Monday, March 13, 2006

MSN nick



This is my friend's msn nick. My first reaction:


"Wah Kao!"


I think she never read my blog, so it doesn't matter. Anyway she's my JC CCA mate. She is a very good friend of mine, once. But we almost never contact each other any more. She has her own life, I have mine. I guess it's inevitable in all friendships. I am glad to know such a nice girl like her though. =)


However everytime I think of her I just can't help comparing between she and I. Heaven is so unfair.


She's very pretty. She's cultured. She knows dance, practices chinese calligraphy etc etc. (Note: even our president also practice calligraphy.) She has a boyfriend. She's about to graduate if not graduated already. She joined PAP. She can think of such a chim nick. She is not from LEP, that means chinese is not her strongest forte. (In fact I won't be surprised if any of my LEP friends have this nick.) She has a bright future.



(And she's typical of most of my female JC friends from my batch.)


I'm not pretty. (I didn't say I'm not handsome though.) I'm not very cultured. I know how to scold bad words, and stop practicing calligrapgy years ago. A girlfriend don't have me. I have still a long way to graduation. I joined SLP. I can never think of a chim nick. I only know 天将降大任于斯人也, 必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身。And it is too long to be a nick. I studied A level higher chinese, yet my chinese also buay zai, england no nit to say le. Lastly, if I "以古为镜", I can foresee I will do tutorials until I die.


Haiz... Life... Sianz....



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