Thursday, February 22, 2007

Eating words

"National Library Board is very kind nowadays (during holidays); it let us borrow 8 books instead of 4. But BEWARE, it is a TRAP!!! The borrowing duration is still the same! Nowadays, who the hell can read 8 books in 3 weeks?! It's trying to make you over borrow, return them overdue, and they make $$$! Lao3 gan1! "


- From my previous entry



Today I did something peculiar - I paid $21 to upgrade my library basic membership to premium membership...


... so that I can borrow 8 books instead of 4!  


Stupid influx of comics, made me eat my words. Now I've 5 books in my reserved list! Woohoo! My favourite Marvel comics coming soon!


Besides reading comics, I've also tried out novels by this author called Neil Gaiman. Just finished Stardust, quite nice. Reading the story feels like piecing jigsaw puzzle... seemingly unrelated scenes and characters were linked together, often in suprising ways, as you progess towards the end. The characters were colorful and interesting - evil witch, woman-transformed bird, scheming princes, fallen star-transformed girl, simple village boy etc. A fairy-tale fantasy. Good read. =)


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