do army drills blindfolded during this night. Haha!


It really feels good during the Ixnitiation night, where you see seniors and juniors from different generations all back in the one place where we all once stayed together, while witnessing the freshies going through the same old shit you went through years ago.


This year is a bit different from the previous years though. Originally I didn't plan to mingle with the freshies, since I knew I was only coming for a few nights. And I didn't, until I saw the poor blindfolded, bored freshies going to fall asleep waiting for their turn at some stupid station. And this was where my 'kind-and-caring-senior' instinct kicked in. (I am always the 'Good Cop'. Haha!) I went to entertain them by chit chating with a few of them. One simply refused to respond the 'button' on her nose that I 'programmed' (For those who don't know, a 'button' is something you draw on the freshie using marker, where, when pressed, the freshie is supposed to shout or do something.) She want me to shout first, then she shout. This is the first time I tried to be a Bad Cop and I failed so miserably. Down ah! =( 


Then there was one is a MAE guy who was a commando. Quite friendly and nice to talk to. The one I chat with the longest is called Trixie, from ADM, Pan OG, Animator. She kept trying to guess who am I when I already told her repeatedly that she never saw me before. I told her that to her, I will always be 'The Mysterious Senior Who Talked To You During Ixnitiation Whose Identity Will Remain A Mystery Forever'.


At that point I realised that this batch would made very good friends and juniors, just like the previous 3 batches, and it is a little bit sad that I missed the chance to made friends with them. Then I told myself that it is time to move on to the next stage of life. I guess maybe I will go back for hall FOC for maybe one or two more years, and, when no one I know is left in hall, then I can finally leave Hall 11 behind for good physically.


And rest it in my memories... just like my beloved jc.