Saturday, May 14, 2005

Opening Ceremony

It has been exactly a month since this blog site's birthday on 14th Apr, and I'm opening it to friends today! 14th Apr... that's a special date... it's one day before my end of year exam! I think lots of blog sites are started during exam periods, since that's the time when they are most sianz. (Michelle, right? =) Anwz as the site's name implies, there's nothing much inside here, jus tons of 废话, so don't take it so seriously. Also, my ang mo buay siu (buay siu - adj. 1.cannot swim 2.cannot make it) one, pardon me for my bad english k?


Let me now introduce you to the different sections of my blogs.  


Do not enter - You have been warned. This's where I put my rubbish writings. Okok, I admit everything in this site is rubbish, but well, some rubbish is more rubbish than the others, and this's where I put the most rubbish of the rubbish. For a taste of what's inside, this entry is placed under this category. My estimate is that people wont stay for more than 30 seconds inside. Enter at your own risk.  


art /a:t/ n  the expression of creativity - This is where I put some nice pictures and music, articles regarding visual arts, music, movies, magic, architecture, design and so on. Currently nothing much inside, and it's mostly for my own reference. Pop by if you have time.


Makan for thought - Some articles that stimulates you intellectually and spritually. Almost all copied from somewhere, and because I copied too much le so this site is opened to friends only. (I've been wondering: copy say copy lah, why use such a chim word like plagiarize?)Anwz the contents inside is quite interesting, I think.


My views on... - Here's where I write my views on politics, current affairs, philosophies etc etc, ie. anything under the sun, rubbish mostly. And as I've said, don't take it too seriously.


放我出去 - exit to some less rubbish, less crazy blog sites, mostly my friends' and juniors'. Mostly for my own use, when I'm tramatised of my own site. To owners of those blogs which links are put here, you won't mind right? If you mind tell me, I'll take away the link. 


Nothing much to say le. Anwz I imagined this site to be a external harddisk for my brain, something like the device (what's its name?) used by Professor Dumbledore to put his extra thoughts, knowledge and memory in Harry Potter. This blog site is not like a normal blogsite where people penned down their feelings & thought everyday. I only write when there's something to write (or copy). So I suggest that you read the entries according the categories. And some of the entries are for my own future reference. All in all, welcome to have a look inside. Give some comments k?


Have a nice day!



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