Thursday, October 27, 2005

A game

Game 1


You are shown four cards.  Each card has a letter on one side, and a number on the other side.  You see only one side of each card; you see “A B 2 1” on the visible faces of the four cards.
Your task is to check to see if the following rule is obeyed by the cards. 
If a card has a vowel on one side, then it has an even number on the other side.
Now, let me ask you, which of these four cards would you need to turn over to check that the rule is being obeyed?  You may choose more than one card if you wish.

Game 2
Imagine you're working as a bouncer in a bar.  There's recently been a crackdown on underage drinking.
As the bouncer you have to enforce the following rule:
For a person to be drinking legally, they have to be 18 or older.  Your boss has warned you to be on the lookout for people violating this rule.
Well, you've just started work for the night, and you see four people at the bar.
The first person is drinking a beer.
The second person is drinking a diet coke.
The third person is quite elderly, definitely over 18.  You can't see whether they're drinking alcohol or not.
The fourth person is just a kid, definitely under 18.  You can't see whether they're drinking alcohol or not.
My question to you is, as the bouncer, which of these people do you need to check out, to see whether the rule is being obeyed correctly?  You may choose more than one.


Answer for both games


(The 2 games are the same in disguise.)


The answer are the 1st and the 4th card or person.


Did you guess 'A' and '2' for the game 1? (I did)


Now do you know why you are wrong? Think about it carefully.


Interesting that we all guess wrongly for game 1 and right for game 2 isn't it?


This experiment has been performed numerous times around the world, usually with essentially the same outcome: people get the bar game right, and the card game wrong.  One common conclusion is that while people are extremely good at reasoning about social situations involving other people, as the concepts involved become more abstract they find it much more difficult to reason.  Their intuition begins to go haywire even in relatively simple situations like the card game.  In slightly more complex situations it stops functioning altogether.



To know more, go here, where I got this from . The article is quite interesting.



Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Complaint (Part 3)

The teacher accept my suggestion! Yeah! No more presentations! I HATE presentations.


In retrospect, I was quite surprised that I'm the only one in class who voice this out to the teacher. How can people take this lying down??? Presentations and lectures THREE weeks into the exams! WTF?


Haiz, people have a tendency to accept whatever fate that awaits them quietly. This is WRONG! We must be strong. Anything that is unreasonable must complain!




If you don't complain, people may thought that you don't mind. Or, as in my case, they don't know you mind. In the end, it is you who suffer.


Complain is good! =P



Sunday, October 23, 2005


Last night I dreamt of myself (looking in the mirror) having 2 very gruesome deep and long cuts below my mouth and I felt terrible. What does it mean?  


My soul is wounded??


That is not a good sign...


A thousand worries, but no one I can really talk to.





Friday, October 21, 2005

Complaint (Part 2)

Dear Mdm,


I'm sorry that I didn't state my point clearly in my previous mail. What I was saying is less on me wanting to get exempted from lectures and more on me not wanting to miss any of the lectures (and definitely not the exam prep & revision lecture). Therefore I was wondering if it is possible for all the lectures needed to finish the syllabus to be held before the exams (31st Oct). And if it is not possible, hopefully the syllabus can be cleared before the 1st week of exams (7th Nov).

The reason for this is that additional lectures deep into the exam period eats up the time necessary for us to study for the exams.


Imagine how a student will feel if he or she have a 4au core module exam on Thursday morning and still have to attend a 3 hour lecture on Wednesday evening. And if there is a presentation, I am sure the student will be more miserable as he or she still have to prepare for the presentation on the Wednesday afternoon. Not to mention how much more depress he or she will be if the same thing happens for the next TWO weeks.


One of the ways to solve this is to do away with the presentations and squeeze the remaining syllabus into the next 1 or 2 lectures. I believe that students will be too busy preparing for exams to do a good job preparing for the presentation. And as a result, students who are listening to the presentations will not gain much since the presentations are poorly prepared. This is clearly a lose-lose situation and precious time are wasted.


I do not know if doing away with presentations is administratively possible. But I believe that the aim of this course is not to hone our presentation skills... certainly not right in the middle of the exams.


If it is not possible, is it possible to postpone the presentations until after the exams? Or having additional make ups before exams?


I'm very sorry for being so long-winded but I'm afraid that I cannot get my point across. I really do hope that the School of ADM can understand the plight and the difficulties faced by the students during this stressful period and consider my suggestions. Please help us in this aspect. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely




Any complain experts out there? Do you think I will get black-listed? Scared...


Hmmm... maybe she won't understand what the hell I am saying, given my bad english...  


Complaint (Part 1)

Dear Mdm,


I am JF from your class (blah blah blah).  I have some problems regarding the lecture schedule during the exam period as it happens that I have exams on the 02, 09 and 16 November (all the Wednesdays). Moreover, by having lectures and tutorials this late into the exam period, I'm afraid that we may not have sufficient time to study for this subject or to prepare our presentations, since we have to study for our other core modules as well. I feel that our grades for all subjects will suffer as a result of this.


I am wondering if it is possible to cut away the presentations and squeeze the rest of the syllabus into the next 1 or 2 lectures. I personally feels that it I can learn more when you are teaching than when other groups are presenting. I understand that it is tough to teach two lectures one right after another, so I am thinking if it may be possible to combine our class with the other class since our other lectures will be ending this week. We definitely don't have lessons the week after next, when the exams starts.


I sincerely hope that you can consider my suggestions. I have been talking about this with others in the class and most of them felt the same way too. Thank you for your kind attention and have a nice day. =)


Yours Sincerely



Friday, October 14, 2005

不知所云 ...






《再别康桥》- 徐志摩






却不留下一点 comments。

《再别峰言峰语》- 许杰峰



有没有三条线的感觉? Haha!



Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Color of my blog

Your Blog Should Be Orange



Your writing has a star quality - it's charming, bold, and flamboyant.
You write what's on your mind, without fear of embarrassment later.
You are one of the most honest bloggers around, and people appreciate your daring persona.




Hmmm... Is it true?

Friday, October 7, 2005

Time Machine

An exciting new scientific breakthrough!  

TIME MACHINES are not a fantasy anymore. It's now a REALITY!!!


This is yet another invention by the renowned genius Professor Koh. Here is a description of the time machine:


It is a solid (colours customizable) with a rectangular-shaped man-sized flat surface that is about knee height. Users just have to lie on it, and during peak performances, the Time Machine fast forward time such that about 5 - 8 hours flash past within a blink of the eyes! One moment it is 3 am, the next moment it is 9 am!


However, the Time Machine don't always fast forward time so smoothly. In fact, most of the time, as Professor Koh personally experiences nowadays, the Time Machine fast forward time in jerks of 3 hours, break 5 minutes, and then another 3 hours.


Sometimes, the Time Machine even slows time down! This rare phenomenon of time slowing down is classified as the A-Problem. And as Professor Koh measured, when this happened, only 60 minutes have passed in the Time Machine when 1 hour has actually passed in the real world.


(Professor Koh often has headaches over this A-Problem as he wrecked his brain to solve it when it occured.)


Currently, Professor Koh is reseaching on how to reverse time now that he has discovered the secret to fast forward time. Hopefully we can see him making another breakthrough in his research in the near future.


He needs more time!



Wednesday, October 5, 2005

会读书 (才怪 !)



爱我的爸  疼我的妈,
不是要反抗  只是要你看,







This is a blog whose owner is nonexistent...

Suppose there is a blog whose owner has deceased... suicide most probably, accident maybe. Anwz the owner is nonexistent anymore. However, when he was still alive, he put so MUCH of his thoughts into the blog that one day, the blog conciously realises that its owner is not around anymore. Or rather, he realises that he is not around anymore, since the blog is nothing but the summation of his thoughts.


So the blog/he decides to write an entry on him not being in this world anymore. The title of the entry is:


"This is a blog whose owner is nonexistent..."


(The music of 'X-Files' starts playing in the background...)



Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Nice sites

Flash game - Is your eyes fast enough?


Time machine for sale - Read the Q&A, it is so funny!






FORCE inversely proportional to TIME (from now to exam)


TIME = FOUR weeks from this very day


The clock is ticking...


Mind feels tired everyday.


Just recovered from burnt out.


Burning out again.


What the hell...





A little joke quoted from Lian He Zao Bao:


What will 2 men and 1 woman do if they are stranded on an deserted island?


Ans. It depends on their nationality.


Italians -

The 2 men will kill each other for the woman.


Americans - 

The 2 men will share the woman.


French -

The 2 men will kill the woman.


Singaporean - 

Nothing will happen. There is no instruction from the government.


Taiwanese -

A man and the woman will run for president and vice president. The other man will form the oppostion.




Feeling better. Back to work.



Disclaimer: This joke does NOT reflect what I feel about people of the countries mentioned, except one.