Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Mystery of the Missing OG - Part 2

I went to see a hypnotherapist today.


Why do I remember something that all other don't? My sixth sense tells me that the answer to that is locked within the depth of my subconscious. Hypnosis is the key . I have no choice. I have to try.


The room was bright and sunny. Breeze blew in through the windows, lifting the white curtains. It was quiet and peaceful. The therapist was a beautiful lady in her late twenties, Miss Lee. 


"Are we ready?"  I nodded.


"Imagine you are sitting on a comfortable chair on a beautiful beach. You can see the golden that surrounds you... and the waves as they crash on the shore. You can hear the gentle and rhythmic sounds they make. You can feel a moist sea breeze waft over you body. You can feel the soft morning sun on your skin. All your thoughts seem to quiet down as you concentrate the sun's warmth on your face... your body...and your legs..."


I don't know what happened next. I guess I fell into a trance .....


. . . . . . .


Suddenly, I was shocked into awareness by a ear piercing scream! I looked around, and to my surprise, Miss Lee was trembling on the floor, face completely white, eyes wide in fear, mumbling nonstop to herself. 


"... impossible... no... no... dark... too dark... please... no..." 


She soon calmed down and fell asleep. The originally peaceful room now seemed abit too quiet.


Eerily quiet. 


After I carried her to her bed, I walked around the room and found a tape recorder. I rewinded and played the tape.



Her voice: "... Now, tell me what happened that night?"


My voice: *Sleepily* "...I was sick in the day and went back home... but I felt much better at night... so I went back hall for the finale of FOC... I rejoined my OG... for the Fright Night... The Fright Night was scary... very scary... I remember... we walked along this corridor outside the physics lab... then we saw........."


*A long while of static followed by Miss Lee's scream*



I quickly stopped the tape recorder.


So I went for the Fright Night! Why can't I remember?! What happened at the fright night?? What frightened Miss Lee until she lay trembling on the floor? Fright night... Imaginary ghost turns real? Fake cult ritual summoned true demons? I got possessed by the devil, Lucifer, himself?!?


NO! There must be some logical explanations. Let me reorganise my thoughts. Before I can know what happened at the Fright Night, I need to know what was supposed to happen FIRST. To know that, I need to find the...




(printed from a blog entry, dated 13 Aug 2004)




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Today I was quite bored on the MRT on my way to work, so I did some daydreaming and attempted to solve the mystery of the missing og. It was quite fruitful. I got a partial solution which I quickly keyed into my handphone as message draft before I can forget. Anw the offer still stands. Anyone who can guess what happen next will get a treat from me. (I have put a subtle clue in the story... =)


Btw I got the hypnosis script from a website.



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