Friday, May 13, 2005

Religions (Part 2)

We've came to Christianity. Here I would like to quote from Douglas Adam's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979) , which was copied from XiaXue's site:


"The Babel fish," said the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy quietly, "is small, yellow and leechlike, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. (......) The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language.


"Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof for the nonexistance of God.


"The argument goes something like this: 'I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, 'for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.'


" 'But,' says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It would not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED.'


" 'Oh dear,' said God, "I haven't thought of that,' and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic."


Frankly speaking, there's no other religion that requires more 'faith' than Christianity. 'Join Christianity or you go to HELL!' Not that I'm not sympathetic towards the sufferings Jesus underwent for us, not that I'm sure that God doesn't exist (I'm neutral), but I think it'll take quite a lot for me to believe that go to hell thing.


Anwz, assuming God exists and He did pass words to his messengers, isn't possible for those messengers, or people who listened to those messengers, to misinterpret His messages? Afterall, it has proven on a several instances that people's interpretation of His messages is wrong. Sun doesn't revolves around Earth. Earth wasn't created just a few thousand years ago. If not for the church, Copernicus and Dawin won't have such a hard time.


And this leads to my next question: if it's possible for people to misinterpret God's messages, is it possible for people to delibrately misinterpret God's messages? Or even, put words into God's mouth and said that God declared this and this?? If not, why are there witch hunts, where women deemed as witches (note: some may be innocent) were burnt at stake? Was our almighty God so tulan with these mere mortal women that they've to be treated so cruelly? (Isn't God all forgiving? Or He has some 'higher plan' for them?) Or was some people (head of the church probably) just psychotic? What about wars 'in God's name'? Doesn't God tells us to love our enemies? And if I didn't remember wrongly, doesn't 1 of the 10 commandments tells us that 'Thou shall not kill'?


Must we have faith in everything people say God says? Remember: faith = believe blindly.


In my opinion, religions started out good, but has been misinterpreted/corrupted by people as times goes on. Now, it's just a source of power for those who control the faithful masses who believed in the religion. What I feel is, believe in or join whatever religion you want, but do not believe blindly. For me myself, I only believe in one 'religion': I won't even join any religion. Instead, I will just adopt useful teachings from all religions. With regard to any teachings that's threatening and illogical, I'll jus f it and go to sleep (睡教).



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