Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Mystery of the Missing OG

Do you think there were always four Orientation Groups in the history of Hall XI's FOC?


You are WRONG.  


Before the incident that happened 4 years ago, there were always FIVE. 


Four years ago, I participated in the FOC as a freshie. At that time, for the first four days, me and my OG had lots of fun, together with the other four OGs. Strong bonds were built between each member within our OG. Even now, I still miss the time we had together during FOC.


However, on the fifth day, I fell sick and went back home. In the end, I missed the highlight of FOC - The Fright Night.


Then, something strange happened.


When I went back hall on the following Sunday night, I tried to find my OG mates, but I can't. Puzzled, I asked some seniors I knew who happened to be around. They said they never heard of my OG or knew any of my OG mates. In fact, they had never seen me before. 


It was as if my OG had disappeared overnight and everyone had forgotten about us!!! 


Despite what happened, I still stayed in hall, pretended nothing happened, and reforged friendships with fellow hallmates. However, since then, Hall XI FOC has only 4 OGs.


And their Fright Night had been renamed Mystery Walk ever since.  


This incident had left a question mark in my mind that won't disappear no matter how hard I tried to brush it away. I suspect I am mentally ill, but I seriously doubt so. I couldn't have hallucinated the 4 days I spent together with my OG.


Could I?


The truth is out there. I am going to find out what happened during that friday night, by hook or by crook.


(printed from a blog entry, dated 06 Aug 2004)




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The above is a Mystery Walk idea which was inspired from a dream. (In the dream, there are 2 additional OGs, Black/Demons? and White/Angels?, but invisible to everyone in the FOC.) The dream itself was inspired by a conversation with Singying, who commented that every year's Mystery Walk revolves around boyfriend killing girlfriend or vice versa. The tagline 'The truth is out there', is inspired by X Files of course. =P


What do you think is / should be the ending to the above 'mystery'? Who can guess how will the story continue and what ending I had in mind will get a dinner treat from me. =)




  1. Cool! hahahaha.Ending ah? *ponders*The OG became programmers of night walk? All fake freshies?LOL. Kay. That\'s random. Not ending.Will go think about it and guess...mwahahaha!Woah. Imagine we really do that to all the freshies. =x All members from OG suddenly disappear on the day of night walk then the rest must act like they don\'t know. 1 freshie : 10 seniors (fake freshie) ratio. o_o

  2. think of the story 1st before thinking of the implementation... nothing is impossible... haha!
