Thursday, July 7, 2005

江南行 - Day 6

Had my first run this evening since I ORD (!). Distance not very long, about 2k I guess, or slightly less, but not bad for a start. If not for IPPT, I'll rather exercise by swimming for the rest of my life, like the past 2 days. Just read a friend's friend's blog (dunno who is she) while surfing the net. She ran 10k around her Yishun neighbourhood! Zai! I can never do that now. But at least I can say I've ran a half marathon (21K) before. =) But I think that and the 24K road march are the culprits that collapse the arches of my feet. Can't blame me for having no great love for running or walking.

Enough ramblings. On with the trip!


Day 6 (29 Jun) - Shanghai


We went to visit the museum exterior early in the morning. On the way there, Xiaofeng told us more about Shanghai. One very interesting fact about Shanghai is that when you look down from the sky, Huang Pu Jiang form a S-shape across the city. There is this Westin Building (If I didn't remember wrongly) forming a dot in Pu Xi (west of river) and 东方明珠塔 forming another dot in Pu Dong (east of river). So what does this give you? 太极阴阳图! This ensure the good feng shui of Shanghai which results in it becoming the most prosperous city in China, despite that it was only a fishing village 150 years ago (just like Singapore). Amazing!


Later we visited 天禄城. 天禄 is a very interesting mythical creature, also named 貔貅, more commonly known as 四不像 ( 姜子牙's 坐骑 in 封神演义). It has dragon's head, horse's body, lion's craws and phoenix's wings, the 9th son of the dragon, males supposedly bring good luck. There's a pair at Genting casino entrance, our UOB building, Shanghai museum, and countless other places. According to 天禄城's guide, if you want to win some money at Genting casino, bring your own small 天禄 to say hi to the 2 big 天禄s over there. Big brothers see small brother coming will give some face one. =P I bought 1 small one for later use. 200 rmb gone.


Endured a 2 hr journey to Shanghai F1 Grand Prix after lunch. Nothing remarkable. Just that the canopies of the seating area is designed after lotus leaves. Creative. There is a test ride in a sport car round the entire circuit. It cost 100 rmb, so I didn't try. But the feedback given by the 2 uncles who tried is quite good.


Went 人民广场 - 上海书城 in the evening. In China, there's 3 things that's dirt cheap compared to Singapore: Clothes, CDs and books. Spent 2 hrs at the book shop. Bought a lot of books. And waited until 7pm. That was when one of the primary objectives (there are 2) of us coming to Shanghai came.


She was drenched.





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