Thursday, December 29, 2005

Butterfly Effect

A butterfly flapping its wings in South America can affect the weather in Singapore.


- Chaos Theory (paraphrased a bit by me =P)


Loitering around the VCD rental shop today, suddenly thought of one movie mentioned in my Chinese Cinema module that doesn't follow the Aristotelian narrative structure. So I rent the movie and watched it just now.


I was absolutely impressed. If you think Sixth Sense is good, Butterfly Effect is better. Highly recommended if you like story with a very good twist.



PS. Btw a story with Aristotelian narrative structure is simply a story with the following characteristics in order:


  1. Introduction

  2. Exposition

  3. Development

  4. Conflict

  5. Climax

  6. Resolution

Basically it's very very very hard to find a story WITHOUT Aristotelian narrative structure, especially a good one. Watch Butterfly Effect!




Time ......... Gone.


What the hell have I been doing this holiday? Do you guys sometimes have the feeling that sometime time just past by without you doing anything meaningful? Have I been living my life in vain??


Better let me make a summary of what I did in the hols. (Roughly in chronological order)


  1. Went KL and Genting. Tried paintball.

  2. Did ACCA invilgilaton for 4 days.

  3. Bridge trainings.

  4. Assembled 2.5 Gundams. (The other 0.5 finish by today.)

  5. Did $50 worth of data entry.

  6. Lead my hall bridge team to win the fifth place. (Almost got a fourth. Lost to Song'en's team.)

  7. Rejoicing my B of a kind exam results.

  8. Bring my cousin's and their kids (from Malaysia) around Singapore. Science Center is a fun place. Damn shag playing with 3 kids for 4 days.

  9. Assembled 3 Lego toys for my cousin's kids. (The suitable age on the toy box is not accurate.)

  10. Watched 'The Promise' with my family. Everyone, please don't go and watch that show. Dunno what happened to Chen Kaige.

  11. Won a Weiqi game in the Interhall Games. (Out of 4.)

  12. Finding props for my hall production. (Who got airport chairs and park bench?? Help!)

  13. Done one full day of stocktaking in Carrefour, Suntec.

  14. Introduced to some new interesting award-winning board games from French. Quarto, Gobblet and Quoridor is particularly fun.

  15. Trained my Mage in World of Warcraft to level 24. He ganna fatal error and died yesterday. RIP.

  16. Plan timetable and registered subjects. Very satisfied with my timetable. No lessons in the mornings and on fridays... err... well, no tutorials actually.

  17. Meet up with my HC ChiangDao CIP friends. Long time no see! Played Quarto with them. Fun!

  18. Watched Wallace and Gromit. The penguin cartoon very funny. Overall ok. A bit boring in the beginning. 3 stars.

Seems like I've accomplished quite alot in this holidays... Hmmm...



Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Skip Lecture Project Conclusion


The long awaited outcome of our Skip Lecture Project, launched on 20 Sep 2004 (details below), is out! From our one and only volunteer's exam results, we've reached the conclusion that lectures has ZERO CORRELATION with exams results! 


Raw data: While his numbers of As decreased drastically by 2 (66% decrease) compared to his previous sem, he got no grades below B- in this sem. Though he may not be able to stay in ABP (Accelerated Bachelor Programme) any longer, but all in all, he is quite satisfied with his results. The slight drop in performance may be due to his heavy involvement in PDP (Play Dota Project).  


There's some drop in grades compared to his previous sem, but this is NOT the results we should see from one who has been SLPing throughout the sem, if there is any correlation between lectures and grades. Therefore we conclude that attending lectures is...






Skip Lecture Project  (launched on  20 Sep 2004)



Have you ever waked up at 7 in the morning and felt like smashing your alarm clock? Have you ever wanted to zao lesson but did not dare to for the fear of missing something important? Have you ever wondered if attending lectures is futile? 


If you have, you are not alone. (If you haven't, well... subconsciously you have.)


Let us introduce you to SLP, the Skip Lecture Project!



SLP has an hypothesis -


Attending lectures have absolutely no correlation with the grades you get. (Therefore, you might as well don't go lectures.)



The aim of the SLP is to prove that this hypothesis is true so that all students don't have to attend lectures anymore!!!



As professional students after 12+ years of education, we have observed some very strange phenomenon. Students in lecture tends do things like chit chatting, eating, sleeping, drooling, doing homework, smsing, playing with handphone's games (personal favorite), staring at the wall behind the lecturer etc etc. Every single thing except... listening to the lecturer. This is absolutely waste of time and students can make better use of their time studying (or sleeping) at home or in hall.


Then on the efficiency of lectures. Most lecturers read off directly from their slides, which is usually exactly the same as our lecture notes. We might as well read it on our own time own target (OTOT).


Lastly on the efficiency of human beings absorbing the materials taught. Research shows that a normal person's attention span is around 30 minutes tops. Yet, the duration of lectures are more than 2 hours most of the time. In addition, many lectures are after lunch breaks, when our body is spending energy digesting food and therefore can afford less energy for listening, ie. our attention span becomes shorter. (Do you feel sleep sooner in lectures after lunch?) From these, we can clearly see that it is not very efficient for students to sit 2 plus hours in a Lecture Theatre listening to lectures.


Base on the above evidences, SLP strongly suspect that lectures are useless.



To test the hypothesis, SLP recruits professional students to skip lectures for an entire semester. If the grades he or she gets at the end of the sem are as good as or better than the other sems when he or she attends lectures, it proves that attending lectures and grades are totally unrelated.


Progress Report 

Currently we have ONE volunteer in our project. He is in NTU EEE year 2 and he has been skipping lectures for 4 consecutive weeks. (Although he attended lectures for the first 3 weeks of this sem, it doesn't invalidate the experiment since he was playing with handphone games most of the time during lectures anyway.) We have been constantly monitoring his progress and... well, he's not doing so fine right now. However, we do NOT think this is the consequence of him not attending lectures. Anw, we will have a conclusion after his examination result is out.





We need a larger sample size to make our project more valid! Your effort (or lack of) will contribute to our grand and ultimate aim of abolishing lectures from every single country's education system! So don't hesitate, sign up today! PLEASE (join) SLP NOW!!!



Related Studies

Another project that is closely linked to our project is the Play Dota Project, PDP (also stands for Please DO Play). It investigates whether playing DOTA everyday will affect examination grades. Infomation on PDP will be out soon. Please return to this website regularly for further updates.




Saturday, December 17, 2005


The forest is thick. Predators all around me, roaming here and there. They haven't seen me though. I'm well hidden.


What the hell am I doing in this place?? I'm dead tired, tired of doing neverending quests... I want to get out! I want my life back! Where's the exit??


Shit! I'm spotted by a black strips white tiger (aka Moonstalker)! Flight or fight? I can't outrun the ferocious cat. Focusing all my internal energy, my hands burst into flames and, in a few seconds, I released a ball of fire which sped towards my target.


It's going to be the Xth tiger I killed in this cursed place. And I'm sick of it.


Just another day trapped in the World of Warcraft.



Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Annual camp

AC is ... fun?


You know, some trips are fun because the place is exotic. Some trips are fun because the activities are interesting. Some trips are fun because the people going with you are fun.


AC definitely does not belong to the first category. KL is one place I go about once every year. Genting is one place I go about once every other year.


AC might have belong to the 2nd category if trekking at Mt Ophir hasn't been cancelled, if our bus hasn't broken down, if we wasn't stranded at the roadside for 2-3 hours, if we wasn't stranded at Afamosa for another 2-3 hours (without our dinner).


Luckily AC belong to the third category. How can a trip be not fun when you are going together with a busload of friends? We have TONS of laughter while we were playing Asshole in the hotel room and at the side of a road in Malaysia. 


Can't forget the chua sai look on Alvin's face when Alda scold him 'chio4 lan3' when he laugh at her for having a bad Ti Di hand. Can't forget Vincent's stunned expession when his roomie pointed finger at him saying he stepped on dog shit. Who's the one who stepped on dog shit is still a mystery up til now, but poor Vincent has been outcasted by all of us (wrongly) the entire time we smelled the dogshit smell. =P  


However, though the trip was fun, somehow I have the nagging feeling that something was not quite right when the highlight of an overseas trip is the playing of card game in a hotel room or... erm... at the road side.


Well, at least the trip was fun. And not many can boast that they had played cards at the side of an expressway, not to say in Malaysia somemore. Photos will be up soon. =)



Friday, December 2, 2005

Does God exist?

I read this from a book called The Philosophy Gym - 25 Short Adventures In Thinking  by Stephen Law which I feel is very interesting. Hereby pen it down to see if anybody has anything to say. (Though I doubt anybody who will have anything to say will get to read this.)


Lets begin: Does God exist?


For: The Design Argument (Telelogical Argument) by William Parley (1743-1805)


While walking on a beach, you discover a watch lying on the sand. How did it get there? It's unlikely that the watch came into existence without a designer.


Now consider a human eye. The eye is far more complex than any watch. Isn't it likely that the eye has a designer too? Since the design and production of the eye is quite beyond us, its designer must therefore be God, who's far more intelligent and powerful.


Against: Natural Selection by Charles Dawin


Organisms contain within their cells DNA. When they reproduce, their DNA is copied and pass on. However, through chance, there may be some slight changes in the DNA passed down - mutation. These mutations may either help of hinder the organism's chance of surviving. Those who survived will pass on their 'successful' mutated genes to their offsprings. Gradually a species will evolve and adapt to their environment.


Natural selection explains how the eye came about. It's the result of evolution over millions of years to help the organism survive its environment. It doesn't need a designer, ie God.  


DNA must come from somewhere, right? 


DNA is a comparatively simple mechanism. It's possible for DNA to come into existence spontaneously. (It has been proven in the lab.)


For: The Design of Natural Law


The world is governed by natural laws. There are many different ways in which thesee laws might have been set. Only a very very very tiny percentage allows for a stable universe capable of producing and sustaining concious beings like ourselves. Therefore, it's highly plausible that this is purposely designed by someone so as to yield this highly improbable result, and that someone is God.


Against: Lottery Fallacy 


You have a 1 in 10000 chance to win in 4D. You bought the number 4444. Yet still you win. It's highly unlikely, yet there's no reason to think the 4D is rigged in you favour, just like there's no reason to think someone purposely designed the universe such that we can be produce and sustain. You (we) are just lucky! To think otherwise is to commit the Lottery Fallacy


Against: The Problem of Evil (This is interesting!) 


Even if, for the sake of argument, we accept that the universe is designed by some sort of intelligent creator, the evidence points very strongly away from that creator being God.


God is supposed by Jews, Christians and Muslims to have 3 characteristics: Omniscience (He is all knowing), Omnipotence (He is all-powerful) and Supreme Benevolence. But it seems impossible to reconcile the existence of such a being with the fact that there's a great deal of suffering in this world.


God is supreme benevolence - He can't want us to suffer.

God is omnisciencient - He knows we are suffering.

God is omnipotent - He can prevent us from suffering.


But... Why didn't he?


Either He is not all-powerful - He can't make a better universe.

Or He is not all-knowing - He don't know we are suffering.

Or He is not all-good - He knows, but He didn't much care.


(If so, then why are we worshipping Him?)


But God, if He exists, has all these characteristics.. Therefore God does not exist.


The 3 most common defenses are:


For: God Punishment


We have sinned, so God punish us.



What about new-borns that contacted diseases such as HIV?? What have they done?


For: God Made Us Free


Our suffering is not God's fault, but ours. God gives us free will. We act in ways that causes our sufferings.



What about natural disasters? What did we do to cause, say, the volcano to erupt, or the ground to shake???


For: Suffering Makes Us Virtuous


God wants us to suffer so as to make us better people.



Since He is omnipotent, why didn't he make us 'better people' in the first place. Even if it's unavoidable, why some people suffer more than others?


Against: Ockham's Razor - William of Ockham (1285-1349)


Suppose there's no more evidence for God's existence than there was against (This is clearly not the case - there's pretty good evidence that He doesn't exist.). What would it be rational to believe? Most would say suspend judgement, but the correct answer is:


Believe God doesn't exist.




Ockham Razor - when presented with 2 equally well supported hypotheses, choose the simpler one.  




2 hypotheses:


A. There are invisible, intangible, immaterial faries flying all around you.

B. There are no invisible, intangible faries flying all around you.  


Everything I obseved fits the 2 hypotheses very well - I would observe everything normally in both hypotheses. Should I suspend judgement?? Of course not! The rational thing to believe is that there's no faries because that's the simpler hypothesis. Why introduce unnecessary faries??


The same applies to God. 





Even if the book say it's logical to believe that God doesn't exist, I personally would suspend judgement. Why? There's no other better explainations on how the universe is created. (Hmmm... maybe I'll write something on this topic.) However the creator I believe in (IF I believe) definitely don't have the 3 qualities mention above. That's why I don't believe in Chistianity. Period.


Now, anybody has better arguments for the existence of God?



Hall annual camp itinerary

1st Day





Gather in canteen:

1. check passport

2. general briefing


Depart from NTU to woodlands checkpoint


Take public bus 170 to Merlin Tower (fee paid by committee)


Head to Malacca Town (breakfast will be served on bus)


Shopping and lunch time (lunch not provided)


Head to KL


Check in Swiss Inn Hotel


Head to Time Square)


Head to KLCC


Head to Petaling street


Night life

*Participants can choose to use their own means of transportation like taxi and monorail in KL


2nd Day





Morning call & breakfast in Swiss inn hotel


Check out Swiss Inn & head to genting


Take skyway (cable car, fee paid by committee)


Check in 1st World Hotel


Free and easy


3rd Day





Morning call & breakfast (not provided)


Check out & head to A-Famosa


Lunch in Seremban seafood restaurant (provided)


Arrive A-Famosa: Paintball, archery, go-carting, M-light


Wash up in resort


Head to Muar




Back to NTU



Thursday, December 1, 2005

My Gundam

Heh heh! One of the more productive things I did during the holidays. Going Malaysia on Saturday. Yeah.


Saturday, November 26, 2005

Career Inventory Test

Career Inventory Test Results

Emotional Stability||||||||||||||||||||||||73%

You are a Planner, possible professions include - management consultant, economist, scientist, computer programmer, environmental planner, new business developer, curriculum designer, administrator, mathematician, psychologist, neurologist, biomedical researcher, strategic planner, civil engineer, intellectual properties attorney, designer, editor/art director, inventor, informational-graphics designer, financial planner, judge.
Take Free Career Test
personality tests by


Friday, November 25, 2005

Sites of interest

How To Build A Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later  - Philip K Dick 


Games from - Test your hand eyes coordination. - Display your sadistic streak


Ping Pong Fever (2 of my FAVOURITE games!)! I reach level 8. Can you? - Play table tennis with Forrest Gump!


How good is my site?






Now you know what am I doing during my exam period 30% of the time.


(Another 30% was spent playing DOTA and Fable...)



My IQ - Part 2

Jiefeng, your Super IQ score is 147

Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.

The way you think about things makes you a Creative Theorist. This means you are a highly intelligent, complex person. You are able to process information of nearly every kind with ease, using both creativity and analysis to make sense of the world. Compared to others you also have a very rich imagination.

How did we determine that your thinking style is that of a Creative Theorist? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed how you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational, abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical. The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you a Creative Theorist. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities.


Apparently memory is not my strong point. I forgot the NAMES of the 2 art works in the art work analysis I so painstakingly prepared and memorised today during my exam. Shit.


But well well, I shouldn't have prepared and memorised them today before my exam when I was playing game and sleeping for the whole day yesterday. 



Saturday, November 19, 2005

My IQ - Part 1

Congratulations, Jiefeng!
Your IQ score is 136



This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates.




Exceptional maths skill? That would be useful in the oncoming maths exam, if I really do have it, which I doubt...  



Two idiotic songs

I'm going to attempt to write a song... or rather, translate 2 songs, under the psedonym of Handsome Kok. (I don't want to disgrace my real name...)



Big Mice Love Big Rice   (To the tune of 《老鼠爱大米》)


I love you, loving you, jus like big mice love big rice...


(Hey, it rhymes! =)


(Hmmm... maybe 'I love you, loving you, jus like I really love pork chop' will be better...)


To be continued... write the other one first...



Not Scared Not Scared   (To the tune of 《不怕不怕》)


Miya hee, miya ho, miya ho, miya haha x3


I see cockroach I not scared I not scared,

See cockroach I not scared,

I not scared not scared just not scared...


To be continued...



I really despise myself man!


I hate myself for not knowing what original means. I just can't help copying the most catchy songs in the market currently.


I hate myself for having a creativity of a 5 year old.  Even those who fast forward pop songs and put in strong beats to convert them to techno songs have more creativity than me.


I hate myself for loving insects and rodents so much that I die die have to put them into my songs, even though they are pests. 


(But well, Jay Chow also sing about insects in《夜曲》wat, so I copy lor.)


I hate myself for making the nice theme song of Chicken Little sounds so stupid.


I hate myself for spending tons of money on publicity so that everyone watching TV or listening to radio will be tortured by my idiotic songs.  


I hate myself for having such a stupid name. But lucky I'm not a girl. If not I'll become Pretty Cock.



I should not thought to enter the music industry.



Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Christmas haiku

Came across this when i randomly browse through the net...



"Glass balls and glowing lights.
Dead tree in living room.

Killed to honor birth."



Food for thought...



Anwz, now is about 2 hours from my EE2010 paper. Excited. The atmosphere is different. Tension's in the air. Exams is fun! Woo!


Btw, currently obsess with Heh!



Thursday, November 3, 2005

How much is my blog worth?




Good things are priceless.



Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Mirror writing

The business finance paper today is totally unremarkable. Absolutely no creativity to speak of on the teacher's part. It is supposed to be a good thing, but I just feel sian doing the paper...  No adrenaline rush. Damn bored. Hopefully the rest of the papers can be more challenging.


Like real. Haha!


(Actually I don't have to worry too much. The next few papers will be very challenging, given the state of preparedness I'm in.)


My last lesson of western art history after the exam was as boring as the exam. The teacher taught like she was going to fall asleep. I was of course going to fall asleep also.


So I doodle on my foolscap.


Now I can write my name in 'mirror writing' - when you look at the characters normally they ain't english words, they make sense when you see their reflection in the mirror. Feel real proud today. It's fun mastering writing new characters - 'Hsilgne' characters. Brings back memories of you in kindergarden practicing writing ABC on exercise books... I still remember the extra large practice book with alphabets in dotted lines... Interesting. =)


And btw, Leonardo Da Vinci signed his name in mirror writing too!


(As if he copied me. Haha!)



Thursday, October 27, 2005

A game

Game 1


You are shown four cards.  Each card has a letter on one side, and a number on the other side.  You see only one side of each card; you see “A B 2 1” on the visible faces of the four cards.
Your task is to check to see if the following rule is obeyed by the cards. 
If a card has a vowel on one side, then it has an even number on the other side.
Now, let me ask you, which of these four cards would you need to turn over to check that the rule is being obeyed?  You may choose more than one card if you wish.

Game 2
Imagine you're working as a bouncer in a bar.  There's recently been a crackdown on underage drinking.
As the bouncer you have to enforce the following rule:
For a person to be drinking legally, they have to be 18 or older.  Your boss has warned you to be on the lookout for people violating this rule.
Well, you've just started work for the night, and you see four people at the bar.
The first person is drinking a beer.
The second person is drinking a diet coke.
The third person is quite elderly, definitely over 18.  You can't see whether they're drinking alcohol or not.
The fourth person is just a kid, definitely under 18.  You can't see whether they're drinking alcohol or not.
My question to you is, as the bouncer, which of these people do you need to check out, to see whether the rule is being obeyed correctly?  You may choose more than one.


Answer for both games


(The 2 games are the same in disguise.)


The answer are the 1st and the 4th card or person.


Did you guess 'A' and '2' for the game 1? (I did)


Now do you know why you are wrong? Think about it carefully.


Interesting that we all guess wrongly for game 1 and right for game 2 isn't it?


This experiment has been performed numerous times around the world, usually with essentially the same outcome: people get the bar game right, and the card game wrong.  One common conclusion is that while people are extremely good at reasoning about social situations involving other people, as the concepts involved become more abstract they find it much more difficult to reason.  Their intuition begins to go haywire even in relatively simple situations like the card game.  In slightly more complex situations it stops functioning altogether.



To know more, go here, where I got this from . The article is quite interesting.



Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Complaint (Part 3)

The teacher accept my suggestion! Yeah! No more presentations! I HATE presentations.


In retrospect, I was quite surprised that I'm the only one in class who voice this out to the teacher. How can people take this lying down??? Presentations and lectures THREE weeks into the exams! WTF?


Haiz, people have a tendency to accept whatever fate that awaits them quietly. This is WRONG! We must be strong. Anything that is unreasonable must complain!




If you don't complain, people may thought that you don't mind. Or, as in my case, they don't know you mind. In the end, it is you who suffer.


Complain is good! =P



Sunday, October 23, 2005


Last night I dreamt of myself (looking in the mirror) having 2 very gruesome deep and long cuts below my mouth and I felt terrible. What does it mean?  


My soul is wounded??


That is not a good sign...


A thousand worries, but no one I can really talk to.





Friday, October 21, 2005

Complaint (Part 2)

Dear Mdm,


I'm sorry that I didn't state my point clearly in my previous mail. What I was saying is less on me wanting to get exempted from lectures and more on me not wanting to miss any of the lectures (and definitely not the exam prep & revision lecture). Therefore I was wondering if it is possible for all the lectures needed to finish the syllabus to be held before the exams (31st Oct). And if it is not possible, hopefully the syllabus can be cleared before the 1st week of exams (7th Nov).

The reason for this is that additional lectures deep into the exam period eats up the time necessary for us to study for the exams.


Imagine how a student will feel if he or she have a 4au core module exam on Thursday morning and still have to attend a 3 hour lecture on Wednesday evening. And if there is a presentation, I am sure the student will be more miserable as he or she still have to prepare for the presentation on the Wednesday afternoon. Not to mention how much more depress he or she will be if the same thing happens for the next TWO weeks.


One of the ways to solve this is to do away with the presentations and squeeze the remaining syllabus into the next 1 or 2 lectures. I believe that students will be too busy preparing for exams to do a good job preparing for the presentation. And as a result, students who are listening to the presentations will not gain much since the presentations are poorly prepared. This is clearly a lose-lose situation and precious time are wasted.


I do not know if doing away with presentations is administratively possible. But I believe that the aim of this course is not to hone our presentation skills... certainly not right in the middle of the exams.


If it is not possible, is it possible to postpone the presentations until after the exams? Or having additional make ups before exams?


I'm very sorry for being so long-winded but I'm afraid that I cannot get my point across. I really do hope that the School of ADM can understand the plight and the difficulties faced by the students during this stressful period and consider my suggestions. Please help us in this aspect. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely




Any complain experts out there? Do you think I will get black-listed? Scared...


Hmmm... maybe she won't understand what the hell I am saying, given my bad english...  


Complaint (Part 1)

Dear Mdm,


I am JF from your class (blah blah blah).  I have some problems regarding the lecture schedule during the exam period as it happens that I have exams on the 02, 09 and 16 November (all the Wednesdays). Moreover, by having lectures and tutorials this late into the exam period, I'm afraid that we may not have sufficient time to study for this subject or to prepare our presentations, since we have to study for our other core modules as well. I feel that our grades for all subjects will suffer as a result of this.


I am wondering if it is possible to cut away the presentations and squeeze the rest of the syllabus into the next 1 or 2 lectures. I personally feels that it I can learn more when you are teaching than when other groups are presenting. I understand that it is tough to teach two lectures one right after another, so I am thinking if it may be possible to combine our class with the other class since our other lectures will be ending this week. We definitely don't have lessons the week after next, when the exams starts.


I sincerely hope that you can consider my suggestions. I have been talking about this with others in the class and most of them felt the same way too. Thank you for your kind attention and have a nice day. =)


Yours Sincerely



Friday, October 14, 2005

不知所云 ...






《再别康桥》- 徐志摩






却不留下一点 comments。

《再别峰言峰语》- 许杰峰



有没有三条线的感觉? Haha!



Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Color of my blog

Your Blog Should Be Orange



Your writing has a star quality - it's charming, bold, and flamboyant.
You write what's on your mind, without fear of embarrassment later.
You are one of the most honest bloggers around, and people appreciate your daring persona.




Hmmm... Is it true?

Friday, October 7, 2005

Time Machine

An exciting new scientific breakthrough!  

TIME MACHINES are not a fantasy anymore. It's now a REALITY!!!


This is yet another invention by the renowned genius Professor Koh. Here is a description of the time machine:


It is a solid (colours customizable) with a rectangular-shaped man-sized flat surface that is about knee height. Users just have to lie on it, and during peak performances, the Time Machine fast forward time such that about 5 - 8 hours flash past within a blink of the eyes! One moment it is 3 am, the next moment it is 9 am!


However, the Time Machine don't always fast forward time so smoothly. In fact, most of the time, as Professor Koh personally experiences nowadays, the Time Machine fast forward time in jerks of 3 hours, break 5 minutes, and then another 3 hours.


Sometimes, the Time Machine even slows time down! This rare phenomenon of time slowing down is classified as the A-Problem. And as Professor Koh measured, when this happened, only 60 minutes have passed in the Time Machine when 1 hour has actually passed in the real world.


(Professor Koh often has headaches over this A-Problem as he wrecked his brain to solve it when it occured.)


Currently, Professor Koh is reseaching on how to reverse time now that he has discovered the secret to fast forward time. Hopefully we can see him making another breakthrough in his research in the near future.


He needs more time!



Wednesday, October 5, 2005

会读书 (才怪 !)



爱我的爸  疼我的妈,
不是要反抗  只是要你看,







This is a blog whose owner is nonexistent...

Suppose there is a blog whose owner has deceased... suicide most probably, accident maybe. Anwz the owner is nonexistent anymore. However, when he was still alive, he put so MUCH of his thoughts into the blog that one day, the blog conciously realises that its owner is not around anymore. Or rather, he realises that he is not around anymore, since the blog is nothing but the summation of his thoughts.


So the blog/he decides to write an entry on him not being in this world anymore. The title of the entry is:


"This is a blog whose owner is nonexistent..."


(The music of 'X-Files' starts playing in the background...)



Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Nice sites

Flash game - Is your eyes fast enough?


Time machine for sale - Read the Q&A, it is so funny!






FORCE inversely proportional to TIME (from now to exam)


TIME = FOUR weeks from this very day


The clock is ticking...


Mind feels tired everyday.


Just recovered from burnt out.


Burning out again.


What the hell...





A little joke quoted from Lian He Zao Bao:


What will 2 men and 1 woman do if they are stranded on an deserted island?


Ans. It depends on their nationality.


Italians -

The 2 men will kill each other for the woman.


Americans - 

The 2 men will share the woman.


French -

The 2 men will kill the woman.


Singaporean - 

Nothing will happen. There is no instruction from the government.


Taiwanese -

A man and the woman will run for president and vice president. The other man will form the oppostion.




Feeling better. Back to work.



Disclaimer: This joke does NOT reflect what I feel about people of the countries mentioned, except one.



Thursday, September 29, 2005


There was quite a big hoohaa recently about students writing defamatory remarks against teachers in blogs and getting suspended.



Well, as I said, don't play play with any organisations whose name starts with 'S'. School is also an organisation you know.


Scary writing blogs nowadays.


Big Brother is watching.



Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What is my religious philosophy?

You are Agonistic



You're not sure if God exists, and you don't care.
For you, there's no true way to figure out the divine.
You rather focus on what you can control - your own life.
And you tend to resent when others "sell" religion to you.




Totally true.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Language is an abomination, especially grammatical correct language. It put a structure to normally messy unstructured thoughts. The essence of the thought is lost when put into words.


Therefore I usually try to express what I'm thinking in as few words as possible. Who cares when MS Word says my sentences are fragmented? (Ok ok, I admit my english is lousy!)


This makes me think of something I learnt when I was in primary school - Haiku , one of the oldest literary forms. It's traditional japanese poetry, with only a total of 17 syllables (5-7-5), making it short and sweet. It's supposedly written when the poet experienced a moment of enlightenment (or satori  for the Zen inspired). Here's a masterpiece written by one of the masters:



I'm damn f*cking bored.

Trying to write a Haiku.

People's head - three lines.


                                                                                ~ IW








Friday, September 23, 2005


Almost died.


Hall life is EXTREMELY draining. Activities everyday. Sleeping at 3 or 4 every night. Being a photosale head isn't as zuo bo as expected. It feels good to have a team of girls working with you though. =) Chess training. Bridge training. DOTA 'trainings'. 


School work is not slack either. Tutorials piling up. Doing notes. Preparing for exam. One week break flies. Stress.




Trying to cramp four tests worth of things into your head is madness. Brain exploded.


Since my brain exploded, naturally I didn't do too well for some of my tests. Failed one. Depressed.


Finally struggled back home. Sleep and recharged. I'm saved.


What doesn't kill me make me stronger.






Just received a phone call from a friend. The fourth and final test is VERY VERY difficult. He just passed. (The good thing is: It's good to have make a lot of friends in hall. Friends help each other.)





DOTA is a drug. It makes you high when you are playing, but it leaves you extremely drained and tired when you stop playing. And like a drug, it's addictive. I'm addicted.





MCQ: Have you ever think about what language the word "gostun" came from? ("Gostun" as in reverse, when you are driving.) Have a guess.



A. English


B. Chinese


C. Hokkien


D. Teochew


E. Cantonese



(Btw this's not a 欠扁题.)



The answer is english. It came from "go astern".


Interesting huh? Heard it from Shirleen. You learn something new everyday. =)



Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Here are some 欠扁题 to make you tu lan.


Qn 1. 第十一本书



Qn 2. 蓝色的刀,蓝色的枪



Qn 3. 马穿短裤



Qn 4. 一只熊走过来







想一想 ...




再想想 ...






Ans 1. 不可思议 



Ans 2. 刀枪不入



Ans 3. 露出马脚



Ans 4. 有备而来 or 来势汹汹



Haha! Can you understand why?



Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Skip Lecture Project (SLP)


Have you ever waked up at 7 in the morning and felt like smashing your alarm clock? Have you ever wanted to zao lesson but did not dare to for the fear of missing something important? Have you ever wondered if attending lectures is futile? 


If you have, you are not alone. (If you haven't, well... subconsciously you have.)


Let us introduce you to SLP, the Skip Lecture Project!



SLP has an hypothesis -


Attending lectures have absolutely no correlation with the grades you get. (Therefore, you might as well don't go lectures.)



The aim of the SLP is to prove that this hypothesis is true so that all students don't have to attend lectures anymore!!!



As professional students after 12+ years of education, we have observed some very strange phenomenon. Students in lecture tends do things like chit chatting, eating, sleeping, drooling, doing homework, smsing, playing with handphone's games (personal favorite), staring at the wall behind the lecturer etc etc. Every single thing except... listening to the lecturer. This is absolutely waste of time and students can make better use of their time studying (or sleeping) at home or in hall.


Then on the efficiency of lectures. Most lecturers read off directly from their slides, which is usually exactly the same as our lecture notes. We might as well read it on our own time own target (OTOT).


Lastly on the efficiency of human beings absorbing the materials taught. Research shows that a normal person's attention span is around 30 minutes tops. Yet, the duration of lectures are more than 2 hours most of the time. In addition, many lectures are after lunch breaks, when our body is spending energy digesting food and therefore can afford less energy for listening, ie. our attention span becomes shorter. (Do you feel sleep sooner in lectures after lunch?) From these, we can clearly see that it is not very efficient for students to sit 2 plus hours in a Lecture Theatre listening to lectures.


Base on the above evidences, SLP strongly suspect that lectures are useless.



To test the hypothesis, SLP recruits professional students to skip lectures for an entire semester. If the grades he or she gets at the end of the sem are as good as or better than the other sems when he or she attends lectures, it proves that attending lectures and grades are totally unrelated.


Progress Report 

Currently we have ONE volunteer in our project. He is in NTU EEE year 2 and he has been skipping lectures for 4 consecutive weeks. (Although he attended lectures for the first 3 weeks of this sem, it doesn't invalidate the experiment since he was playing with handphone games most of the time during lectures anyway.) We have been constantly monitoring his progress and... well, he's not doing so fine right now. However, we do NOT think this is the consequence of him not attending lectures. Anw, we will have a conclusion after his examination result is out.





We need a larger sample size to make our project more valid! Your effort (or lack of) will contribute to our grand and ultimate aim of abolishing lectures from every single country's education system! So don't hesitate, sign up today! PLEASE (join) SLP NOW!!!



Related Studies

Another project that is closely linked to our project is the Play Dota Project, PDP (also stands for Please DO Play). It investigates whether playing DOTA everyday will affect examination grades. Infomation on PDP will be out soon. Please return to this website regularly for further updates.



P.S. A senseless piece of crap written just the night before the most-feared and most-hated math common test. Haha!



Monday, September 19, 2005

Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children

Never have I watched an animation that's so visual stunning, fighting scene so beautifully chronographed, characters so perfect... A moving piece of art. And it brought memories of the game that i had played so many years ago. 


Fantasy... I'm a daydreamer... but never in my deepest fantasy can I think of something as spectacular as this. The animators are genius!


Must watch.




Sunday, September 18, 2005


Quotes from Dune Chapterhouse:


"Law to suppress tend to strengthen what they would prohibit. This is the fine point on which all the legal professions of history have based their job security." - Bene Gesserit Coda


"Power attracts the corruptible. Suspect all who seek it." - Darwi Odrade, BG Mother Superior


"We should grant power over over affairs only to those who are reluctant to hold it and then only under conditions that increase the reluctance." - Darwi Odrade


"To know a thing well, know its limits. Only when pushed beyond its tolerances will true nature be seen." - The Amtal Rule


"Do not depend only on theory if your life is at stake." - Bene Gesserit Commentary


"Major flaws in government arise from a fear of making radical internal changes even though a need is clearly seen." - Darwi Odrade


"Avoid giving orders. Once you gave orders, you have to keep on giving it." - Duncan Idaho



Friday, September 16, 2005

My Birthday

Your Birthdate: January 21


Being born on the 21st day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.
The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.
There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude.

You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.
Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.
You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.

You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.
Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about.
You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive.
You are subject to rapid ups and downs.




"Natural ability to express myself in public"? What can be more untrue?!


But others more or less true lah. =P



Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ten horses

My favourite 欠扁题:


Part 1

There are ten horses in a farm. Five are black, four are white, and one is red. How many horses can say they have the same colour as another horse?


A. 0

B. 9

C. 10

D. 11





Simple question, think for a while before you see the answer.




You think it's nine? Think again.




The answer is zero! Horses can't talk! None of them can say anything!



Part 2

(Continue from the previous question.) What if the horses can talk? How many horses can say they have the same colour as another horse?


A. 0

B. 9

C. 10

D. 11









The answer is not nine horses...




The answer is ten! All the horses can say whatever heck they want!



PS. This question may be 欠扁, but it teaches a very simple truth. Dedicated to PF =)



Monday, September 12, 2005

一个 authority hater 的无奈















Saturday, September 10, 2005


梁智强说:“读英校的是精英,读华校的是... 精华 (endangered species)。”


I came from traditional chinese schools and studied chinese in JC. I'm 精华. Haha!




There are four types of knowledge.


1) Things you know you know.

2) Things you don't know you know.

3) Things you know you don't know.

4) Things you don't know you don't know.


I discovered that for me, there are tons of knowledge that belong to category four,ie.


I know there're lots of thing I don't know I don't know. (Is it a paradox?)




"难得糊涂" - 郑板桥


"难得不糊涂" - 许杰峰




Current Affairs (Moral of the White Elephant story)  -


Don't play play with any company or agency or organization whose name start with 'S'. 





Friday, September 9, 2005

Random thoughts of a lazy swimmer

It was a lazy sunny afternoon at Woodlands Swimming Pool. One lazy swimmer was breast stroking relaxingly through the crystal clear water, occupying the entire lane to himself. With nothing to do except moving his arms and legs, his thoughts started to wonder. Lets us zoom into his head and take a look at the electric signals that’s flashing through his brain’s pathways…



A relaxing day… feels so good to find an almost empty swimming pool… (no ‘scenery’ though)… what a good way to start the one week break…


Finished two laps… finally some exercise after seven weeks… had the weird feeling of muscles disintegrating for the past few weeks… integrating… maths… arghhh… I hate maths… have to brush up my maths during recess…


Sixth lap… swimming so relaxing… everyday can swim so good… no worries… blue water… clear sky… light waves at the bottom of the pool… the world is so magical… life is beautiful… I'm getting closer to Lao Tse's Way of Tao... Be one with nature...


How many laps have I swum… eight or ten? … posted a question to Ask a Philosopher two day ago – ‘What’s the meaning of life? Why on earth do we exist?’… Will I get an answer? Is there an answer? ... Could it be that our life has no meaning at all? … Why the hell are we slogging like hell? … Can’t we swim everyday? …


Fourteenth lap… the pool getting more crowded… I want to write something different for my blog… something that may be reader-unfriendly… but I don’t care… I’m going to write about me swimming… ‘Random thoughts of a lazy swimmer’ will be a nice title…


The nineteenth, second last lap… feels like stopping… not that I’m tired, but just feeling too lazy to continue… no, I must persevere… not that it’s very difficult, since I’m not that tired… why the hell is that bugger cutting into my lane… I know you swim very fast, but you can’t swim straight ah?! …


Last lap… OMG! The same mother fu*ker see me coming still swim towards me head on! Wah lao eh! …



… Finally the lazy swimmer reached the other side of the pool. He got out off water, bathed, and cycled happily back home.



Moral of the story: Do NOT swim zig-zag in the swimming pool!