Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Studying is hard

When I was in Year 1 thinking it was damn hard,

some seniors said that Year 2 was harder, while 

some seniors said that Year 3 was harder, while 

some seniors said that Year 4 was harder.


When I was in Year 2 thinking it was damn hard,

some seniors said that Year 3 was harder, while 

some seniors said that Year 4 was harder.


When I was in Year 3 thinking it was damn hard,

seniors said that Year 4 was harder.


Now I am in Year 4,

I think that Year 4 is the hardest.




Actually it is the same old hard shit repeated again and again year after year.




But, I have finally survived, and my university life ends with an FYP presentation and a job offer. All these would not be possible without all the friends I have made in school and in hall.



I hereby thank



Jienan, Weixin, Shimin, Siyuan, Weida, Xiaodan, Jiahui, Meiwei


For for all the tuturials and assignments you have lent me since Year 1 (to copy);



Weiming, Liping, Kenny, Willy, Sean, Qinyao, Yiting, Steven, Chuixia


For making the unbearable IA working time passed by with fun and laughter (by playing online games together);



Nat, Yan Qing, Ge Bin


For going through HRM, which 'single-modulely' made EEE final year the 'HARDEST', together with me for 9 weeks



Liwah and Zhiling


For giving me important Software Engineering exam tips, even though we just knew each other



Weiling, Veena, Yihui, Singying, Weichen, Kelvin


For getting willingly cheated to join Props together with me (some for more than a year... one even became a ghost, LOL!);



Weitao, Soonguan, Tohpeng, Vincent, Yongjie, Guojun, Waikeong, Leon, Loy, Edwin, Alvin, Hanjun, Chanfan


For making Block 54 feels truly like home in the past 4 years;



Jiahong and Yongren


For being such great seniors by lending me countless games to play continuously throughout my stay in hall 11... (I will have one honours grade higher than what I will be getting if not for the 2 of you);



Minghui, Miaoting, Jiamin, Swan, Janice, William 


For making Hall Productions possible, so that I can fool around in it, making my stay in hall an extremely memorable one;



Tangning, Mohkwan, Kuifeng, Joan, Irene, Desmond, Vincent, Zhenyun


For being such good teammates / enthu students in Hall Bridge Team, haha!



KC, Yongan, Max, Yanli 


For being such good neighbours, a freq reader and commentator of my blog, and a good jogging partner;



And miscellaneously, my OG mates, seniors, juniors - Alan, Bob, Desmond, Joan, Subin, Kaibin, Nanyan, Marcus, Gabriel, Jael, Zhengxi, Alvin, Ziqiang, Tianying, Summer, Kris, Yizhen, Eric, Yanni, Dylan, Ronald etc etc etc; DOTA friends - Shaopeng, Chintau, Shilun, Kelvin etc etc etc; old friends from sec school, jc and army - Xiangbin, Song'en, Yongsheng etc



And to all the rest who have cross path with me during this four years whom I forgot to named out...



A very BIG THANK YOU to all of you!



There is no banquet that won't disperse in this world. Fate had bought us together. If we are still fated to keep in touch with each other, we will. If not, all the best in your future endeavors! =)



This Friday will be my last day in hall. I guess the next time I come back will be on day of my convocation and/or during FOC. Take photos with me then k? =)




  1. Ah... so I know...You ask me come back to help hall production... SO THAT YOU CAN SLACK...AW MAN. reality sucks..LOL....JF RAWKS...rem to wish me happy birthday sia~

  2. deeply touched...
    much appreciated...
    thank you:)
    last but not least good luck in watever u do in the future:)
    next time see me must call out to me ok!!!!!!!!
    even if i don rmb u:P

  3. play dota bo jio!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Haha! Glad you know you have "cheated" me down to help you.. So you should make up to me for it right??? Haha! Anyway, it is really great knowing you. Knowing you has made my hall life even more wonderful and memorable. Ha, I haven\'t written any words of thanks in my blog yet. I really can\'t bare to write them now as I will be very very sad. Sighz... Three years past really fast... You must cont to jia you worh and rem to meet up often with me.. Scared you will miss me.. =p

  5. ahhhh...i forgot to return u the puzzle >___<

  6. Haha... I din do much... Anyway, all the best to you in the future. Don\'t slack too much when you go to work, ah boh boss will fire you... Haha...

  7. To spitzberg:
    You finally commented. Haha! It\'s ok, keep it until the next time you see me. It is funny don\'t you think, the puzzle. You spent lots of time walking (the thing) out of the maze, then you realise that you need to walk (the thing) back into the maze and only then you really solve it. Zero work done. But it is the process that is important. Ha! Most things in life are the same actually.
    To princessa (y got typo one?) :
    Erm.. miss you?? hahaha.... u no need to scared. LOL! Anw, you still dare say?? Last year liao why no help?? Hahaha! You jiayou too! =)
    To wenhui:
    Haha! I stopped playing dota in year 4, which was when you came in. Sure call out to you, don\'t worry. =)
    To footsteps: 
    Nah. I WOULD slack no matter you came back or not. I am very determined in that aspect. LOL! Happy birthday! =)

  8. To no name:
    CHOY!!! How can you say this, miss director?? Me is tactical slack one... boss wont noe de... hahahaha!

  9. Don\'t cry. lol.we will miss you one!
