Saturday, April 5, 2008


I have a friend.


She went Arts stream in JC.


I went Science stream in JC.


She studied Mass Comm in University.


I studied Engineering in University.


She does news.


I have no interest in news.


She said in her recent blog entry that she hates literature.


I like stories.


She is firmly rooted in reality.


I don't exist.



  1. i know who r u talking abt...hmmm..have u tried talking to her? i think she sound very lost, confused..

  2. You have to drag me back to reality from my blissful state of nothingness with your comment, do you? Haha!
    In reality, I have 2 assignments, 1 stupid fyp demo video, and 1 interview this week... and exams next next week. I don\'t have the emotion capacity to help others even if I want to.
    Anw I believe she is ok la. (JM, you are ok right? haha!) Even if she is not ok (and that is a very very big IF), I guess the \'answer\' can be found in the above entry ......
    Now, let me disappear. Haha!
    I don\'t exist.
    I don\'t...

  3. it..u can slowly..

  4. LOL!!! hahaha.... u two lame shit lehz...
    JM IS STRONG! yeah~~~
    JF MUST COME BACK TO REALITY!!! though living in the world of literature is COOL~
    Just read a 短篇小说 which is damn cool!!! let u read some other time. YEAH!
    (so... do i have to disappear like u did too?)

  5. OMG suddenly I am the centre of attention. Wa Jiefeng you damn lame leh. din realise my blog so "inspirational" enough to make you write such a lame entry lor. What are you trying to do? Compare and contrast ah? HAHAHAHA. Don\'t disappear la... come back come back. I need you as a shield agst JH\'s rubbish opinions “我觉得。。。”And to reply to all comments and questions about me on this blog.No. I am not okay. No. I am not strong. Yes I am lost and confused. Yes I still hate literature, although I just arrowed myself in my latest entry.It\'s precisely I know everyone is busy and do not have the emotional and mental capacity to deal with me, that\'s why I have been silent. No worries, I am not going to commit suicide and turn into a residential ghost haunting Hall 15 and Hall 11 people as yet. I have better things to do. -Sze

  6. i tot JF is alway like this? when i first meet him he is already quite comical le:) juz take care everyone..we must pull thru this togethr!!! ROAR!!! <-- this roar will help u all:P

  7. Wa! You guys really insistent in disturbing my zen meditation. Miaoting even bestest, first comment in my blog say i \'lame shit\'. Haha! My blog is never lame lor... it is intellectual ok.
    For example, jm and mt had be asking me to come back to \'reality\' in my blog. But little do you realise that blog is a VIRTUAL reality... a space in the cyberworld of internet! In the REAL reality which I had dissappeared to, I am doing assignment which is due today.
    So now, where exactly do you want me to come back to?
    Food for thought huh?
    (Hahaha... more lame stuff...)

  8. i think your reality is closer to my reality than many of the rest.then again what is reality. if this is what you think it\'s true then it\'s true.hell. i don\'t know what i\'m talking about. lol. due to my lack of emotion capacity too. i\'ll read your blog entries again after exams. lol. it\'s interesting to note the contrast in replies when you lack of sleep and is under stress.btw, don\'t come back from your zen meditation to read this. LOL. oops. too late.

  9. We same frequency ma... mind full of rubbish. haha! =P

  10. rubbish? tsk tsk.*empties JF\'s head* oh. 空。XDwhat people think is rubbish might be everything to another. hurhur. ha.homework is rubbish. =x haaaaa.
