Friday, May 13, 2005

Religions (Post Scripts)

PS. With regards to 'Join Christianity or you go to HELL!' statement, some may say that's because we have sinned, and only if you believe in Jesus that you'll be pardoned. Fine, I admit I've sinned. But according to Christian belief, even new-borned babies are sinned. Why? Great, now everyone is sinned so everyone has to join Christianity so as not to go to hell, even babies. I can only see 3 rationale for this: 1) Head of Church came up with this thinking (slogan) to encourage (threaten) people to join Christianity. I can imagine it worked very well to uneducated mass in ancient times. I don't mean the pastors are delibrately cheating us in present day. I believe they've absolute faith in the truthfullness of the statement (Take note of the word 'faith'). But that doesn't make it true. 2) It makes it easier for Christians to deal with deaths, of themselves and of relatives. True, it's more comforting to think one goes heaven when one pass on, but that doesn't make it true either. In this case though, it doesn't matter. 3) It's true.

Somehow, I feel that case 1) is more likely. Just a personal opinion.


PPS. No offence meant to anyone believing in any of the religions mention above. I'm just expressing my opinions & doubts. Anyone with comments or answers please tell me. I'm interested.



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