Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Henderson Waves and Hort Park

Went Mount Faber Park, Telok Blangah park, Kent Ridge park and Hort park with an old JC friend, Zijun, today. A few klicks walk, a good work out, nice scenery, one with nature. Everyone should get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and go to some nature reserves to find peace once in a while.


I found my peace today. (This trip is more interesting than my entire 11 days in Taiwan, which only made me grow fat. Darn.)



Henderson Waves, a bridge connecting Mount Faber Park and Telok Blangah park. Nice design and a nice place to rest after climbing a mountain (named Faber). For the photo on the left, Kimsim commented that it looks like the wave is going to engulf me. Hmmmm...



Terrace garden and a series of metal bridges criss-crossing through the jungle... very interesting!



Garden living prototype house and cooling waters in Hort Park.



Former gymnast showing off his gymnastic skills and current slacker showing off his slacking skills on a nice, big grass patch.


Saying bye to the nicest park ever seen.



Next time who wants to go nature parks, find me. =)


Saturday, May 24, 2008




Why do you need to open the windows of an airplane during take offs and landings?


So that you can access the situations outside and remain orientated (i.e. which way is up) during emergencies. It also allows light to enter the plane, allowing the rescuers to see more easily during rescue missions.


What does "W.C.", another name for toilet, stands for?


Water Closet.  


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Something interesting from Peifang's blog.



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 Cool videos!


Mission:Singapore - Singapore Freeze




Mission:Singapore - Calling Aliens




Damn cool right?!? More videos available from YouTube. http://www.mission-singapore.com =) 



I was wondering when are people going to tag me with this... Minghui, you finally tagged me! Yeah!


Rules of the game: Remove one question from below, add in one of your own(personal), to make a total of 20. Tag 10 people in your list in the end of this post. Notify them.

1. At what age do you wish to be married?
I don't think I will wish to get married... at least, not at the moment.

2. What is your plan 5 years down the road?
Work as an engineer and save a sum of money. Then I will plan again for the next 5 years.

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
1. Europe. 2. Japan. 3. Beijing.

4. If you can have 1 dream come true, what would it be?
Continued good health for me and my family.

5. Do you believe you can survive without money?
No. (This is a stupid question.)

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Life. Freedom is a close second.

7. If you win $ 1 Million, what would you do?
Fast forward my plans by 5 years (stated in question 2).

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Yes, of course.

9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Capable, hardworking, cute.

10.What is your dream guy?!
I don't dream of guys.

11. What kind of person do you hate the most?
Stupid people who consistently think they are clever.

12. If you are given the chance to go back to the past and make a difference, will you?

13. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. What does it mean to you?
Parents' love.

14. Any wisdom to share with your readers?
The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

15. If there's ever a war(or things that are similar) happening in your place, are you going to move to a safer place, or fight?

16. If you have the chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
The outer part.

17. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
None. I have different friends for different problems.

18. What's your weakest point?

19. Think of the person who tagged you to do this quiz. What song do you relate him/her to?
After reading her answer to the above question: 《心太软》

20. What is the one thing you regret most?
None. Everything that happened happened for a reason.


Shuhui, Shirong, Xinying, Peifang, Yihui, Liping, Yongan, Xiangbin, Yanli

Monday, May 12, 2008

More dreams

After reading Singying's blog, I would also like to share a few more strange dreams of my own


WARNING: They are all damn cock.


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Dream 1


This happened during the exam period. I dreamt that I drove a pickup to a multi-storey carpark. Then I parked and went off to do something. When I came back, I found that I forgot to where I parked! Then I was thinking...


Wah lao eh, now exam period so many things to need to memorize liao, now dream also wan me to remember where I park my car... %^*$% !!!


For those who drives and experienced forgeting where you park your car before, you will know that there is only one thing left I can do next:



Search EVERY SINGLE storey of the carpark.



So I prepared to take a lift and search from the top storey down. As I went into the lift and wanted to press the button of the top storey, I saw something that shocked me to the very core:



This freakin' carpark has ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY storeys!!!


I woke up immediately.


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Dream 2


This is a short dream. In this dream I was taking my laundry to a laundry shop to wash.


The laundry person said lazily, "Wash clothes ah?"


I replied, "Ya."


He replied, "Ok." Then he pressed some button.


I was like ???? Then I heard some strange sound behind me.


I turned around and saw







Then I woke up.


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Cock people have cock dreams. Me.


Photo Hunt



Can you find (in increasing difficulty)...


1. Hall 11's toilet's toilet roll

2. An old pencil box from an old friend which I am still using after 6 years

3. PlayStation Portable

4. Tarot cards

5. Hall 11 Commendation Award 2008

6. Packet of keys



7. How many Interblock Games Medals did I get over my four years in Hall 11?



8. Can you find my berms? (Sorry... can't think of any good questions to ask for this picture =( )



9. Can you find the wind chime?

10. How many slippers me and my roommate have altogether?

11. How many leaves can you see on the tree I saw every morning I open the door?



Goodbye Hall 11.


Don't ask me how the hell can I tahan living in this kind of room for 4 years. (I simply have superhuman tolerance for messiness. Haha!)



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I shifted back from Hall last Sat, 10th May. I am going Taiwan from 13rd to 24th May, starting work on 2nd Jun. If free, ask me out after I come back and before I start work! =)



Saturday, May 10, 2008

A game

Imagine a game...



It is a very very open-ended Game. It has a lot of different endings. Some are good, some are bad. The objective of the game is to reach one of the good ones.


The game starts with you in a very big room. In this room, there are a lot of doors to other rooms. There are also many mini-games for you to play. Most are for you to up your stats (eg. Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, Charisma, Luck etc), so that you will have easier time in other mini-games. Some are just for fun and laughter to make the Game interesting, but doesn't increase your stats. 


However the most important mini-games are the ones what allows you to make a Key. These Keys are divided into different qualities. The better ones allows you to open more doors. The lousier ones only allows you to open some doors. The quality of the Key depends on your stats and how hard you tried.


Once you have the Key, you choose one of the doors and enter into another room (the next stage), where there will be rewards (such as gold, companions, better armours, weapons, acessories etc) and even more other mini-games.


Then you do the same things again (playing mini-games, making keys, choosing doors etc) and again until you reach one of the Endings. Or, until you accidentally end the game earlier by seriously messing up with one of the mini-games. Either way, it is Game Over.


If you met any difficulties (eg, don't know which rooms to choose, or don't know how to get a good key etc), there are tons of guidebooks available for you to refer. Many other players will also be very willing (sometimes, even too willing) to help you or give you advice. (Oh, this is an MMORPG by the way. =P)


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What differentiate this game from all other games in the market are these 3 characteristics: 



1. There is a fixed limit on the time you spent in each room. There are mini-games which allows you to increase or decrease this limit depending on whether you play them correctly or wrongly, but, not by much.


2. You cannot save and load game and try an alternate route. Once you are in a room, you cannot go back, except by making the correct key.


3. You are only allowed to play ONCE in a lifetime. 



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The question:


How will you play this Game?


Option 1


Will you increase your stats to the MAX and achieve God-like status and try your very best to make the best key ever to get the best rewards and the best endings?




Option 2


Will you only play those mini-games which are just for fun and laughter but useless otherwise? That is to say, you do not care about the ending. Ultimately you just want to get the MAXIMUM enjoyment out of the game, even if you get a bad ending.


Ending is not important. What is most important is the process?




Option 3


Will you play strategically by playing only those mini-games which give you the Key to a specific room you CHOSE (which give reasonable rewards), while spending the rest of the limited time playing the Fun and Laughter mini-games to get the as much enjoyment out of this game as possible?


(This is also an extremely strategic game by the way.)




Option 4


Will you just anyhow play?




Option 5 


Please state: _____________________________



Note: High stats and very good rewards do not have very HIGH correlation with good endings, though there are still some corelations. Also, good keys only mean more rooms to choose. However, some of these rooms will still lead to bad endings.



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I have been playing this game for many years. It is kinda addictive... hmmm... kinda...


Anw, the initial Luck stats of my character has been quite high, so, so far all my Keys had been reasonably good, which allowed me to go to reasonably good rooms (but not the best rooms). Currently, I am about to go into another room, but I am REALLY unsure whether it will lead to a good Ending. 


Also, I can't help but wonder what will happen if I got another Key and choose another room a few rooms back.



Cannot save and load game. What a nuisance. Damnned. Lousy game!



And also, how come no monster to fight ah??? So boring!!!



P.S. Ermm... on second thoughts, better keep it that way, no monster to fight. LOL!



Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Yesterday was the day I finished my FYP presentation, which was the LAST important assignment I had to do in my NTU life.


Yesterday night was the last night where all the lao rens still gathered in hall. (Most went home today.)


Yesterday night was the first time I got drunk.




I was drinking Chivas together with Loy, Richard, Weitao, Guojun, Yongjie, Leon in the TV lounge. It has 10% alcohol content. We were playing a game. Those who lost drink 1 shot.


I quickly discovered that my alcohol capacity is around 10 shots. (I know I sucks. =( )


How it feels to be drunk?




One part of your mind is still completely rational. (Oh shit, I am drunk.) The other part of your mind is completely kee siao. (Hahahaha! Loy keeps losing! So stupid! Hahahaha!)


When you play game... you make stupid mistakes (which make you drink even more). 


When you try to walk, you stumble around, totally cannot walk straight.


When you sit down, you just want to sleep.


When you sleep, you feel dizzy.




The feeling sucks.




Last night I slept from 9pm to 8am. The longest sleep I ever had since the beginning of this sem.




I only just tried to leave the World of Caffeine, and here I am, entering the World of Alcohol.


Most of my adult life is on drugs. Worst still... from stimulant (stimulating) to depessant (depressing).




Childhood is still the best.




Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Studying is hard

When I was in Year 1 thinking it was damn hard,

some seniors said that Year 2 was harder, while 

some seniors said that Year 3 was harder, while 

some seniors said that Year 4 was harder.


When I was in Year 2 thinking it was damn hard,

some seniors said that Year 3 was harder, while 

some seniors said that Year 4 was harder.


When I was in Year 3 thinking it was damn hard,

seniors said that Year 4 was harder.


Now I am in Year 4,

I think that Year 4 is the hardest.




Actually it is the same old hard shit repeated again and again year after year.




But, I have finally survived, and my university life ends with an FYP presentation and a job offer. All these would not be possible without all the friends I have made in school and in hall.



I hereby thank



Jienan, Weixin, Shimin, Siyuan, Weida, Xiaodan, Jiahui, Meiwei


For for all the tuturials and assignments you have lent me since Year 1 (to copy);



Weiming, Liping, Kenny, Willy, Sean, Qinyao, Yiting, Steven, Chuixia


For making the unbearable IA working time passed by with fun and laughter (by playing online games together);



Nat, Yan Qing, Ge Bin


For going through HRM, which 'single-modulely' made EEE final year the 'HARDEST', together with me for 9 weeks



Liwah and Zhiling


For giving me important Software Engineering exam tips, even though we just knew each other



Weiling, Veena, Yihui, Singying, Weichen, Kelvin


For getting willingly cheated to join Props together with me (some for more than a year... one even became a ghost, LOL!);



Weitao, Soonguan, Tohpeng, Vincent, Yongjie, Guojun, Waikeong, Leon, Loy, Edwin, Alvin, Hanjun, Chanfan


For making Block 54 feels truly like home in the past 4 years;



Jiahong and Yongren


For being such great seniors by lending me countless games to play continuously throughout my stay in hall 11... (I will have one honours grade higher than what I will be getting if not for the 2 of you);



Minghui, Miaoting, Jiamin, Swan, Janice, William 


For making Hall Productions possible, so that I can fool around in it, making my stay in hall an extremely memorable one;



Tangning, Mohkwan, Kuifeng, Joan, Irene, Desmond, Vincent, Zhenyun


For being such good teammates / enthu students in Hall Bridge Team, haha!



KC, Yongan, Max, Yanli 


For being such good neighbours, a freq reader and commentator of my blog, and a good jogging partner;



And miscellaneously, my OG mates, seniors, juniors - Alan, Bob, Desmond, Joan, Subin, Kaibin, Nanyan, Marcus, Gabriel, Jael, Zhengxi, Alvin, Ziqiang, Tianying, Summer, Kris, Yizhen, Eric, Yanni, Dylan, Ronald etc etc etc; DOTA friends - Shaopeng, Chintau, Shilun, Kelvin etc etc etc; old friends from sec school, jc and army - Xiangbin, Song'en, Yongsheng etc



And to all the rest who have cross path with me during this four years whom I forgot to named out...



A very BIG THANK YOU to all of you!



There is no banquet that won't disperse in this world. Fate had bought us together. If we are still fated to keep in touch with each other, we will. If not, all the best in your future endeavors! =)



This Friday will be my last day in hall. I guess the next time I come back will be on day of my convocation and/or during FOC. Take photos with me then k? =)



Sunday, May 4, 2008

What I had done for this holidays:

1. Building this


1:100 Wing Gundam Zero Model




Wing Gundam Zero


Wing Zero's primary armament is the Twin Buster Rifle, a weapon capable of destroying objects several miles in size, like a space colony. When separated into two individual Buster Rifles, the rifles could destroy entire waves of targets. Like the Wing Gundam, Wing Zero is also capable of transforming into a flying machine, known as "Neo-Bird" mode, and allowing the suit to travel long distances at high speed.


The main feature of Wing Zero is the ZERO SYSTEM, a combat computer/pilot interface installed in the cockpit. The ZERO system connects directly with the mind of the pilot, flooding him with combat data and possible outcomes. This overload of data could allow the pilot to achieve total victory, but places great mental and emotional stress on the pilot. Those exposed to ZERO (an acronym for Zoning and Emotional Range Omitted) System can become totally unstable, unable to tell the difference between friend and foe. Victims may even suffer mental breakdown or death.


During Katoki's redesign for Endless Waltz, the design of Wing Zero is streamlined, with new armour and recolouring to almost solely blue and white. The main change was the addition of angel-like wing binders, which could also be used as a re-entry shield. The design changes eliminated the "Neo-Bird" mode. The wind binders were equipped with dozen of miniature vernier thrusters, granting the mobile suit unparalleled mobility in flight.


(from Wikipedia)



A bit ugly, I know, but still, I love it! =P


Intellectually, a Gundam which allows its pilot to see the future (at the cost of becoming mad) simply appeals to me. Would you want to see the future if it might make you go crazy?


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2. Buying and learning Tarot


Finally got the Rider Waite Tarot which EVERY book on tarot referenced to. Understood the basic meaning behind each and every card within 3 days. Who wants a reading of his or her future? I don't charge $$$. =)



The Fool signifies the beginning of a journey. Notice the Fool is near the edge of the cliff and yet he can't be bothered, as if he believes that angels will support him if he falls off. A 'boat will always become straight when it reach the bridge head' attitude, just like me. =)  


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3. Playing game


Currently playing Monster Hunter Freedom 2. A game of skill. You play the role of a Hunter (wad else?), killing monsters, mining, farming, catch insects, fishing, create weapons and amour etc. Why is it call a game of skill? Because for some monsters, you seriously need to do your homework before proceeding to (or before you can successfully) kill the monster. Homework includes doing research on where are the weak points of the monsters, what are their attacks, where do they normally hang out etc etc etc... just like real hunting!


This is the first game I played which I consistently need to watch Youtube on how pple kill the monster.


Damn challenging! Damn fun!


Here is the opening video:




Another one from PS's version of Monster Hunter 2, more exciting!




I am the one who carries the big hammer and hits monsters in the belly. Heh heh. Here is another one:





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Some cool videos


How you achieve the effect manipulating of virtual objects just by your hands (like in Minority Report) using Wii Remote?





How about Virtual Reality (via Head Tracking) using Wii Remote?




This guy is a genius! For more of his Wii Projects, visit http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~johnny/projects/wii/ (Actually there is only one more.)



Thursday, May 1, 2008

Iron Man is damn cool!



I went in expecting nothing but action. But it has a good story, good humour, better visuals, and a couple of surprises too! Among the Marvel movies, it is on par with Spiderman. 4.5 stars.


(But it may be a bias review cause I LOVE anything that looks like robots... ya know, Iron Man, Transformers, Gundam that kind of thing... Haha!)