Saturday, December 6, 2008


Felt damn down these days -

Two friends who tried to release aeroplane on the same day, people who take forever to reply sms, program which simply refuse to compile successfully, a friend who rejected job offer by my department, etc etc etc.

Somehow, when you are feeling down, your resistance to everyday's bad news is abnormally low. Even little things that usually don't have an effect hit you twice as hard. It sucks.

A saying: "When life hands you lemons, you make lemonades. When life hands you peanuts, you don't have to work for the rest of the year!" (The second part I add myself, by right should be " make peanut butter". A stupid joke. Haha.)

I guess I shouldn't be feeling so down. After all I am much more fortunate than most people. Most of my friends around me are working like hell. Two are already thinking of or had already changed job in a period of less than 6 months after graduation. My job may not be the best job around, but at least I don't have to work like hell. What's more I just took a leave last Wednesday to rest and coming Monday is a holiday. Then I got good friends who tried to cheer me up (by suggesting I get a girlfriend).

What more do I want??

I guess I am just tired. Hopefully my mood will be like the background of my blog after these few day's rest - bright and sunny.


P.S. Yeah! I finally got used to using my Macbook!


  1. Haha! Thanks thanks!

  2. When shyt happens, it sometimes comes as an unrelenting case of bad diahorrea. Seriously.
