Tuesday, July 12, 2005

江南行 - Last Day

Day 8 (01 Jul) - Shanghai


Woke up at 8 in the morning. Today is our last day in Shanghai, so time passed by especially fast for us, as it always happens when we want time to go slower. Anwz today's itinerary is about the same as yesterday for the 1st half of the day.


新天地 - Third time we came here, and again in a hot day, argh! The temperature I guessed is more than 38 degree. This time we siamed into Coffee Bean with Xiaofeng. And in less than 30 minutes, the aunties and uncles also siamed into Coffee Bean to join us. 


襄阳市场 - Shopped together with Xiaofeng. Seems that her bargaining skill is not as good as ours, majiam like she pleading the shopkeeper to lower the price, the shopkeeper pleading with her to raise the price. Anwz she helped me shopped for my mum's clothes (My mum asked me to buy clothes of all things! Mission Impossible!), but we can't find one that fits my mum's stringent criterion. In the end, just bought one which I thought look nice. (Alas it turns out to be unsuitable.)


After 'completed' my mission, again we siamed into first air-conditioned eating place we could find. Ate some local dishes. And again, Xiaofeng insisted that she's treating. I've a feeling that in Shanghai, we can never go hungry. I'm wondering why nowadays nobody go dutch anymore. Maybe we are entering the world of adults.


宋庆龄故居 - There we gained some insight into the life of the woman behind Sun Yat-Sen. Nothing much otherwise.


城隍庙 / 豫园 - Didn't even bother to shop. Straight away we siamed into some foodcourt. Xiaofeng bought some BBQ sticks and a big bowl of spicy noodles for us to share. My sis Shuhui came to meet us for one last time before we leave. I'm very touched. At least, she's got much more 义气 than some people, who don't even bother. Haha kidding lah Peijin! 


The four of us went MacDonald to have a drink. It was a bit awkward at first since Shuhui, Youjie and me were talking about the good old days. Only later when we introduced some Singaporean games like Black Magic and What Time Is It that Xiaofeng can join in our conversation. Had a good time together.


At 7pm, Shuhui and us parted after taking some photos. It was a bit 'saddening' since we'll only be able to see each other half a year later. But well, 6 months will pass quickly when we are working / studying.


Went airport after that. On the way, Xiaofeng routinely asked us for tips. We were surprised when the aunties told us that the tips is S$40 per person (I was thinking of giving $20). But since Xiaofeng has been taking so good care of us in the past few days we paid up w/o question. Only when I was looking at the itinerary (that I got from the travel agency) when I was writing this travelog that I noticed the small words: Tipping for local guide & driver total is SGD$40. PF, if you're reading this blog, maybe your tourguide didn't cheat you afterall.


At the airport gate, we took pictures, exchanged contacts, shaked hands and said goodbye to Xiaofeng. A bit 依依不舍, but life goes on. And there we left the tour guide that has been with us for 8 days, thinking if we'll be able to see each other again in the future. 看缘分吧.



Day 9 (02 Jul) - Singapore


We reached Changi Airport at 5 am. This time the flight is air-conditioned, at least. We didn't managed see the family of 6 before we leave, but we did managed to say goodbye to Uncle Chen and Uncle Lee (aka James!), who also had been taking good care of us and bringing us lots of laughter.   


There, all of us went our separate ways, carrying with us wonderful memories of the trip for the rest of our lifes.



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