Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Religions (Part 1)

I'm writing this entry partly because I've wanted to pen down my religious (or non-religious) thoughts for a long time, and also partly because I felt some 共鸣 after reading XiaXue's entry on Christianity. As far as I can remember, I don't have good opinions on religions ever since I was young. I remember I even made a girl to throw away her Buddha pendent when I was in kindergarden. Haha 我这么小就做孽了! =P Anwz here are my doubts on the 3 major religions, namely Taoism, Buddism and Christianity. (Islam is out of the question coz I'm slightly racist.)


I admit I dunno much about Taoism, I just know that it evolves from 老庄's teaching. 老庄 advocate 'be one with nature', but it seems to me that rituals that the Tao priests do are so unnatural, so... fake. How is it that a religion can deviate so much from some famous sages' teaching and claim that it's based on their teaching? Is it brand name or something?


Buddism. Of the three religions, I most incline towards Buddism's school of thought. However, I'm sceptical on the religion itself. Buddha's teaching told us that everything keeps changing (诸行无常), therefore realise that everything is just mirage (虚幻); We must put away material & emotional wants & needs (四大皆空), & most importantly, the concept of 'self' (诸法无我). Once we achieve these, we'll attain an enlightened / happy state, ie. nirvana (涅磐寂静 - the second word is spelt wrongly, it shld be 木 instead of 石). This's the aim of the religion. However, how come we can see monks driving Mercedes? Maybe they are so enlightened that Merz means nothing to them. It's just a form of transport.




(To be continued...)



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