Saturday, August 9, 2008

Answers, magic, tarot card, future, signs, meaning of life... Random

There are only 3 things I pursue in life.


Happiness. Fulfillment. Answers.


Happiness I have I talk about before. Fulfillment I will talk about in the future. Today I will talk about Answers. How I like pursue Answers to all kinds of Questions.


What happened 100,000 years ago? How is the universe created? Does God exists? What is the meaning of life? What will happen in the future? How does the economy works? How to buy stocks? What make a good story? Who will be my girl friend next time? How to write computer codes? How to catch the legendary pokemons? How does this magic works? How all things and people are connected together?


There are some Answers I want to know more than others - Answers that little or no people know, Answers you can't find on the net. Secrets. 


Magic is one of them.


I read somewhere that "Magic is the cheat code of the world." I once thought that if I can learn the secrets to do the impossible things that magicians do, I can do anything! So, I spent maybe even over a thousand over the years to learn the secrets of many different magic tricks. But when I stripped the mysterious veil, that is all it is, just tricks. Trickery and showmanship.


(I know the tricks, but I don't have the showmanship, that is why I very seldom do magic tricks these days. But I DO have a few tricks up my sleeves.


Actually I am disgusted by salesmen who sell tricks just for money or people who do magic without showmanship. Where is wonder and amazement that should come with magic??)


But at least I satisfied my curiosity. This is not the real magic that can give me the Answers.


Then I gave up and went to find methods and ways to peer into the Future. I went into Tarot Cards. It gave me answers to some questions, but I will never be sure whether they were correct or not. Again, I found that arcane arts isn't the Answer I am seeking. But in the process, I learnt something new. That is the important thing.


(One thing I learnt in the process is that if you can look out for certain signs, it can give you some glimpse into the immediate future. For example, if you want to predict, to the second, when the pedestrians traffic light will turn green, you look out for when vehicle traffic light turn red. It gives you a few seconds of advantage over other people when crossing the road. Same thing can apply to economy, stocks prices and most other thing.


Look out for Signs.)



Maybe I will find the Answers one day. Maybe not. But I have already found the Meaning to my Life. (Part of it.)



  1. You are totally right about signs, really. They are like connectors. *nodds*LOL. My tarot skills are still at CMI stage because i just didn\'t start work on it

  2. u oso play tarot! find one day we qie cuo qie cuo... recently i feel my friends in Tarot Cards calling out for me to play with them... haha!

  3. Can qie cuo when i\'m more prepared! Hahaha, i didn\'t even try it on myself much...
    Hahaha! which deck you using arh?
    *nodds* they call to me sometimes! hahaha! =D

  4. I using Rider Waite. The pictures is referenced by most tarot books and website... so very easy to learn. U?
    Tarot is try on others de... haha! Next time we meet I try on u and let u try on me. =)
