Friday, April 25, 2008


Today after my 3rd exam paper, while I was queuing at an ATM, I met a year 2 junior from hall. Though, we don't know each other very well, we still made some small talk while queuing.


She told me that she respects me!




I asked her why, and she said cos I rec games very zai. Although I inside feel shiok but actually I also feel a bit guilty. True, I played all recreational games (c chess, weiqi, bridge, darts, i chess, othello etc) except scrabble and boggle in Inter-Block Games, BUT, I am actually NOT zai in any of them. Juniors nowadays very easily get cheated by seniors’ false ‘reputation’.


But well, really damn shiok! LOL!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


On my way back home, on the MRT, I was playing my PSP when a secondary school student came on the train and sat beside me. He was facing the other side talking very loudly, nonsense like


"Ah, the door is going to close... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."


I thought he was talking to his friends, so I didn't bother about him. Throughout the journey, he just kept talking. And I just kept playing my PSP. Until the next stop, he said the same thing loudly again:


"Ah, the door is going to close... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."


Then, I began to sense something was wrong. I looked up and around. There was no one for him to talk to!!!


At that point of time, I knew there were only 2 possibilities. Either he was talking to himself, OR…


*creepy music in*


…he was talking to someone I couldn't see.


. . . . . .


Both possibilities also didn't sound very good. =(


I tried to act as if nothing is happening and I continued to play my PSP (looking like very happy liddat). But inside I felt like running away.


Only until when I reached Woodlands and got out of the train, then I let out my breath. Phew!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Retrospectively (assuming it was not a supernatural incident), I don't think I should felt uneasy around people like him. He was only talking/thinking to himself out loud. I also talked to myself, albeit silently.


Actually, I am not that different from him.


(Maybe it was because I myself couldn't stand myself talking to myself so much, that was why I started writing to myself instead, and hence, this blog! Haha!)




  1. hMmM...mAyBe tHaT sEc sCh sTuDeNt hiMsELf iS tHaT "tHiNg"...=P
    i tOt tHoSe hOrRoR mOviEs aLwAyS sHoW tHoSe "tHiNg" rEpEaTiNg tHe sAmE sEnTeNcE oVeR aNd oVeR aGaiN dE...
    bUt...bRoAd dAyLiGhT?!?

  2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. WAAAA.... JF very zai ah... JF.... WAAaaAAAAA

  4. thanks. i noe. haha!
