Friday, July 8, 2005

江南行 - Night 6

Night 6 (29 Jun) - Shanghai


Haha, actually that was an overstatement. Larissa was merely a little wet, but she made us think otherwise with her complaints and mumblings. Anwz  we were very happy to see her, even after more than a year where we never meet each other (for me). And she looked very happy to see us too! This reminds me of something that Xiaofeng had said. The strongest friendship is forged with people who did these 3 types of activities together with you: 同过窗的, 扛过抢的, 坐过牢的. And the joy of 3 old classmates meeting together after all these months/years of separation in a foreign country was not dampen by the drizzle, or Larissa's tiredness after work, or even Larissa's umbrella incident (cannot say, if not she'll kill me =)!  


From 书城 we walked our way to Raffles City through the rain using Larissa's 'hard-earned' umbrella (Haha!). Something interesting aboout Raffles City is that its chinese name is 莱福士城 instead of 莱佛士城.


Anwz, there we met another of our JC classmates, my 'sis' Shuhui, the one who forced us to come Shanghai! It really feels very very heartwarming to have not 1 not 2 but 3 good old friends together with me in a strange city. (Actually there should be 4, but alas, she went Tibet.) And together, we went Hao Niu Shi (a restaurant) to have our dinner.


During dinner we talked about many things. Since we haven't seen each other for so long, naturally one of the things we talked about is how much we've changed. And we reached the conclusion that only 2 of us has changed. Youjie has grown fatter (disclaimer: this does not represent the view of the writer, since he sits on the fence at all times), and Larissa has became shrewder (as seen in the umbrella incident).


There's one incident that most pleased the writer during the dinner. It's the 'wahhh' I got from the 2 gals when they saw the 天禄 I bought. It's a big contrast compared to the reaction from them when they saw Youjie's 天禄 (my 天禄's little brother =P), which is no reaction at all! I know I'm being a little too egotistic here, but surely I've the right to be egotistic in my own blog, correct?


Anwz, my 天禄 has been bringing me good luck (I guess). Actually I've left only 50 rmb in my wallet that night. But since I got my 天禄, I don't have to pay for any meals for the rest of the trip! I got treats from all sorts of people: my classmates, my cousin, Youjie's friend, and Xiaofeng! Wow! Haha! I love my 天禄. But still, I would like to take this opportunity here to thank Larissa and my sis for all the meals. Owe you all one!


Lets continue. Later we went Bin Jiang Da Dao's 许留山 for dessert. Nice 芒果神冰! Took a lot of photos along the way. But many are underexposed. Still, I saved quite a few from the recycle bin by making them brighter using Photoshop, though the results may not be very good. Anyone who wants the original and/or higher resolution version can get it from me.


After that, we parted and went back to our respective hotel/flat. Written a lot since it was such a happy occasion. A S60 outing with 'many' people in Shanghai leh! Want to etch it firmly into my memory. Hope no one will mind. (Who cares if you mind anyway.)






1 comment:

  1. hey looked like you had a pretty fun time. I was just lookin at random spaces, yep, i like your space-ill ttyl!luv always-*kAtIe*
