Tuesday, June 24, 2008

NTU Food Guide - last update 12/8/08

Funny that I never did this before during my 4 years in NTU. Only until when I started working in NTU then I started searching around for good food together with colleagues during lunch time. I guess this is the fundamental difference between students and working class -


When asked, "Why do you study?", people reply, "Exams lor."


When asked, "Why do you work?", people reply, "Eat lor."


Different priorities in difference stages of life. LOL!


Anwz over the past 3 weeks the bunch of us had been going to different canteens in NTU. I will hereby attempt to compile a list of best, good, bad, worst and special food in NTU. Note that the compiling process is still on going, to check back for updates now and then. Also, any recommendations are HIGHLY welcomed. I will personally go and investigate before I publish the results. Haha! Also, any Disagreements or Confirmations of the food reviews here are also welcomed.


Here is the half completed guide:




====  NTU  FOOD  GUIDE  ====

~ Students need to eat good food , too! ~


(For locations of the different eateries in NTU, click here. )







Canteen 9: "Do not eat 凉皮. I repeat, DO NOT eat 凉皮, it is tasteless! You can try tomato egg soup noodle though. The soup taste not bad. Not fantastic, but I guess it is one of the specialities of Canteen 9 (other than its ice blended)."  ~iw




Canteen 1: "Canteen 1's Western not bad." (Pending investigation) ~Yanli


Canteen 2: "Canteen 2's Beef Stall's tomato fried egg noodle  番茄煎蛋面 also quite good!" (Pending investigation) ~Yanli


Canteen 2: "Canteen 2's Beef Stall's Fish Slice soup dammmmnnnn chui! The meat is old and not 'sweet', while the soup is totally tasteless. DO NOT BUY! In fact, it is highly recommended that you do NOT try any soup base items there, eg soup beehoon, soup mee etc. Just try the Hong Men Niu Rou. It is the BEST!  " ~iw


The Palette Western Food Cafe: "Price around the same as Quad ($5+), enviroment slightly better than Quad (in terms of tables, and you can GUARANTEE find a seat there), food slightly lousier than Quad (average only), and it only sell western if I am not wrong. Conclusion: If Quad no seats, come here. Haha!" ~iw





Canteen 9: "Canteen 9's 凉皮 not bad." ~Shea Li (凉皮 is a China dish... it is a kind of Kway Tiao. Pending investigation.)





Executive Cafe: "I personally think that Executive Cafe is not as bad as Max says. Well it is not fantastic, certainly not cheap, but it is fairly decent. If you had a sudden craving for dim sum and is feeling rich, feel free to eat at the cafe. We spent $17 per person, quite filling. Btw, I think they don't charge GST and service charge. What you see is what you get. (I'm not sure cos this meal is paid for by my boss, hee.)" ~iw 





NIE Canteen: Western food standard (grill fish) dropped alot, alot... =( ~iw


Canteen 16: "Condemned. Tables too small, zi cha (ku3 gua1 niu2 rou4 rice) not good." (pending investigation) ~Shea Li


Canteen 16: "Indian food (zha chai rice) not bad." (pending investigation) ~Jiang Feng





Canteen 1: "Can 1 has the worst Teh Bing" (pending investigation) ~Singying


Canteen A:  "I made the mistake of eating spaghetti at a pizza place, namely Canadian Pizza. Never make that mistake." ~iw





Canteen A:  "I like the Vegetarian Stall's daily specials, especially Fish Slice Bee Hoon, Vegetarian Prawn Noodle Soup and Laksa. The Kway Chup not so good." ~Miaoting (vegetarian)


Canteen 4: "The Black Pepper Fish from the Zi Char is REALLY REALLY nice! The sauce is quite special and the favour went into the meat of the fish, which is very tender. Must try!" ~ iw





Executive Cafe: "the Executive Cafe is not good at all! overprice for its little substance..please do not eat there unless u have the money n wanna try out how unfilling the food is..." ~Max





Coffee Club Express: "The Scone there is damn nice!" ~Apple  (Erm... I don't know what is 'Scone' la... so anyone can try le then tell me?? Haha!)


Canteen 1: "Can 1 i think porridge really not bad.. lol!"  (pending investigation) ~Singying


Canteen 4: "The Black Pepper Fish from the Zi Char is REALLY nice!" (pending investigation) ~ Apple





Canteen A: "Tried the Indonesian Stall grill chicken & fish fillet set today. Not fantasitic... but well, not bad either. Something different la, can try." ~iw 


Canteen A: "The BBQ Drumstick Rice not bad. (pending investigation) "~KC




Canteen A: "The Indonesian Stall grill chicken not bad." (pending investigation) ~Max

NIE Canteen: "The Chicken Rice and Western there not bad." (pending investigation) ~Jiahong


Canteen 2: "The name of the dessert stall is called '夏日霜' ". ~Max  


Canteen 11: "Ah!! I suddenly remember! The 面线 from stall 1 damn good! "~iw


Canteen 12: "The Jumbo Sausage meal consist of one gigantic sausage and on normal size sausage, with melted cheese on top and the rest of the plate filled with fries. Average tasting, but DAMN SINFUL!!! Try it if u dare! Next time I will try its pizza. My colleagues love the Korean food there so much that they go there once a week... zzz... "~iw





Canteen 2: "The Fish Soup there (Noodle aka Beef Stall) is also superb!" (pending investigation) ~Meiyu 



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Canteen 1

Never try before. An ancient website says porriage good. Haha!



Canteen 2

Woohoo! The best canteen! Hong2 men1 niu2 rou1 (Beef Meat Trapped in Red Sauce) is a must try! Sorry for the bad translation. Haha! =P Then there is this dessert store that sells favoured shaved ice. I forgot its name, but it is NOT ice kachang. Very special! The texture damn soft. I tried the mango one... Damn nice!


The Western is over-hyped. So so only. Tried Fish and Chips and Chicken Chop. Nothing much.



Canteen 4

Zi Char which won the Channel U Campus Yummy Hunt. Probably the best zi char in NTU. I tried the Hor Fen, quite good, better than many other stalls, but otherwise nothing special... just an above average Hor Fen. Can try.



Canteen 5

Only went there once recently during exam period. They got sell different types of ready made soups in bowls. Tried the Lotus Soup. Better don't try the Lotus Soup. Haha!  



Canteen 9

DON'T eat the laksa! Tasteless. Don't know what else is good. But I like the Mocha Freeze there. Only place in NTU that sell freezes?



Canteen 11

Erm... Never stepped into can 11 since I start work. Really don't know how to tell my colleagues what is nice there... But the Beijing streamboat is something special la. Ah, and the sausage plata! Yum yum! But too bad lunch no sell. =(



Canteen 13

Famous for its Korean food which also won the Channel U Campus Yummy Hunt. Hmmm the 'Rice and Meat in Stone' (don't know what it is called, chinese they say 拌饭 - mix rice) is quite special. They put rice and meat and vege into a very hot Stone Bowl, then you are supposed to mix them up together. A bit like Pepper Lunch. Not bad, something you don't eat everyday.


Tip: Colleague say that MUST mix in the special Korean red sauce from the sauce bottle. And not only MUST, must also put A LOT. I mean A LOT.


Erm btw they say don't buy the Korean noodles, cos it taste like maggi mee. Well, I never tried their mee, so I don't. One colleague also said that the Jumbo Sausage Meal from their Western also not bad. I'm going to try it if got chance. =)



Canteen 15

Over hyped Western.



Canteen 16

Never try before.



Canteen A

Sigh. Best known for MacDonalds and Subway?? I heard Jap standard drop le (not that it is very high in the first place), but well I guess it is still the best Jap Food in NTU.



Canteen B

Best Vegetarian stall in NTU. I also love the sugar cane juice there... and also the extremely short queue for the Western there. Haha!



Executive Cafe (near Can A)

Soonguan's friend said there dim sum not bad.



The Palette Western Food Cafe (near Can A)

Who ate there before? How is it?? I never tried.



Cafe by the Quad

Bake rice sucks. But I personally think the beef spaghetti there quite good. Covered with melted cheese, alot of meat also. Damn gao3. Did some research online before I write this guide. Got people say the $3.50 Chicken Rice quite good also. Erm... if you peeps try le nice can tell me. Personally I won't spend $3.50 to eat Chicken Rice. Haha!



NIE Canteen

I LOVEEEE the Fish and Chip Spaghetti there! To me NIE Canteen have the best Western in NTU. Hee. Ah... and overhyped Fishball Noodles.



Coffee Club Express (outside auditorium)

I always only drink Mocha Frappe. Not bad.



Mayflower Resturant (at staff club)

I am curious who the hell will eat there???






This list is by no means exhaustive. If you think there is any food that is really good or really bad, or if there is any place i left out, help me expand this guide by leaving me a comment! Thanks alot! =P




  1. canteen 2
    the store is called xia ri shuang
    canteen 11
    the western is the same as the 1 in nie so not too bad..worth the try.
    canteen A
    the indonesian food of grill chicken (last 4th store if i m not wrong) not too bd, something like the 1 in PS, the chilly is seriously yummy.

  2. Can 11\'s western same as the one in nie meh?? New stall issit? Ok someday I will go back nie and can 11 see see.  Thanks for the info! =)

  3. the xia ri shuang sells \'xue hua bing\' the Taiwan version of ice kachang.. if you get it outside, it\'s slightly better in quality XDhahahaha nope, no more ADM cafe... eh.. Can B the Tom Yam Yong Tou Fu okie la.. hahahaYa. the new can 11 western is NIE western~ Can 1 i think porridge really not bad.. lol. I can tell u which canteen\'s teh bing is nicest to the worse.Aiyah! Subway is the best!

  4. The xia ri shuang i first time try already damn good le... outside one better ah?? Haha! Where else have?
    Anw tell us the where the BEST and the WORST teh bing can be found! This kind of info can share ma... haha! =P

  5. the Executive Cafe is not good at all! overprice for its little substance..please do not eat there unless u have the money n wanna try out how unfilling the food is...

  6. Can 1 has the worst Teh Bing. Seriously. Minghui will agree with me. Ahahaha!The overall best TBC.
