Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Last words for 江南行

Last words on my trip: I would like to add a few snippets that I left out from my previous entries to make my travelog as complete as possible. So that when I read it ten years down the road, I'll not miss out a single detail.


~ We went 宝树堂中药研究所 in day 2. The stupid doctors there didn't even bother to help me and Youjie 把脉. We are not their target group. 


~ Silk are supposed to be wash using shampoo and conditioner, since their structure are similar to human hair.  


~ A joke by Xiaofeng:


There are 2 chineses, 1 american and 1 japanese sitting on a train. The american was smoking a very expensive cigar. However, there's still half a cigar left when he threw it out of the window. Everyone is very surprised and asked the american why.


The american arrogantly replied, "America produces little of everything else. The only thing it produces a lot is cigars."


The japanese feels very tulan. He took out a handphone, make a call and after the call, throw the handphone out of the window. Everyone is stunned and asked the Japanese why.


The Japanese smugly replied, "Japan produces little of everything else. The only thing it produces a lot is handphones."


The 2 chineses are very pissed off. One of them muttered a "Sorry ah" and throws the other out of the window. Now, the American and the Japanese are VERY shocked.


The Chinese smiled. "China produces little of everything else. The only thing it produces a lot is people."




Well, it may not be very funny. But you'll realise the truthfulness of the statement when you're in Shanghai.


~ Su Zhou people dialect of saying "can?" is "aha" (轻声). There's a saying that you'd rather hear Su Zhou people quarrel than hear (some province) people talk. This shows the gentleness of Su Zhou people.   


~ 无锡 last time was called 有锡. It only changed name when its mines ran out of tin.  


~ NanJing, aka 石头城, is well known for its jade crafting skills, though it doesn't produce jade.  


~ There's a popular term refering to mistress and wife in China now: '外婆' and '家兄 (凶)'


~ Did some research. Nanjing, Su Zhou, Wu Xi are in 江苏省. Hang Zhou is in 浙江省.   


~ Hang Zhou is famous for its 东坡肉, 叫花鸡. Wu Xi is famous for its 万三蹄. Nanjing is famous for its 咸水鸭.


Lastly, I would like to say that the title for my travelog is obviously wrong, since Shanghai's not in JiangNan. But nevermind lah. And with this, I mark the end of my 江南行 Travelog. Thanks Youjie, cousin, Shuhui, Larissa, Xiaofeng, Joanne, all the aunties and uncles, and lastly my dad and mum, for making such a memorable trip possible. 



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