Monday, December 29, 2008

The World Ends With You

Every once in a while, I will play some games that are so engaging, creative and fun that inspire me to want to work in the game industry, so that I would be able to work together with these genius to produce something that will provide as much enjoyment to the world.


The World Ends With You is such a game. 


There are also some games that are unique to different platforms and that, if you possessed that platform, you cannot ever miss that game.


The World Ends With You is such a game to NDS just as Patapon is to PSP. 


Anwz The World Ends With You is an RPG made by Square Enix and that says it all. (And if you don't know Square Enix, well... I would just say that you missed out on some of the best things in life. Haha!) And if anymore proof is needed, a visit to should be sufficient.




Hmmm... the department I am in now don't make games exactly... but close enough. One day, I will ......


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Meaning of life 2

For the 2 ENTIRE days of the past long weekend, both Sunday and Monday, I had been WORKING non-stop!


As you know, I am in the flight simulation industry, hence, it is part of my job to learn more about the various types of aircraft, their performance, and different flying maneuvers and combat tactics (so as to create good AIs). And, lo and behold, I had been doing just that during the past long weekend!


Flying and fighting against different aircrafts, such as F-16, F-5E, F-22, MIG-31, SU-37 etc etc, practicing maneuvers such as split-s, immelman, lead pursuit etc etc, aiming and firing missiles and gun... on my old PSP. Work had and will never been this much fun!


Suddenly I had an epiphany regarding why I had been feeling so depressed and felt the meaning of life missing:




Last Friday I met up with Jiahong and Soonguan, two of my best friends. Our conversation gradually shifted from work to games. When Soonguan asked me what games I had been playing and I told him I don't play games anymore, he paused for a brief second. Soonguan, though he didn't say anything in this brief second of silence, loudly 'exclaimed' something that abruptly woke me up:


"Bro, what the f*** happened to you man?!? You are not you anymore! You are losing yourself!"


His 'words' led to me to my PSP, and the MEANING OF LIFE.


Meaning of Life is nothing more that the latest distraction that makes you stop finding the non-existent meaning of life for the moment.


Damn. life is so God-Damnned empty. Well, gonna play more games...


In my search for the meaning of life for the past week, I have heard some interesting answers - Singying's "Role in life", Jiahong's "Girlfriend", a friend I know will say "God", and lastly a colleague told me "Still need to ask?? Of course is to reproduce la!" (WTF)


Thanks everyone for your answers, but I have found mine...


"Fun and GAME."


... at least for the moment. LOL!


PS. My Macbook spoiled and I can't find my reciept on Sunday. I took a cab from AMK to NTU (work purpose) and forget to take receipt yesterday.

"When shit happens, it sometimes comes as an unrelenting case of bad diahorrea."


Well said, Jiahong. But who cares anyway, now that I found my meaning of life. Haha!



Saturday, December 6, 2008


Felt damn down these days -

Two friends who tried to release aeroplane on the same day, people who take forever to reply sms, program which simply refuse to compile successfully, a friend who rejected job offer by my department, etc etc etc.

Somehow, when you are feeling down, your resistance to everyday's bad news is abnormally low. Even little things that usually don't have an effect hit you twice as hard. It sucks.

A saying: "When life hands you lemons, you make lemonades. When life hands you peanuts, you don't have to work for the rest of the year!" (The second part I add myself, by right should be " make peanut butter". A stupid joke. Haha.)

I guess I shouldn't be feeling so down. After all I am much more fortunate than most people. Most of my friends around me are working like hell. Two are already thinking of or had already changed job in a period of less than 6 months after graduation. My job may not be the best job around, but at least I don't have to work like hell. What's more I just took a leave last Wednesday to rest and coming Monday is a holiday. Then I got good friends who tried to cheer me up (by suggesting I get a girlfriend).

What more do I want??

I guess I am just tired. Hopefully my mood will be like the background of my blog after these few day's rest - bright and sunny.


P.S. Yeah! I finally got used to using my Macbook!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Meaning of Life

This is my nth entry on the elusive meaning of life. To a student, meaning of life may be getting good grades and having good fun. To others, meaning of life may be neverending pursuing of more power or more money or both, either for material wants or survival needs.


I am fortunate. I am well provided for throughout my life. I live within my means and have little wants. I don't have to struggle to make my ends meet. Power is something I think I might enjoy, but it comes with so MUCH hussle that I never thought it is worth the effort to go after it. And I am not a student anymore, so having a goal of getting good grades is also not an options anymore.


This leaves me with a little problem: What is my meaning of life???


That is actually a rhetorical question. I have already concluded to myself long ago that there is no inherent meaning to life. But having no meaningful goals in life actually really make life super empty, boring. Imagine every week's routine: Weekdays work until 6; surf net, watch tv until 11, sleep. Weekends meet friends, go out, read comics, watch movies, shop, write blog. Repeat this until the end of your life.


It is a good life, I admit. At least I can still do, and capable of doing, (most of) whatever I want, unlike some other less fortunate people. But it is boring! I figured it won't help even if I go Europe or some other very fun countries for a long holidays. It won't help if I watch a very good movie or read a very good book or comic (and I read plenty of good books and watch plenty of good shows these days). The empty feeling will still be there, cos


There. Is. No. Meaning. In. Life!




Perhaps, just perhaps, the meaning of life is to search for the ultimate Meaning of Life!


Yeah! I will go and seek my meaning of life! Yeah!




Another stupid and meaningless entry. *Yawn*