Friday, November 23, 2007


Wednesday was my Web Application Design exam. For five days before that, I've been staring at the computer screen practicing webpage programming. FIVE ENTIRE DAYS!! It must have damaged my mind somehow... cos when I came back from the exam, on my computer, opened my Internet Explorer and surfed the net...


...I saw the webpages in their source codes!!! 




HAHA! Thought I've gone kee siao... But maybe, just maybe, that was the experience of becoming enlightened...


Maybe I am beginning to pierce through the thin veil of perceived "reality" to see the baser elements - the truth - beyond.




... I am the ONE ?!?


From now on I shall have a new angmo name:






"The answer is out there, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to." - Trinity 






Shit. I must be mad. I'm having "delusions of grandeur" like Peter Petrelli's father (who commited suicide). Hmmm... or maybe I am like Peter Petrelli before he had his powers??


Ok. Now my angmo name is Peter. 










  1. Opps, I "sent" the msg to you instead of commenting... -___-"Haa!Brain fried or exams stress?:D

  2. LOL!!Jiefeng.. you okie anot? Lol.. you sure you okie? You\'re on your way to attain Nirvana..(one step closer to Buddha!) Congrats! You have been officially promoted to position Bodhisattva (aka Guan Yin level).. lol! this post really lol.I want Heros!!!! I stop at 18? <- you pass me till 13 issit?

  3. Does Guan Yin see source codes when she surf net? Haha!
    Hmmm I\'ve deleted it... but I will see what I can do... I think ric have it in his harddisk. I back to you after tuesday. =)
    Btw, don\'t call me Jiefeng. Call me Peter. (just kidding! LOL!)
