Monday, April 21, 2008

Studying... and Crapping

During the interview at DSTA last last Friday, I tried a little stun. It went like this:


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The first question the panel of interviewers asked was, as usual,


"Hi Jiefeng, lets tell us more about yourself, eg, what is your strengths and weaknesses?"


To which I replied,


"I have been a Professional Student all my life. My strength is that I am damn good at studying.


No matter what type of exam, be it Memorize type, Application type, Tigam type, Mix Mix type, Study-Also-No-Use type etc etc, I simply JUST won't fail!"


The interviewers were all flabbergasted.


"Haha! Just kidding la... My strength is my sense of humor. Hahahaha!"



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The above is purely crap, including the "simply JUST won't fail" part. But sometimes I really do feel that my one and only 'strength' is just studying.


Wonder if I should really try this stun during an interview someday... haha!


Anw, it has been a long time since I have studied for enjoyment. The last module I truly enjoyed was Chinese Cinema in English, which I took in Year 2. Well, studying to me is not really torturous either. I am just too used to it, studying my entire life. It is just like breathing. (Though I do get block nose and asthma attacks sometimes. =P)


It has also been a long time since I studied for grades.


I realized something after Year 1. 'B' grade is something you get naturally when you studied enough. 'A' grade is something you get naturally when you studied enough to become One with the subject. It is a by-product you don’t need to aim for purposely, I feel, just like you breath out carbon dioxide.


I usually study just enough.


I guess grades are not such a big thing under the old system ba, where nobody knows shit about what honors they are going to get. Anw, at this stage, it doesn’t matter for me.


In one week's time, I am going to reach Enlightenment by transcending the Bell Curve to the Great Beyond.


*Holy music in*



Good luck for your future exams, juniors (mortals) !


4 hours to my first paper, still have some time for me to try to become One with Software Engineering. 




(Oh no, I am beginning to see things in source codes again!)


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