Wednesday, July 6, 2005

江南行 - Day 4

Very happy that comments are coming in! Chioboo! Find one day we meet up and share our experiences in China k? Sis! Haha we'll never know if the cars give way to zebras! Do zebras even exist in China?? Btw finally find the time to shrink the photos and upload them into my blog! Yours and Larissa's photos will come out soon! And also must go and see Youjie's 艳遇 leh!


The news just came out, London wil be hosting the 2012 Olympic Games!


Anwz, lets continue with the tour!


Day 4 (27 Jun) - Wu Xi, Nanjing


The stupid hotel in Wu Xi that we lived in is as aircon-less as the stupid plane. Didn't even know where I kicked the blanket to when I woke up. However I accomplished more things in this hotel than in the one in Hang Zhou.


First, I scribbled down what happened in the first 3 days of the trip, that's why the records in this blog are so clear, so far.


Second, I learnt how to open the chinese fan with one hand, just like those 风流才子 =P Yesterday at 寒山寺, I heard Xiaofeng kept complaining "So 热 , so 热" (I think she interacts with Singaporeans for too long already), so I lent her my fan. But I never expect she'll purposely and suavely open the fan with one hand right in front of us! I really hate people who like to hao lian, so I sweared to myself that I'll master the trick that night. Thus after some experimentation, I finally got the idea. Too bad Youjie couldn't get it.


From then on, I open the fan with one hand in front of Youjie constantly throughout the trip. =P


Ok, enough crap. After breakfast, we went 锡惠公园 (which has 天下第二泉), and 寄畅园. Actually I don't have much impression of this 2 places. Saw too many 园林 already. In fact I don't even remember the name and the face of the local guide, except that she also a nice middle aged lady. Regret that we didn't take a photo of her.


Later we went 紫砂茶具博物馆. How do you determine whether a teapot is of good quality and value? 1. When you cover the air hole, no water should come out of the mouth. 2. When you hold the teapot vertically, the cover shouldn't drop out. 3. It will be good if the teapot can float perfectly horizontally on water - 水上漂 property. 4. The most valuable teapot is made of green sand, ie. green in colour. 5. It's made by a master. 


I really loved the teapots there.


Then we went 太湖风景区 to take some pictures and 太湖珍珠 factory for a visit. There we see how the guide take out the pearls from a shell, and how to differentiate real peals from plastic pearl. Real pearls produce powders and retain its shine when rubbed against hard objects while plasic pearls are scratched. After the visit, we said goodbye to our Wu Xi local guide.


灵山大佛 was our last stop in Wu Xi afterwhich we proceed to Nanjing for dinner. At night, our new Nanjing local guide brought us to 秦淮河 area to shop. Xiaofeng led us to a cd/vcd shop, where one original music cd cost only S$3+. We grabbed them straight away!


Then we went to a place where there's lots of big big shopping centres. Not interested in shopping at such places, Xiaofeng, Youjie and me went to a KFC, where she treated us to Sundaes and BBQ sticks. Had a nice chat.


It turns out that bargain-hunting aunties and uncles were not interested in shopping at such places either. Grumbling, we proceed to check-in to our hotel. At least tonight's hotel is 5 stars. Hopefully it's better than the stupid hotel last night.





PS. A challenge: Who can guess what is it in that abstract photo (the darkest one)?  


PPS. Youjie and I keep complaining about the poor photographic skill of our tour guide after she took the picture of our entire tour group, supposedly in front of 灵山大佛, (which is to the left of the building. Sigh...)



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