Monday, December 1, 2008

Meaning of Life

This is my nth entry on the elusive meaning of life. To a student, meaning of life may be getting good grades and having good fun. To others, meaning of life may be neverending pursuing of more power or more money or both, either for material wants or survival needs.


I am fortunate. I am well provided for throughout my life. I live within my means and have little wants. I don't have to struggle to make my ends meet. Power is something I think I might enjoy, but it comes with so MUCH hussle that I never thought it is worth the effort to go after it. And I am not a student anymore, so having a goal of getting good grades is also not an options anymore.


This leaves me with a little problem: What is my meaning of life???


That is actually a rhetorical question. I have already concluded to myself long ago that there is no inherent meaning to life. But having no meaningful goals in life actually really make life super empty, boring. Imagine every week's routine: Weekdays work until 6; surf net, watch tv until 11, sleep. Weekends meet friends, go out, read comics, watch movies, shop, write blog. Repeat this until the end of your life.


It is a good life, I admit. At least I can still do, and capable of doing, (most of) whatever I want, unlike some other less fortunate people. But it is boring! I figured it won't help even if I go Europe or some other very fun countries for a long holidays. It won't help if I watch a very good movie or read a very good book or comic (and I read plenty of good books and watch plenty of good shows these days). The empty feeling will still be there, cos


There. Is. No. Meaning. In. Life!




Perhaps, just perhaps, the meaning of life is to search for the ultimate Meaning of Life!


Yeah! I will go and seek my meaning of life! Yeah!




Another stupid and meaningless entry. *Yawn*




  1. u need to find a gal. seriously.

  2. I am serious. You see, you feel that you have done lotsa things in your life, have quite a bit of achievement, but yet, you do not feel fulfilled. Because life is meant to be shared. We all need someone to be there, not just for bad times, but also for good times. Especially the good times. You want someone to share your joy, someone to watch you succeed, someone to be happy for you. Go read Mitch Albom\'s books. Namely Tuesdays with Morrie. I have all three of them if you want to borrow. Dun just yawn at me. Tell me why you think its not the reason. Go on. Give me your best shot.

  3. You may be right. But finding a girlfriend is not THAT easy. Haha! Maybe it is about time...

  4. Meaning of life?Hm.. well, i\'ve kind of found mine (it came with an epiphany, lol) but sometimes i can\'t help but wonder whether just soemthing chosen by myself. Like i probably didn\'t have to go find it, all i have to do is set a goal for myself. Then again, a huge part of me thinks otherwise that... maybe it\'s not time for you yet? ah, but once you get it, you\'ll get it. you don\'t really question it. and it\'s really really really obvious actually, it\'s right in front of you but you don\'t see it. hahaha! that sums it up! erm. once you find out, no, realised what is YOUR meaning in life, you\'ll find that it\'s like another part time job in your life with monetary returns. lol. when it\'s time for u to play your role in life (the big picture), it\'s time for u to play your role in life. maybe its just not the time.
