Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Optimist or Pessimist

A short test to see if you are a optimist or a pessimist:


Imagine you took a quiz that weighs 15% of the total marks of that module and you got half of the answers correct. Would you think:


A. Yeah! I already have 7.5 marks out of a total of 100!


B. Argh! I've already lost 7.5 marks out of a total of 100... =(



If you chose B, you are a pessimist. If you chose A, go on to the next part.



Now to test if you are a very optimistc optismist:


Imagine you took a quiz that weighs 15% of the total marks of that module and you got one-quarter of the answers correct. Would you think:


A. Yeah! I already have about 4 marks out of a total of 100!


B. Argh! I've already lost about 11 marks out of a total of 100... =(



If you chose B, you are normal. If you chose A, you are a very optimistc optismist.



PS. I think I'm a very optimistic optismist...




Sunday, March 26, 2006

'Nice' song


Don't exit this page before you listen to this interesting song! Press the play  button!


I've bought the album by Butak Pantai (at esplanade)!  It has been a long time since I bought a CD.  It has been a longer time since I bought a $20 CD. But well, I think it's worth it (anw so what if it's not? As I said, it has been such a LONG time since I bought a CD =P), despite a little controversy it brought when I was playing it in my hostel room. (My roomie almost go crazy!) 


I strongly recommend that you listen to this song (to see if you go crazy too! =P). I personally feel that it's funny (listen what they say!), creative and nice. However, if you are weak-hearted, feel free to press the stop button. (But I'm sure you won't right? =)


Don't worry if it's making you crazy. I'll only put it up for 3 days before I change to another 'nice' song. Hee...



Thursday, March 23, 2006

NERD, a cok story

在很久很久以前,有一个 49% nerd 住在断前湖湖边。有一天,在那个nerd 钓鱼的时候,他遇见一个姓Boo 的Chiobu。她说:“Hi, I'm Boo... ChioBoo。” Chioboo 接着说:“你这个nerd 没师父指点也能到49% 的境界,真是百年难得一见的人才。好,我决定收你为徒。”就这样,Nerd 拜了 ChioBoo 为师。于是,ChioBoo 把她的绝世武功传授给他: 降书十八读第一式 -- 见书在床 ...


转眼,18年过了。Nerd 已经把降书十八读里的十八式给学完,变成200% nerd, aka Nerd 中之Nerd。他决定去浪迹天涯。可是Nerd 万万没想到,他一离开断前湖,就碰到他的arch enemy - 令人闻风丧胆,人见人恨的。。。搞事 (aka Xam)。搞事是个武功高强的恶霸,喜欢惹事生非。这天他看到 Nerd 经过便说:“Siao eh, 你要去那里? Nerd 抬起头看见搞事回答说:“I beg your pardon? Nim bei 在读书,没听到你在讲什么。”搞事chua4 dio3, 从来没人敢这样跟他讲话。 于是他说了“Soli soli” 就逃走了。从此,Nerd live happily ever after.









 Acknowledgement: This story is inspired by ChioBoo's msn nick.


PS. This is just an experiment on one of the usages of msn nick I thought up with - writing a story with msn nick. Expanding on this idea, how about a lot of people, each contribute a sentence, writing on the same story?? May be a mystery or a puzzle ha? Food for thought... 



Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm a visionary



You Are a Visionary Soul

You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness.
Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul.
You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.
Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.

You have great vision and can be very insightful.
In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself.
Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend.
You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul


Draw a house

Come come, take the personality test. Unleash the artist in you!


My houses:





To view my street just visit:



A tiny drop of music...

...has been dissolved into this blog.


This has been something I wanted to do for a long time. Please feel free to enjoy the relaxing melody of *Bassa Nova music by pressing the little Play button on the left side of the page. The song is called Girl from Ipanema , by Stan Getz and Astrud Gilberto.


*Bassa Nova definition -


A style of music developed in the south east of Brazil that merges samba rhythms with jazz-influenced harmonies and melodies.



Anwz recently a programme in Yes 933 introduced the songs of a local a cappella group call Budak Pantai, which I found is quite interesting and creative. What these musicians do is that they "give songs an extreme makeover... often with hilarious results." This is their website, you can check up the soundclips there. Songs I found quite nice there are Ai Hen Jian Dan , All Rice , The Log Cake Song  and Sar Tan.


There are two songs I like a lot: Yi Bei Cha  and Tribute to Titanic . But too bad it's either too short or not included in the soundchips. But nevermind, I'll put them here once I bought the album. =)





(For my own record purpose)


Jean Eugene Robert Houdin (1805-1871) - Father of Modern Magic


Alexander Herrmann (1843-1896)

Joseph Buatier De Kolta (1848-1903) - magician + tricks seller


John Nevil Maskelyne (1939-1917) - Keller's rival

Harry Kellar (1849-1922) - Maskelyne's rival


David Devant (1868-1941) - Maskelyne's partner

Howard Thurston (1869-1936) - Kellar's successor


Charles Morrit (1860-1936) - Houdini's friend

Harry Houdini (1874-1926)


PT Selbit (1881-1938) - invented Sawing the Lady

Guy Jarrett (1881-1972)


Source: Hidding the Elephant - How Magician Invented the Impossible  by Jim Steinmeyer




Monday, March 20, 2006

My element is Gust (wind)

~ 44% Water ~ 70% Wind ~ 44% Earth ~ 55% Fire ~

I want to live where the sky is big

Simple and free...


Let's see... your personality reminds me of the... Sapphire, the non-red corundum, or its little brother, the Blue Topaz. Your colours are azure, indigo, and a bright yellow or gold.


Out of the seven chakras, the Throat Chakra, which is associated with the element of wind and represents our desire to learn and communicate, seems to be predominant in you. Though this means you are probably the smartest one among your friends, it may result in feeling stressed or nervous or becoming too much of a perfectionist.

You can balance it by wearing a Rose Quartz; its soothing attributes help unwind, enable you to "love thyself", and accept limitations.

A Tarot references concerning your predominant element:

If you are a young lass or lad and still unmarried your card is the Page of Swords. Young women, especially married ones, identify with the Queen of Swords, also known as the Queen of Spades. If you are a young, unmarried man, you are the Knight of Swords, and married or mature males are identified with the King of Sword, commonly known as the King of Spades. Ladies and gentlemen, here is your intelligent man you've been looking for.

These are the results you will get if you score highly on...

None of the four elements: Balance Wind: Gust Fire: Blaze Water: River Earth: Valley Wind & Fire: Thunder Wind & Water: Clouds Wind & Earth: Canyon Fire & Earth: Lava Fire & Water: Tornado Water & Earth: Trees Wind, Fire & Earth: Storm Wind, Fire & Water: Stars Wind, Water & Earth: Forest Fire, Water & Earth: Avalanche All four elements: Harmony




Just as expected. Intercept too much wind le.



Sunday, March 19, 2006

3000 page views

The most useless visitor tracker in the world - of the 3000 page views, I think 2900 is mine.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


歌曲: 忙与盲      歌手: 黄立行









I just read a friend's blog. I just realised


I am so busy that I forgot to watch HuangCheng.

My friends are so busy that they forgot to ask me to watch HuangCheng.


Well well...



Monday, March 13, 2006

MSN nick



This is my friend's msn nick. My first reaction:


"Wah Kao!"


I think she never read my blog, so it doesn't matter. Anyway she's my JC CCA mate. She is a very good friend of mine, once. But we almost never contact each other any more. She has her own life, I have mine. I guess it's inevitable in all friendships. I am glad to know such a nice girl like her though. =)


However everytime I think of her I just can't help comparing between she and I. Heaven is so unfair.


She's very pretty. She's cultured. She knows dance, practices chinese calligraphy etc etc. (Note: even our president also practice calligraphy.) She has a boyfriend. She's about to graduate if not graduated already. She joined PAP. She can think of such a chim nick. She is not from LEP, that means chinese is not her strongest forte. (In fact I won't be surprised if any of my LEP friends have this nick.) She has a bright future.



(And she's typical of most of my female JC friends from my batch.)


I'm not pretty. (I didn't say I'm not handsome though.) I'm not very cultured. I know how to scold bad words, and stop practicing calligrapgy years ago. A girlfriend don't have me. I have still a long way to graduation. I joined SLP. I can never think of a chim nick. I only know 天将降大任于斯人也, 必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身。And it is too long to be a nick. I studied A level higher chinese, yet my chinese also buay zai, england no nit to say le. Lastly, if I "以古为镜", I can foresee I will do tutorials until I die.


Haiz... Life... Sianz....



Sunday, March 5, 2006

See stars

Look at this formula that appears in my lecture notes:


iD = ID - id

Somehow I just can't help but feel du lan.  I find it hard even to compare whether it is the same formula as this:


id = iD - ID


Is it the same??



Wednesday, March 1, 2006

A new look

Just discovered this fiery theme and I think it looks very nice. Therefore I'll keep it around for a while. In case you noticed, I've changed the title of my blog also. In case you never noticed, the old name was called 'Random Ramblings', which is quite cliche I think. So I've decided to change the title to an example of a random rambling - hence 'What are the Orcs?'. You guys don't know what it means right? It's ok, you are not alone. Me also dunno. As I've said, it's random and it's a rambling, so it doesn't necessarily need to mean anything. This also applies to the philosophy of my blog also -all the entries here are just ramblings (synonym: crap) and I guess this particular entry demostrate this very well.


But well, who care anwz?


Btw this fiery background can be associated with the very popular comic that  I'm reading now - Fire Phantom Patient Guy (loosely translated from 火影忍者), also known as Naruto. Heheh. Those who are interested can read it from this website:



Highly recommended... It's a 5 star comic man!


Here's another link to another:


Nice comic also. Bleach.


That's all folks.