Saturday, May 10, 2008

A game

Imagine a game...



It is a very very open-ended Game. It has a lot of different endings. Some are good, some are bad. The objective of the game is to reach one of the good ones.


The game starts with you in a very big room. In this room, there are a lot of doors to other rooms. There are also many mini-games for you to play. Most are for you to up your stats (eg. Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, Charisma, Luck etc), so that you will have easier time in other mini-games. Some are just for fun and laughter to make the Game interesting, but doesn't increase your stats. 


However the most important mini-games are the ones what allows you to make a Key. These Keys are divided into different qualities. The better ones allows you to open more doors. The lousier ones only allows you to open some doors. The quality of the Key depends on your stats and how hard you tried.


Once you have the Key, you choose one of the doors and enter into another room (the next stage), where there will be rewards (such as gold, companions, better armours, weapons, acessories etc) and even more other mini-games.


Then you do the same things again (playing mini-games, making keys, choosing doors etc) and again until you reach one of the Endings. Or, until you accidentally end the game earlier by seriously messing up with one of the mini-games. Either way, it is Game Over.


If you met any difficulties (eg, don't know which rooms to choose, or don't know how to get a good key etc), there are tons of guidebooks available for you to refer. Many other players will also be very willing (sometimes, even too willing) to help you or give you advice. (Oh, this is an MMORPG by the way. =P)


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What differentiate this game from all other games in the market are these 3 characteristics: 



1. There is a fixed limit on the time you spent in each room. There are mini-games which allows you to increase or decrease this limit depending on whether you play them correctly or wrongly, but, not by much.


2. You cannot save and load game and try an alternate route. Once you are in a room, you cannot go back, except by making the correct key.


3. You are only allowed to play ONCE in a lifetime. 



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The question:


How will you play this Game?


Option 1


Will you increase your stats to the MAX and achieve God-like status and try your very best to make the best key ever to get the best rewards and the best endings?




Option 2


Will you only play those mini-games which are just for fun and laughter but useless otherwise? That is to say, you do not care about the ending. Ultimately you just want to get the MAXIMUM enjoyment out of the game, even if you get a bad ending.


Ending is not important. What is most important is the process?




Option 3


Will you play strategically by playing only those mini-games which give you the Key to a specific room you CHOSE (which give reasonable rewards), while spending the rest of the limited time playing the Fun and Laughter mini-games to get the as much enjoyment out of this game as possible?


(This is also an extremely strategic game by the way.)




Option 4


Will you just anyhow play?




Option 5 


Please state: _____________________________



Note: High stats and very good rewards do not have very HIGH correlation with good endings, though there are still some corelations. Also, good keys only mean more rooms to choose. However, some of these rooms will still lead to bad endings.



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I have been playing this game for many years. It is kinda addictive... hmmm... kinda...


Anw, the initial Luck stats of my character has been quite high, so, so far all my Keys had been reasonably good, which allowed me to go to reasonably good rooms (but not the best rooms). Currently, I am about to go into another room, but I am REALLY unsure whether it will lead to a good Ending. 


Also, I can't help but wonder what will happen if I got another Key and choose another room a few rooms back.



Cannot save and load game. What a nuisance. Damnned. Lousy game!



And also, how come no monster to fight ah??? So boring!!!



P.S. Ermm... on second thoughts, better keep it that way, no monster to fight. LOL!




  1. Hmm..?Sounds like life to meOption 5A bit of every option, eventually leaving up to chance. lol.TRY to increase my stats to as much as needed, without god-like status.Leave everything else by chance aka a bit of anyhow play.+ awareness + need for some strategics along the way. must use brains!And a bit of option 2.since it can only be played once so can\'t say that the ending is not important.but what you get out of playing that game (the enjoyment, experience) will be solely yours that event the MAX stats might not get. (i don\'t understand why my friend who can deliver 9999hits and never die, find a game fun. LOL! i think the weaker you are, the more you experience and grow wor..) hurhur. If bad ending, then bo bian, disappointing like shit. Might even sour the whole process experience. *thinks* ah, but then will move on to another game eventually. But if there\'s many of such different one time game, it might not be so bad after all? there\'s a second, third chance to try again.. if want, can buy back the same game and then play again, but *coughs* i don\'t think this can be bought. haha!If good ending, good lor!lol. yes, i leave my games up to chance. that\'s why i don\'t read walkthroughs. lol. but have to exercise extra caution, in order to not miss anything. there.

  2. Unlike you, I LOVE to read walkthroughs. They show you all the secrets that are impossible to find by yourself!
    There is this particular walkthru for this game that is quite interesting. It states that
    1. The Maker of this Game had created 2 Secret Stages after you game over.
    2. Maker has wanted all the players to do this this this and this.
    3. If you do this this this and this, you will reach this first Secret Stage where you will ENJOY forever!!!
    4. However, if you DON\'T do this this this and this, you will reach the 2nd Secret Stage where you will suffer like hell.
    Of course there are other walkthroughs that contradicts the above walkthrough...
    Another one states that "Argh heck la... this is just NOTHING but a game... game over le can restart as another character (or animal)..."
    Yet others shows you how to make more gold, how to increase your stats faster etc etc...
    Oh well...
    I LOVE secrets! If you don\'t read walkthroughs, you would have missed them! Haha!
