Friday, April 11, 2008

The Last Day of School

Today is the last day of school. Not any other last days of school. It is THE last day of school.


Which I pon as usual.


Not that I don't want to go to school. By right I have assignments to hand in. But I have a job interview at 1130. Symbolic isn't it?


Ending the last day of School with a Job interview.


Guess what is the next thing I did after the job interview on the last day of school?


I applied for a THREE years Popular student membership card. LOL!


Little ironies in my life on the last day of school. Ha! Nothing remarkable happened after that, but I shall write it down for completeness sake. I went to watch a random movie on my own to celebrate the last day of school. It is called Untraceable, which was really quite thrilling as a thriller should be.


Then I came back home and chanced upon Minghui's blog entry from a few days ago, which is called Edited version of John Cage's 4'33. It reminded me that it was actually Minghui's mentioning of 'Zen' that started my recent rantings about Nothingness, Buddhism and stuff! (Minghui, it was all your fault!!! Haha!) Anwz here is a performance of John Cage's 4'33 on Youtube. Enjoy!



John Cage's 4'33





There is another video I wanted to show. This video was first put up by Singying on her blog and it WAS what made me bought PSP in the first place! (Singying, it was all your fault!!! Haha! Eh, btw, I complete it le. =P) Enjoy it too!



Final Fantasy Crisis Core - Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth (English)




(What a contrast between the first video and the second video. =P)


A beautiful last day of school. Pray hard for me that I wont ganna recall manning this weekend. (I don't have fieldpack T_T)



  1. Haha , so lonely oh, watch movie yourself meh, haha
    next time can ask me also ya

  2. I love to watch movies by myself leh, esp during exam periods. OTOT, 逍遥自在。 After exam then we go movies together. =)

  3. How come the two videos feel so different? lol...Psp good mah! keep you entertained.. hohohoho~By the way 4\'33 right.. there\'s a local artist who did something like this.. ahhh can\'t remember her name.. she\'s documented in this documentary \'Singapore gaga\'..
