Friday, October 17, 2008

The Moon

Swing Trader.


This is what I am learning to be currently. Every morning and evening, during my trip on the MRT to and from my work place for the past 2 weeks, I have sacrificed my time for reading comics or playing NDS, to read books on stocks trading. To date, I have devoured 2.25 stocks trading books, and still going strong. I planned to read at least another 2.75 books more. It really takes effort to study trading during 2 of the sleepier periods of the day. How many times I wished I had bring my NDS instead.


It will worth it. I hope.



Swing trading, in which the position is held on the average of two to five days... Swing traders strive to ride up or down price "swings" made by stocks... Many hold full-time jobs and complete their research before or after work, or on the weekends.


-Short Term Trading in the New Stock Market by Toni Turner



A friend, Jiahong, told me to stop keeping on thinking about getting rich. I am NOT thinking about getting rich. I just want to 'work' my money myself, instead of leaving them in the hands of financial planners, or even worse, leaving them to rot in the bank. (Ermm. Given the financial situation now, actually I dunno which is worse, paiseh.) And of course, I want to supplement my income!


I chatted with a friend about marriage. I told my friend that next time, I will be staying at home looking after baby while my wife will go out to work. She gave me the 'down' look, as in, looked down. Upon seeing her reaction, I quickly added, "I stay at home to trade stocks la. Haha!" Come to think of it, it really might work! In fact, maybe 3 or 4 years later, I might quit my job and become a full time trader. I really might!


Future. Wonder what will it bring... =)


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The same friend above told me that by reading my blog, one can know that I am a "thinking" person. Yup, I am a thinking person.




My job requries me to think a lot everyday. 'Where can I find out how this program should work?'  I can feel my brain flashing through the tens and hundreds and thousands of possibilities. Swish! 'How to implement this feature into my program?' Swishh!


'Why THE HELL is this program NOT working as it should?!?'  SWISHHHHHHHH!


Besides job related stuff, I also think about other things. 'If S&P Futures is the leading indicator of the US stock market, what is the leading indicator of the Singapore Stock Market?' 'The US stock market has crashed last night, will Singapore stock market crash today?' 'STI crashed through the support line at 1900 points today. Will in bounce back on Monday or crash further? *' Swish! Swish! Swish!




I think... I think too much.


How do I know that? Cos I suffered from minor headaches in office almost everyday for the past week. I leave at 6pm almost everyday, not because I don't want to work OT, but because I CAN'T work even if I continued to stay.


I know I like to think. And my job provides me with lots of thinking 'opportunities'. It suits me very well. But today, while I am walking back home after a dinner with Jiahong and Chintau, I asked myself, 'Am I happy?' The only answer is


'I am tired.'


I guessed I must have lost my soul somewhere along the way through the 4+ months I am working, leaving only an empty souless body. Just like a computer. Where had my soul disappeared to??? I walked and walked, until I was about to reach my home, then, I saw the moon in the sky. Its brilliance shining through, even though it was behind the clouds. 


It was beautiful.


I went home and took out my camera and attempted to capture its beauty. At that moment, 


I think... I am happy??  



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *





My best 2 attempts out of 10+ photos. =P One with flash and one without.



* My prediction of coming Monday's Singapore Market (just for fun, hehe) - It all depends on tonight's US stock market. If US stock market continue to go down, Singapore market will go down too. Vice versa. And the movement will be big, in terms of 100 points and above. - 18 Oct 12.24 a.m.


Damned... I am thinking again.




  1. LoL...tHaT\'s tHe diFf bEtWeEn a hCjC sTuDeNt aNd yJc sTuDeNt...=P
    LeT uR bRaiN tAkE a gOoD rEsT!!!

  2. Disclaimer: aApPLeGeR\'s comment doesn\'t represent this blog\'s opinion. Haha!
    Who says there is a difference between HJ and YJ students????

  3. Thinking is not a bad thing.Moderate is good. Too much is bad. Hahahaha.I\'m not into stocks. But personally, i find the whole economics of the AIG situation interesting.. how this links to this, then affects everything.. the US\' measures.. it\'s really interesting. *coughs*

  4. Economics is interesting... Stocks trading is more interesting. Haha! Thinking thinking.... I miss some art influences though. Long time no see! Lets meet up after exams!
