Sunday, February 4, 2007


n.   the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living



For the past few weeks while I've been working meaninglessly in the office, reading meaningless books, playing meaningless computer

games etc etc, ie. living a meaningless life. As a result, I've been pondering very hard about one of the biggest unanswered question:


"What is the meaning of LIFE?"


I've explored many different philosophies and theories until finally... I've came up with a very simple answer.


It is not: "LIFE has no meaning."


It is simply: "I don't know."


Well well, although I don't know what is the meaning of LIFE, I do know what it is not - as I've stated above, it is not "no meaning". Why?

Because of... DEATH.


DEATH is the absence of LIFE, it is precisely because of the fact that you WILL die that makes your life have a meaning. Imagine a world where everything and everyone, I mean EVERYone and EVERYthing, is as tall as each other, then there will be no such words as 'short' and 'tall' or even 'height'. These words simply have no meaning in such a world! Imagine there is no mother (oops), no government, no society etc that oppress you, and forbid you from doing this and doing that, then the word 'FREEDOM' has no meaning! (Thanks to my mum, I truly valued the freedom I have. In fact, now that I moved back home from hall, I feel like a freedom fighter!)


Similarly, if u live forever, life will have no meaning. The meaning of LIFE lies in the fact that you will inevitably die. It is 'DEATH' which gives 'LIFE' its intrinsic meaning.


But the stubborn and persistent YOU may still asked:


"Damn you, Jiefeng! You are so full of shit! You still haven't tell us what is the meaning of life! How do I know if what I do in life is meaningful or meaningless??"


To that the 'wise' me will smiling reply:


"Don't worry about that, brother/sister. Anything you do have meaning (including the 'full of shit' you said just now), just because of the fact that you are living while you are doing it.


Just do what you like! =)"


As for what you should do... Your lifestyle will depend mostly on your life philosophy, and one will be as good as any other. And that will be another story.



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