Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Different Stages in a Complete Hall Life

Year 1 - Freshies


- FOC & Ignitiation - Going through the ritual before becoming part of Hall 11 'family'

- Blur, getting use to new culture

- Sudden exposure to a lot of new faces

- Making new friends

- Not that attached to hall, relatively

- Want to prove themselves

- Worry about next year's accommodation


Year 2 - Seniors


- Happy to be recognized by seniors as 'seniors' too

- Guide freshies to get used to hall and uni life

- Know everyone

- More attached to hall

- Start to take up leadership positions and/or join a LOT of stuff

- Disillusions (why did I join this?!) may occur due to over-commitment


Year 3 - (Grand) Seniors


- Semi-retiring, less active (becoming smarter from disillusions)

- Some will still take up high positions (for own interest and/or portfolio sake)

- Miss the seniors who are graduating...

- Have an empty feeling that a lot of familiar faces in hall had disappeared


Year 4 - Lao rens


- Graduating

- Mostly fully retired

- active 与世隔绝 (云深不知处,只在麻将中。)

- Slightly more active 喜欢倚老卖老,but 不喜欢做事

- Tendency to rant non-stop (You know who, haha!)

- Frequent periods of emoing


- Realization that no matter friends or acquaintances, they have lived in the same place for more than 1 year. They are actually, really, family.


- Miss all the friends they have made in hall, esp those seniors (non-year 1s) whom they have lived, worked, played together for more than two years.


- Feel a faint sadness (淡淡的忧伤) about the inevitable leaving of the place they have called home for four years.



Only 3 more weeks...


因空见色, 由色生情, 传情入色, 自色悟...






  1. Why do I have the feeling I kenna arrowed by JF again?!!Year 1 - Freshies
    - FOC & Ignitiation - Going through the ritual before becoming part of Hall 11 \'family\'
    - Blur, getting used to new culture
    - Sudden exposure to a lot of new faces
    - Making new friends
    - Not that attached to hall, relatively BUT AFTER JOINING JCRC, suddenly Hall life is her life.
    - Want to prove herself, but failed because no one in hall appreciates them. Inspiration for hall production script comes up.
    - Worry about next year\'s accommodation (can I get single room?)
    Year 2 - Seniors
    - Happy to be recognized by seniors as \'seniors\' too
    - Guide freshies to get used to hall and uni life
    - Know everyone
    - More attached to hall because got used to the lifestyle
    - After 1 yr in JCRC, hates leadership roles
    - Disillusions and anger mounted due to over-commitmentThus stay in hall but slowly stop joining hall activities.
     Year 3 - (Grand) Seniors
    - Semi-retiring, less active (becoming smarter from disillusions)
    - abandon hall activities and school activities altogether.
    - Miss the seniors who are graduating... have a feeling that something is missing once seniors graduateBelieved that her script, that she conceptualised in year 2 to scold Hall 11, will never ever materialise.
    Year 4 - Lao rens
    - Graduating
    - Mostly fully retired
    - 不 active 的 与世隔绝
    - Slightly more active 的 喜欢倚老卖老,but 不喜欢做事
    - Tendency to rant non-stop because she needs an outlet to voice her sorrow.
    - Frequent periods of emoing due to (reluctantly admitting) emotional attachment to hall 11.Choose to participate in hall activity not because of points, for portfolio, for fun, but because her script is being used and she needs to see her baby grow up. She also realises that this is her last time being involved in Hall 11 activities. Thus she hoped to end her NTU life with her most beloved activity, drama production. -
    Realization that even though she claimed she hated Hall 11, she realised her best memories are with the hall 11, family.Miss
    all the friends she have made in hall, esp the year 1s and 2s, because they represent a part of her life that she never had enjoyed. Because she was being overwhelmed by hall activities and chose to live in isolation, slowly being forgotten. Feels terrible 哀伤 about the inevitable leaving of the place she has called home for three years.Happy to live in Hall 15 because her roomie is fantastic and understanding. Yet can be close to that particular hall that  was part of her life in NTU, most of the time. Reluctantly, very reluctantly admit, she misses her single room in Hall 11 Blk 53, with the blue curtains, chinese paintings, witch hat and the hamster that died after she moved back home. Her possibly, only companion in Hall 11 Blk 53 for two years.

  2. 举头望无尽灰云  那季节叫做寂寞背包塞满了家用  路就这样开始走日不见太阳的暖  夜不见月光的蓝不得不选择寒冷的开始留下只拥有遗憾命运的安排  遵守自然的逻辑谁都无法揭谜底喔~远离家乡不甚唏嘘  幻化成秋夜而我却像落叶归根  坠在你心间几分忧郁几分孤单  都心甘情愿我的爱像落叶归根  家唯独在你身边但愿陪你找回  所遗失的永恒当我开口你却沈默...只剩一场梦永别吧?梦醒时分,就是新的一天的开始。新的方向,新的体会。

  3. 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Time flies. Haha, someone getting emo about graduating le... Hmmm... all the best to you future endeavors.

  4. To Minghui: Thanks! Too early to say goodbye though. =)
    To Jiamin: Arrow you? Haha! Nonono... My blog seldom target only one person. In this case, it has 2 objectives.
    1. Shoot arrows into the heart of every friends who lives in Hall 11.
    2. To show the readers 我感性的一面。

  5. Jiamin, after I reread ur comment... erm... it is not that sad la... take it easy... haha

  6. wah.. sounds so emo..=xis the canteen food really that nice??haha! i know i know.. it\'s not about the food. but what to say?everyone still can keep in contact with every one... somehow, through blogs, msn or any other ways.but to leave the place, also meant leaving behind that certain lifestyle. 3 weeks more.can\'t really imagine how hall11 will be next semester.. *facepalms*i don\'t know whether i will feel sad when i eventually leave the place. *wonders* i prolly would. *shruggs*

  7. I think canteen food will make me less emo when i am finally leaving... pui! Haha! =P
