Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Frankly speaking, I was not as ecstatic as I thought I would be when the production ends. In fact, I was not ecstatic at all. A couple of reasons ba...


Firstly, I was tired... and cold.


Secondly, I didn't get the "wand" (a little gift from the actors) during xie4 mu4, unlike the 1st night's xie mu. (They took back to 'reuse' but forgot to bring! Haha!) But seriously, I was a tiny mini bit saddened by the fact that no gifts were given to anyone during the last night's xie mu. Giving of gifts during xie mus (usually by the actors to directors and subcoms to their heads) shows that there is love within the big production family and it is really very heartwarming. Absence of this 'ritual' somehow gives the feel that the production lacks something...


...The memory of receiving a BIG soft toy from my Publicity Group during xie mu at my senior year's Huang Cheng still makes me smile sometimes... =)


Actually thought of asking one of the Props subcoms (Weiling) to get sth to present to the overworked Props Heads during xie mu that afternoon... but in the end I didn't. It just doesn't feel quite right. Well...


Thirdly, I didn't feel as much satisfaction as I did for the past productions. I've been too slack! Haiz... The role of a Technical Director is a slippery one - the 'Technical' part can easily be covered by the various Tech Heads; the 'Director' part can easily be covered by the Directors; the left-overs, by SMs. Added with the fact that I didn't stay in hall, I simply can't contribute much, however much I wanted to. (Ya I know what you all think. I really want to contribute. =)


Regretted being a Tech Director. Should have joined back as a mere stagehand. (Props Head too xiong le, once is enough. =)


Lastly. One of my friends told me straight in the face after the show that the jokes are damn lame and the story is quite sucky, especially the ending. Burst the illusion (I had) that the show is good, instantly. Plus...


I wrote the ending.


More accurately speaking, I edited the original script's ending to the new one we see in the show, according to the other directors' idea. It is not my fault. I'm against editing the original script in the first place. When I read the original script, I was absolutely impressed. It's a 5 stars script! How can you edit an already perfect script and still make it better??? But sadly I was overruled due to copyright reasons, and the story became abit... strange, when time travel comes into the picture.  Not my fault. Still...


I wrote the ending.


And I agreed with what my friend said. In fact, I knew all along. It not that good, compared to the original.


Well, to be fair, it is good enough for the majority of the audience. No one got the 'Woah!' feeling after watching the show, but at the very least, (I hope) they had a good laugh and enjoyed the show. Most importantly, everyone said that it's better than last year's performance!


I guess I should be happy with what we have got.


And indeed I should be happy, coz at least there is still ONE person who thank me during the debriefing (for asking her to join production, haha! =P)


For those who are interested in reading the original script written by professional, feel free to msg me. I'll tell you where to find it. (It'll involve a trip to the library... I don't have it, paiseh.)




  1. About the ending right.. I got say sometime during the bunk in period that shouldn\'t put it in so that there will be a x-factor right? But then after that I told you i changed my opinion.. Didn\'t get to explain..

    i still think \'less is more\' is better.. but then during the performance.. I personally feel quite strongly that if the actors get it right, together with the music and everything..it will fit very very nicely together... Enhances the feeling towards the last scene.. [<-suddenly struck me during full run on friday and confirmed on friday actual][<-not so sure about saturday though] It\'s that feeling, i can\'t really point out what kind...

    "The role of a Technical Director is a slippery one - the \'Technical\' part can easily be covered by the various Tech Heads; the \'Director\' part can easily be covered by the Directors; the left-overs, by SMs."
    Maybe true lor..but I disagree lah... you got your way of handling things, of being concerned over the tech side etc..that SMs cannot \'cover\' one wor..

    Aiyo.. see you like that also don\'t know what to say... I\'m bad with words =x Plus i\'m guilty of not thanking you=X (until after)

    Take it as another kind of experience ba.. *thinks* Coz if comparing with your past experience, it may be lacking but there\'s definitely some good in there that you can be happy about wor

  2. Oops, forgot to add one thing after that..



    P.S. Yes, i\'m longwinded.. haha..
    P.S 的 P.S And i meant what i say in that long winded sms too.. haha..Thanks!
