Friday, May 27, 2005

Praise to Geoge Lucas

After watching the final episode of the Star Wars prelude trilogy (finally), I would like to commend Geoge Lucas for his creativity & ability creating such an exciting & exotic universe. However I would only give his Revenge of the Sith 3.5 stars. DO NOT turn away from the movie by my poor rating. I strongly recommend the entire Star Wars 'sixology' to everyone, but I've my own personal reasons for the rating.

When asked to comment on the poor rating given by reviewers on all 3 episodes of his Star Wars Prelude, George Lucas just shrugged and said, "Well, people watching Star Wars (prelude) can be divided in to 2 groups, those over 30 and those below 30. Those over 30 don't really like it but young people like it a lot. Since most of the reviewers belong to the 'over 30' category, it doesn't really matter."

Being a Star Wars fan, I've great anticipation for the movie, especially after so many people saying that it's a great movie. However, after watching Revenge I didn't feel the kind of elation I feel after I watch a good (4-stars) movie, like A Beautiful Mind, Matrix etc. I just find it an average movie, despite exciting lightsaber duels & battles, exotic worlds, beautifully designed weapons and starships, ironic development of storyline (Anakin cause the death of the woman he loves by trying to save her), and I'm not yet 30. After some thinking, I know why.

The problem is: I'm a Star Wars fan! I know the story of Star Wars inside out. I knew Papatine is Darth Sidius. I knew the Jedi will be massacred. I knew Anakin will turned bad. That's the problem with making a prelude: people know the ending before watching the movie, so they are just watching for how it reach that ending. All the twists and turns have little effects on them. It's an uphill battle for the story teller. Lucas did a good job though for coming up with something that we didn't expect (the irony). I can imagine how good the movie for someone who I don't know what I knew. (Sadly the reviewers know as much as I do, so they gave the same rating as I gave :P)

One might wonder why Lucas prefered to make a prelude instead of a follow up? Well, as a hard-core Star Wars fan maybe I can answer for him. Because the original Star Wars story is so well-written, a dozen of writers like Kelvin J Anderson, Timothy Zahn's (to name the two I like best) had written dozens of novels which develop the story from just after Return of the Jedi, to 10+ years later, where Leia and Han Solo have 3 kids and growing up fast. And what do you do when you find it hard to write an extension? You write a prelude. Simple.

One seldom sees a story so well written that it inspired so many writers, programmers, toys companies etc. and being continued indefinitely. I can only think of a few universes that is comparable to the Star Wars universe, in terms of size and quality, Tokien's Middle Earth and X-Men universe. That's why I admire George Lucas. He's a genius. Those who haven't watched Star Wars should watch it.


PS. Here's one Star Wars inspired joke I copied from It's to demostrate that Star Wars is so good that it can even inspire stupid jokes like this. Haha, it's damn funny =P But be warned: it contains sexual explicit contents...  



Imagine a female Yoda...

Girl Yoda: "Kenny sweetums. Horny I am. F**k me you must!"
Kenny: "Yes, master."

*Undress. Kenny mounts Yoda*

Girl Yoda: "Mmmmm.... Very nice that feels. Long lightsabre, you have!"
Kenny: "Thank you, master."
Girl Yoda: "Ooooh, f**k me harder my padawan! Use the Force! USE THE FORCE!"
Kenny: "Ohhh... Yes, master."
Girl Yoda: "Stop you must not! Cumming I am! CUMMING I AM!"
Kenny: "Hold on, master!"
Girl Yoda: "AAAAH!"

*BOOM! Yoda explodes*





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