Thursday, February 22, 2007

Eating words

"National Library Board is very kind nowadays (during holidays); it let us borrow 8 books instead of 4. But BEWARE, it is a TRAP!!! The borrowing duration is still the same! Nowadays, who the hell can read 8 books in 3 weeks?! It's trying to make you over borrow, return them overdue, and they make $$$! Lao3 gan1! "


- From my previous entry



Today I did something peculiar - I paid $21 to upgrade my library basic membership to premium membership...


... so that I can borrow 8 books instead of 4!  


Stupid influx of comics, made me eat my words. Now I've 5 books in my reserved list! Woohoo! My favourite Marvel comics coming soon!


Besides reading comics, I've also tried out novels by this author called Neil Gaiman. Just finished Stardust, quite nice. Reading the story feels like piecing jigsaw puzzle... seemingly unrelated scenes and characters were linked together, often in suprising ways, as you progess towards the end. The characters were colorful and interesting - evil witch, woman-transformed bird, scheming princes, fallen star-transformed girl, simple village boy etc. A fairy-tale fantasy. Good read. =)


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gong Xi Gong Xi!!!

What I'm going to write has no link whatsoever with the above entry title, except for the fact that it is written on zheng4 yue4 chu1 yi1. Why then do I use this title? Cos I can't think of a title for this entry... it is all random ramblings... hmmm... maybe I should change the title of this entry to 'Ramblings'. But liddat what I just wrote will become fei4 hua4! Alamak! Better don't change. However, what I wrote was fei hua anyway wat, so... erm...


(Shit, I have a tendency to discourage/ turn off people who read my blogs, and, I enjoyed doing that!  Read my blog at your own risk. =)


Time to blog proper. I just did a very interesting thing a few minutes ago-- Making Iced Almond Mocha! Let me tell you my secret recipe:


Cocoa Powder  x2 tsp.
Almond Powder  x2 tsp.
Sugar  x2 tsp.
Owl Coffee Bag  x1
Ice cubes, alot alot.


Result: It sucks!!!


(Hence the 'ice cubes, alot alot'.)


And I'm drinking that disaster now. Yucks!


. . . . . .


Gong Xi Gong Xi (Take 2)

Damned. My mind is just full of crap... Argh! Guess I'll start off by replying to Singying's comments.


"Coz if comparing with your past experience, it may be lacking but there's definitely some good in there that you can be happy about wor "


Actually Singying's right. At least, I was there at the conceptualization stage of the production (Preproduction), where the directors and producers spent many nights brainstorming ideas for the script. Although sometime it feels very 'bek chek' that any ideas that I brought up have to go through 3 Directors, 1 stupid Admin Co-Pro (haha!) and sometimes the Producer herself, it was really quite fun working for a cause... to create something out of nothing, from an idea to a public performance... it is a feeling that can't be described. =)


The only thing that makes me feel uncomfortable is that the script is not original... but it can't be helped la. We simply don't have time to write a new script. The commitee of Producers and Directors were formed just before last year's exams. I just hope that someone will write an original script for Hall Production next year. (I know there are some very bright and creative pple out there reading my blog now. Would YOU want to try writing a script? I promise you it will be fun! =)


In retrospect, maybe what's actually making me unhappy (last time) is the realisation of my incompetence as a Tech Director. Despite that I've been working in theatre productions for 4 times prior to the latest one, I know too little of theatre works to offer much ideas to the producers and directors. That's because I've been doing plays, but I haven't been watching plays. From now on I'm going to watch lots of plays, and study every technical aspects (effects, props, lights, sound, costime) used at every opportunity, starting with 《暗恋桃花源》this coming sat! Next year I will be the most zai... Props Subcom... in the production! Yeah!


P.S. SY, I gave u potato wedges and yet you didn't thank me that night. *Disappointed* =( Haha! Kidding!  


Gong Xi Gong Xi (Take 3)

Anw here's a short update. Life has been getting kinda boring in the office nowadays. Work has fallen into routine, everyday doing pretty much the same thing. Life has also been getting kinda boring outside office nowadays. Now with no production to do, there is nothing to do. 


In short, life has been getting kinda boring.


So, I've been blog surfing alot, reading friend's blog, even friend's friend's blog. So much so that my stupid company's stupid sercurity software blocked my blog! ('Cos I access my friends' blog through the links in my blog.) Tulan! Now can only play Pinball in the office le (highscore 6,000,000+, who can break?). 


The other main source of entertainment for me now is reading comics / manga / graphic novels. Due to the high influx of comics at National Library (at Bras Basah) recently, I've been borrowing a lot of comics home. Of particular interest is the New X-Men series by Grant Morrison that I'm reading now. Intriguing plot with depth, and a different look for the classic X-Men. Nice. I've also made arrangements with a certain library in Sembawang (HAHA!) to borrow Bleach and Ragnarok. Looking forward to it. Hehe! =P




Today is the first day of Chinese New Year, yet I feel kinda low spirit today. Dunno why. Maybe it's because I don't really feel like meeting those relatives ba. When I was small, I still can happily entertain myself by playing with toys / computer games / other kids in other pple's house. Now grown up, what to do? We talk. What's there to talk about? - How's school? What level? What grades? Got gf? Work where? Blah blah blah.






Stay as a kid better. Don't need to worry so much. Just play and play. =)


Friday, February 16, 2007

What tarot card are you?

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


Actually, I would prefer 'The Magician'. But I'm happy and contented with 'The Sun'. =)


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dating Strengths and Weaknesses

'Goped' from Singying's blog...


Dating Strengths
Dating Weaknesses
1. Open-Mindedness - 72.7%
2. Sense of Humor - 71.4%
3. Financial Situation - 69.2%
4. Flirtiness - 62.5%
5. Friendliness - 62.5%
1. Appearance - 77.8%
2. Selfishness - 54.5%

Dating Strengths Explained
Open-Mindedness - You are open to trying new things and entertaining new ideas, and this widens your pool of available girls.
Sense of Humor - Girls are attracted to people with a good sense of humor. Be sure to put yours on display!
Financial Situation - You've got your financial situation under control, which is a very desirable quality. Be careful to avoid girls who are only interested in your money.
Flirtiness - Flirting is a good way to break the ice, and you are a pro at it. Being flirtatious will open up many dating opportunities.
Friendliness - Your friendliness makes you approachable and fun to be around. A wide circle of friends also works to your advantage on the dating scene.
Dating Weaknesses Explained
Appearance - Devoting a greater effort at making good first impressions is a must. Try to be fit and develop a style if you want to catch a girl's attention.
Selfishness - You think too much of yourself and your needs. You must learn to put your partner first and tend to her needs.
Dating Strengths and Weaknesses Quiz by Dating Diversions

Appearance! How true! LOL!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Frankly speaking, I was not as ecstatic as I thought I would be when the production ends. In fact, I was not ecstatic at all. A couple of reasons ba...


Firstly, I was tired... and cold.


Secondly, I didn't get the "wand" (a little gift from the actors) during xie4 mu4, unlike the 1st night's xie mu. (They took back to 'reuse' but forgot to bring! Haha!) But seriously, I was a tiny mini bit saddened by the fact that no gifts were given to anyone during the last night's xie mu. Giving of gifts during xie mus (usually by the actors to directors and subcoms to their heads) shows that there is love within the big production family and it is really very heartwarming. Absence of this 'ritual' somehow gives the feel that the production lacks something...


...The memory of receiving a BIG soft toy from my Publicity Group during xie mu at my senior year's Huang Cheng still makes me smile sometimes... =)


Actually thought of asking one of the Props subcoms (Weiling) to get sth to present to the overworked Props Heads during xie mu that afternoon... but in the end I didn't. It just doesn't feel quite right. Well...


Thirdly, I didn't feel as much satisfaction as I did for the past productions. I've been too slack! Haiz... The role of a Technical Director is a slippery one - the 'Technical' part can easily be covered by the various Tech Heads; the 'Director' part can easily be covered by the Directors; the left-overs, by SMs. Added with the fact that I didn't stay in hall, I simply can't contribute much, however much I wanted to. (Ya I know what you all think. I really want to contribute. =)


Regretted being a Tech Director. Should have joined back as a mere stagehand. (Props Head too xiong le, once is enough. =)


Lastly. One of my friends told me straight in the face after the show that the jokes are damn lame and the story is quite sucky, especially the ending. Burst the illusion (I had) that the show is good, instantly. Plus...


I wrote the ending.


More accurately speaking, I edited the original script's ending to the new one we see in the show, according to the other directors' idea. It is not my fault. I'm against editing the original script in the first place. When I read the original script, I was absolutely impressed. It's a 5 stars script! How can you edit an already perfect script and still make it better??? But sadly I was overruled due to copyright reasons, and the story became abit... strange, when time travel comes into the picture.  Not my fault. Still...


I wrote the ending.


And I agreed with what my friend said. In fact, I knew all along. It not that good, compared to the original.


Well, to be fair, it is good enough for the majority of the audience. No one got the 'Woah!' feeling after watching the show, but at the very least, (I hope) they had a good laugh and enjoyed the show. Most importantly, everyone said that it's better than last year's performance!


I guess I should be happy with what we have got.


And indeed I should be happy, coz at least there is still ONE person who thank me during the debriefing (for asking her to join production, haha! =P)


For those who are interested in reading the original script written by professional, feel free to msg me. I'll tell you where to find it. (It'll involve a trip to the library... I don't have it, paiseh.)



Sunday, February 4, 2007


n.   the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living



For the past few weeks while I've been working meaninglessly in the office, reading meaningless books, playing meaningless computer

games etc etc, ie. living a meaningless life. As a result, I've been pondering very hard about one of the biggest unanswered question:


"What is the meaning of LIFE?"


I've explored many different philosophies and theories until finally... I've came up with a very simple answer.


It is not: "LIFE has no meaning."


It is simply: "I don't know."


Well well, although I don't know what is the meaning of LIFE, I do know what it is not - as I've stated above, it is not "no meaning". Why?

Because of... DEATH.


DEATH is the absence of LIFE, it is precisely because of the fact that you WILL die that makes your life have a meaning. Imagine a world where everything and everyone, I mean EVERYone and EVERYthing, is as tall as each other, then there will be no such words as 'short' and 'tall' or even 'height'. These words simply have no meaning in such a world! Imagine there is no mother (oops), no government, no society etc that oppress you, and forbid you from doing this and doing that, then the word 'FREEDOM' has no meaning! (Thanks to my mum, I truly valued the freedom I have. In fact, now that I moved back home from hall, I feel like a freedom fighter!)


Similarly, if u live forever, life will have no meaning. The meaning of LIFE lies in the fact that you will inevitably die. It is 'DEATH' which gives 'LIFE' its intrinsic meaning.


But the stubborn and persistent YOU may still asked:


"Damn you, Jiefeng! You are so full of shit! You still haven't tell us what is the meaning of life! How do I know if what I do in life is meaningful or meaningless??"


To that the 'wise' me will smiling reply:


"Don't worry about that, brother/sister. Anything you do have meaning (including the 'full of shit' you said just now), just because of the fact that you are living while you are doing it.


Just do what you like! =)"


As for what you should do... Your lifestyle will depend mostly on your life philosophy, and one will be as good as any other. And that will be another story.




n.  a distinctive way of expressing, doing, performing something


Let me tell you about my life philosophy / religion / style. My life philosophy consists of mainly Epicureanism (a branch of Hedonism, without the sexual connotation) and Capitalism, plus 10% of Zen Buddism, 10% of Taoism, 5% of Confucianism, added with a very slight tint of Cyrenaicism (another branch of Hedonism) and Caffaine Addiction. Note: my philosophy most probably contains some trace of Christianity, depending on the probability of God existing (which is currently about 0.01% at the moment, I think).


Surprisingly, there IS a name for my kind of rojak and confusing and conflicting philosophy. It is, in all its different configurations, called "Free Thinkism". Its practitioner is commonly called the "Free Thinker".


I'll explain (very) briefly the different components of my version of Free Thinkism.


Capitalism - The belief that capital (money) is most important.


Zen Buddism - The belief that being Peaceful is most important. All the rest is not important, and certainly not capital. ("六根清净")


Taoism - Important? Not important? It is all part of the Tao, just like everything else. Erm... So what is the Tao? Sorry, I can't explain. ("道可道,非常道。") Liddat ah, how? Do nothing lor. ("无为")


Confucianism - The belief that being a gentleman/woman is most important. ("君子 blah blah blah...") And that women give men, gentle or otherwise, the most headaches. ("女子与小人难养也。")


Christianity - The belief that 1. God is most important and that 2. the belief in belief no.1 will ensure that you won't go to Hell after you die.


And lastly, the main bulk of my beliefs:


Hedonism - The belief that happiness/pleasure (and the pursue of it) is the most important. Everything you do is to get pleasure out of it.


Since Hedonism is the main bulk of my philosophy, I'll talk a little more about it. Actually there is a little problem associated with Hedonism: short-term pleasure always translate to long-term displeasure. (Try play World of Warcraft twenty-four hours everyday for one sem.) So the question is, what do you do about this? This divides hedonism into two branches.


Cyrenaicism - The belief that life should be dedicated to the pursuit of intense pleasures despite the intense pains that follows, so that life won't be boring.


Epicureanism (my main belief) - The belief that life should be dedicated to the maximising of pleasures and the minimising of pains. Generally, pleasure comes from the satisfaction of desires and pain comes from not satisfying desires. So to maximise pleasures and minimise pains, you have to take care of what your desires are and restrict them to those which are easy to satisfy. What desires are easy to satisfy? Those you are in control and independent on other pple, eg. eat, sleep, read, and play computer games. These can be easily satisfied, as compared to those that you have no control and dependent on other pple, eg. hoping to get leave from your supervisor, getting a girlfriend, waiting for pple who don't reply SMSes to reply your SMS (arghhhh!!!) etc. All these desires have to be curbed if you want to minimise pains.



... So, to summarise my confusing life philosophy - Free Thinkism V6.0 (my own unique version) into one sentence, it is to


Be a peaceful gentleman who is very very happy and can get tons and tons of money... while doing nothing (heehee)... and go heaven after that. =P


Personally, I think the last part is God-damned hard (sorry for the pun), I think I'll think abt it when the time comes...


Hmmm, so what is your life philosophy?


Is it Existentialism (life is nothing except choices, in fact, the only thing you can't choose is not to choose), Stoicism (you've to put up with what you've got cos there isn't a thing you can do about it), Satanism (do whatever you want and screw other pple, worshipping devil at the same time), Darwinism (survival of the fittest) etc etc, or a combination of some, or all?


P.S. My explanations of the different thinkings are very very very very shallow. Please read up on them if you are interested. Recommended readings: Everything I Know I Learned From TV and Philosopher at the End of the Universe by Mark Rowlands, Taking the Red Pill: Science, Philosophy and Religion from the Matrix by Glenn Yeffeth, the various comics on chinese philosophies by 蔡志中.