Monday, December 31, 2007

Recently I...



1. V for Vendetta by Alan Moore

2. Swamp Thing by Alan Moore

3. Top 10 by Alan Moore

4. Tom Strong by Alan Moore

5. Watchman by Alan Moore

6. Planetary by Warren Ellis

7. Stormwatch by Warren Ellis

8. The Authority by Warren Ellis

9. The UnderCover Economist by Tim Harford


Have been mostly reading nothing but comic books (and lecture notes) for the past few months. My new favourite comics writers: Alan Moore and Warren Ellis! As good as Neil Gaiman (Sandman, Stardust) and Bill Willingham (Fables). Dunno how can come out with such incredible stories. Impressed.




1.  Warlords

2.  I Am Legend

3.  Kill Bill Volume 1

4.  Prison Break Season 3

5.  Cirque du Soleil - Nouvelle Experience

6.  Cirque du Soleil - Saltimbanco

7.  Cirque du Soleil - Alegria

8.  Cirque du Soleil - Quidam

9.  Cirque du Soleil - Dralion

10. Cirque du Soleil - Corteo

11. City Harvest Christmas Show

12. South Park


Quentin Tarantino (director of Kill Bill) is damn zai!!! Has been wanting to watch Kill Bill Volume 1 after I watched Volume 2 on DVD a long time ago, but the Volume 1's DVD version is banned in Singapore. Dunno what the hell Singapore Censorship Board people doing...  allow Volume 2 don't allow Volume 1. Just abit of blood splashing around like fountains only then ganna banned le. Erm ok, not abit... in fact, is alot... alot. Still, as if people will go around killing people just because they see alot of blood splashing around like fountains. Cock. I am going to kill them. (Kidding =P)


Anw I have also been watching Cirque du Soleil's shows on DVDs borrowed from the national library. I was wondering what is so special about Cirque du Soleil that get it featured as the first example of our Blue Ocean Strategy 'textbook', so when I saw the DVDs (Quidam and Corteo) in Boon Lay library, I borrowed them. Since then I've been hunting down every single one of their DVDs - the magic of Circus plus Theatre is indeed powerful. 5 and 6 are not as good cos it is their first few shows. But the rest are... WOW! 'Elated' is how you feel when you watch their shows. =)


The City Harvest Christmas Show was quite alright... but I feel there is slightly too much preaching by their pastor after the show for non-christians like me. Oh well, it is free, what can I say? 


South Park... another banned cartoon in Singapore. WTH.




1. Hellgate London

2. Need For Speed - ProStreet

3. Heroes of Might and Magic V - Tribes of the East

4. Call of Duty 2

5. The Battle of Middle Earth II

6. The Movies

7. Sid Meier Civilization 4 


Seven is the number of games I currently have in my new computer right now. (Ermm... Paiseh, I am not being accurate in my previous statement. I have uninstalled Call of Duty 2 and Civilization 4 cos I've completed them.) Hmm.... Now I faced a dilemma everytime I on my PC: I dunno what game to play. Haiz...




1. Science Center - Digital Art & Technology exhibition 


The Digital Art & Technology exhibition is an eye opener - what the merging of technology and art can do. Damn nice. Science Center is indeed my favourite tourist attraction!


'Busy' with...


1. Final Year Project

2. Inter-Hall Contract Bridge Competition (over le)

3. Hall Production


Somehow since the beginning of the sem, I have been getting the impression that our hall JCRC can't be bothered with Contract Bridge - they don't even want to organise a Contract Bridge Inter-Block Game (IBG). If you don't organise IBG, how the hell are you going to know who is interested in playing??? Since they can't be bothered, I also can't be bothered, even though I am the ONLY person left in my hall who can (barely) make it in Bridge. Kinda disappointed but since I final year le, heck la.


It was not until 2 weeks before the competition that our Assistant Rec Sec called me personally asking me to play. Then I was thinking: hiya, since I last year le, after graduate probably will never have a chance to play le, then she also sounded so sincere... ok lor, play lor.


I was quite surprised and happy when I know that they already found a group of new bloods that are enthusiastic in playing, but dunno how to play. So, although we lost the competition, I guess I should train them so that next year our Contract Bridge Team will at least stand a chance. Having doubts about how long their enthusiasm will last, but lets hope for the best.


Anw, as I said, I final year le, if they heck care, I also heck care.


Btw, I played a total of 3 games in the competition. Lost 2 rounds in the beginning, si bei low morale. But at least during my 'finale' match (the very last match of my life in NTU), my roomie and I played against a pair of chiobus... and win! So at least I ended my Contract Bridge life in NTU on a high note. Haha! =P



That will be the end of my ramblings. 2007 has been a great year. 2008 will be an even better year! Hereby wish everyone a






Inspirational words

Jie ge! Your words are inspirational! Yupyup, I totally agreed with you! That is what hall production should be all about - having fun and fostering friendships... Thanks for your comment! I need it. Posting your comments so that people who need it can see it also. =)



"Hey hey...dun be depress... to me... the success of hall/students productions is nver to be judged on technical or artistic or watever professional terms... it is a time where a group of friends come together to putting in time effort to put up a show... its the process.. the fun..the tears... the jokes who only the group noe.... yah... if everyone enjoys it and learn smth from it... get to make is a success oredi... give u a group of professionals wif all the highest standards may not foster a similar memory... or relationship...

cheery, youjie =)"



Btw bro, my hall production on the 15, 16 Feb, you coming to support?? Haha! =P



Friday, December 21, 2007

I am a emo-kia: prologue

Met up with 2 of my JC seniors which I've never met since 6-7 years ago on Tuesday. One of them is my Angel !!! (Angel from the Angel Mortal game we played during JC days.) Gonna be heng for another 6-7 years. Haha! Anw glad that the 亲切 feeling is still there even after all these years, almost like no time have passed.


One of the things that we talked about is why after all these years I still don't have a girlfriend. Somehow for some strange and unknown reason, this topic confirm-plus-guarantee-chop will come out whenever I met up with female friends of my age. Now, I have a new conclusion: this topic will sure come out whenever I met up with female friends of my age, and above.


Frankly speaking, I also don't know the answer to the above question (though I kinda have a standard answer already =P). I guess it will remain as one of the Life's Greatest Mysteries forever. Anw I am happy for them that they don't have to worry about this problem (of answering this question) now that they have finally met their Prince Charmings. =)


I am a emo-kia

On the darker side, it is quite depressing that my buddy told them that my Hall Production this year sucked so much that he wanted to leave after watching halfway. Of course, given that I've known him for 10 years, he didn't meant any harm. It is just a comment on the low standards of Hall Productions in general, albeit with my Production as an example (TMD...). But it was depressing all the same.


Retrospectively, it is interesting to see how a simple thoughtless comment like this can have a myriad of effects on a person, namely me.


The first thought that came into my mind is this: 'Damned. 2 of my potential customers for my hall's coming production gone.' =(


The second thought is that I am guilty of asking my friends to waste their time and money coming to watch my so-called 'low standard' hall production.


And ultimately,



What is point of doing a Drama Production if that is the maximum standard we can achieve, and it is low compared to professional standards??? Are we wasting our audience's time and money?


What about the tens of hours spent writing script? Hundreds of hours for meetings, rehearsals, tech runs, full runs? Burnt Sundays? Moreover, each an everyone of the production team not only does not get paid for these efforts, they need to contribute at least $120 to the Production as canvessing! Multiply all these effort, times and money by at least 50 members of the production team.


Why are we doing all these if our audience want to leave halfway during the show???


Depressing isn't it?


We were talking about Huang Cheng's 'dropping' standards (or our rising standards?) and the possiblity of them upholding their tradition for the sake of upholding tradition. Are we actually making the same mistake?


Then there was this 'arguement' with another friend (this year's scriptwriter) about the whether Efforts more important or Results more important. Can she be right that if the results sucks, no matter how much effort we put in, it is useless?

At a deeper level, for those friends who said the show was 'ok' or even 'good'... Is it because they are giving me face that they didn't tell me right in the face that the show sucks. Are friendships these days not based on truths anymore?


Illusions pierced. Things to think about. Just because of a single comment from a true friend.


I am a emo-kia: conclusion

The above entries reminds me of the emo letters we wrote in Angel Mortal game. Maybe one of the reason why I am writing blog is because no one plays Angel Mortal anymore. Haha!


The ever-optimist me has thought of the answer to each and every of the questions above. The reason why I am doing Production is simple:


I enjoyed doing it.


I derived happiness creating something I believe that will bring happiness to others. Whether the product is good or not is important but secondary.


I will not feel guilty asking my friends to come watch my Production because I really thought I would enjoyed it if I were in my friends' shoes, as long as I do expect only Hall standards. Anwz the ticket price is Hall standard also. Where else can you watch theatre shows for $10+?


I didn't force you to come. You can don't come if you have other better activites. I provided you with a opportunity to meet up with your friends. Even if you walked out halfway through the show with your friends, you are still together with your friends, which by itself is a priceless moment... Being together with friends.


Of course I hoped you gained something more than that. A little surprised? A little laughter? A little touched? A little afterthoughts?



Production brings a little hump to the monotony of life, of both the team members and the audience. That is the essence of Production.



That is why I'm doing it.


As for friends who commented 'not bad', I trust you all. Does that means you will come again in Feb next year? Hahahaha! =P



Friday, December 7, 2007


My new computer's specs... *drum roll*...


Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @2.4 GHz! 2Gb RAM! NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT!


Feels like I myself have been upgraded. Looking back when I got my first computer in P6, computers have became more and more integrated into human life over the past 10 plus years - so much so that it has become part of us, like our hands and legs... or a part of our conciousness. Different people integrate to different degree. (Higher degree for those who can see source codes while surfing webpages. Haha!) 


It will be a matter of time before humans become half-human-half-machine!


Don't believe me? Look at this.




Can you read the time on this watch? No right? Because this is a binary watch!!! U read the time in binary! Binary is a language used by machines. If we are reading time in binary, who knows what we are reading in binary next??




Haha, just kidding.




Btw, these days I will be blogging less cos I will be pia-ing my Final Year Project using my new ultra powerful machine.


Haha, just kidding again.



Friday, November 30, 2007


 Oh my... Enchanted is an absolute must watch! Why? Cos it will make your day! =)



  True Love's Kiss




  Happy Working Song 



  That's How You Know



Read this recently from Discover Your Destiny with the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma:


'Childhoods is blessed by heaven because it brings a piece of paradise into the cruelties of life. All these thousands of everyday births are fresh additions of innocence and purity which fight against our spoiled nature.'


How true! Fairy Tales meet the Real World. When we came out of the theare, I asked what is the moral of the story. Yongren jokingly replied:


"Come to our world and be corrupted."





Another reason why this movie is a must-watch is because it helps purify our souls, even if it's just a little bit. =)



Monday, November 26, 2007


Warning: This entry contains coarse language and low class humor.






Found this on mrbrownshow: this is duh news 6 's comments (same place where I found the link to the rap):


CNA: Hi! Who are we speaking to here?

Nina Gan: Hi! I’m Gan Nina.

CNA: You’ve seen the MTV and what’s your take on this fabulous rap?

Nina Gan: Wow! I was like……


Wonder if there is really a person called Nina with surname Gan in this world. Haha! Anwz it reminds me of a conversation my JC friends and I had a few years ago. It was after we graduate and after a class gathering. A few of us guys stayed over to tok cock. Then we were discussing what name we are going give our child when they are born. Then someone suggested that giving our child a single syllable name (单字) will be cool. And thus we started brainstorming single syllable names for our children.


 "(关)锦森,你的孩子的名是单字一个 '才'。"


 "关才! Haha! "


 "(林)颂恩 leh?"


 "容易! 单字一个 '北'。林北! Haha!"


 "我 leh?"


 "杰峰 ah... 有点难... 想到了! 单字一个 '徐'! "


 "什么来的... ??" *恍然大悟!* 


 "...... 这种也想得出  '_' ||| ......" (for those who don't know me well, 我姓 '许' =P)


 "(高)健康 呢? 一定想不到吧?"










 "因为很 RA ..."


 "什么 RA? 快点讲!"




 "健康的孩子姓'高', 单字一个'丸'。"


 HAHAHAHAHA! *笑到倒在地上!*






That is ultimate! But I guess 50% of the guys and 99.999% of the gals won't get the last joke. Too bad la, the joke has been lost, explain also no use. (If you really really really want to know, google 睾丸 ba. =) Anwz his son's name is the only name that is worse than my son's... '许徐' ?!? '高丸' ?!?!! What the hell...


Can't imagine in future all our sons buddy buddy...


高丸: "YO! 许徐!"


许徐: "YO! 高丸! 林北,关才他们 leh?"








Saturday, November 24, 2007

damn funny

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -Douglas Adam


Haha! Found the above quote from one of my my favourite authors from the 'Quote of the day' at the side... I've never heard the "whooshing" sound of deadlines flying pass before. One day I must try hearing it. =P


Anwz, these days quite interesting also... alot of funny podcasts! Here are some of them:




"...we enjoyed getting screwed by the SuZhou Industrial Park or the SIB debacle so much that we wanted to experience it again..." Wahahaha!



(Hmmm... the podcast mentioned about a banned video game, which made me thought of a 10 mins banned short film made by Royston Tan called 'Cut' . A damn hilarious show about censorship! And though it was banned, it can found on Youtube!!! Ironically... it was cut into 1,2,3 parts. But well... it is better than nothing. =P)








Wonder how Mr Brown get away with these man...  if I am a minister I will be damn dulan... haha!






And here is an 'interesting' youtube video:



Erm... a word of warning: Watch at your own risk!


But look at the comments, some are damn funny! One of the 'rappers' even resembles the female lead in 'Cut'! (Or is it the other way round? Haha!)





Politically, I am indifferent to all these, ie. politically neutral. Politics are beneath those who are enlightened. We simply just watch and laugh. 


(Until I need to pay taxes... then I will curse and swear. Haha!)



Friday, November 23, 2007


Wednesday was my Web Application Design exam. For five days before that, I've been staring at the computer screen practicing webpage programming. FIVE ENTIRE DAYS!! It must have damaged my mind somehow... cos when I came back from the exam, on my computer, opened my Internet Explorer and surfed the net...


...I saw the webpages in their source codes!!! 




HAHA! Thought I've gone kee siao... But maybe, just maybe, that was the experience of becoming enlightened...


Maybe I am beginning to pierce through the thin veil of perceived "reality" to see the baser elements - the truth - beyond.




... I am the ONE ?!?


From now on I shall have a new angmo name:






"The answer is out there, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to." - Trinity 






Shit. I must be mad. I'm having "delusions of grandeur" like Peter Petrelli's father (who commited suicide). Hmmm... or maybe I am like Peter Petrelli before he had his powers??


Ok. Now my angmo name is Peter. 









Market ALERT!!!

This is just an entry to remind myself (and those interested) of something...



  Fig1: 2 years chart of HGIF Chinese Eq-A SGD and STI Index (Source: fundsupermart)


Market has not been doing so well these days (why?)... Now is a VERY GOOD time to do some serious research - will be a good place to start. (Jiefeng, don't be lazy!)



A general question: If time can be rolled back, where will you enter the market?



HUAT AH! Haha!



Thursday, November 22, 2007


If you listen to Yes 933 recently, you will sure heard songs from some new band called 星光帮... which you have no idea what is it and can't be bothered to find out. Let me introduce this 'band' to you:


It is not a band. It is the top 10 contestants who participate in Taiwan's 超级星光大道 1- Singapore's equivalent of 绝对Superstar. The different thing is: the QUALITY of the contestants! (And the judging part - ours is judged by number of phone calls, theirs is judge only by the panel of EXPERTS.) Theirs can sing beside professionals and you can't hear the difference! (Maybe it is because I am not a professional too... oh well...) Watch this sniplets of the finals - by order of appearance: 1. 杨宗纬 (the most powerful singer in 星光帮, but he quit the competition when he reached top 6), 2. 萧敬腾 (winner of another competition, sang 《一眼瞬间》 together with Zhang Hui Mei), 3. 曹格 (曹格!!! One of the best and my favourite singers!) - 合唱《背叛》:




How is their contestant compared to our 陈伟联?? Haha!


This is the new song by their first place 林宥嘉 - 《那首歌》. I quite like also.




Nowadays watching 超级星光大道 2, quite nice to watch also, though the contestants' standards still can't reach 杨宗纬. =)


What my name means?

Koped this also from Singying's blog


What your name means?

You entered: Koh Jiefeng

There are 10 letters in your name.
Those 10 letters total to 54
There are 4 vowels and 6 consonants in your name.

Your number is: 9

The characteristics of #9 are: Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression.

The expression or destiny for #9:
The expression that you exhibit is represented by the number 9. Your talents center in humanistic interests and approaches. You like to help others as you were intended to be the 'big brother or big sister' type. (Hmmm... Haha!) You operate best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion, and allow yourself to be sensitive to the needs of others. You work well with people, and have the potential to inspire. This suggests that you could successfully teach or counsel. Creative ability, imagination and artistic talent (often latent) of the highest order are present in this expression. It's possible that you're not using or developing all of these capabilities at this time. Some of your talents may have been used at an earlier time in your life, and some may still be latent. Be aware of your capabilities, so that you can make use of them at appropriate times.

If you are able to achieve the potential of your natural expression in this life, you are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others. Your personal ambitions are likely to be maintained in a very positive perspective, never losing sight of an interest in people, and a sympathetic, tolerant, broad-minded and compassionate point of view. You are quite idealistic, and disappointed at the lack of perfection in the world. You have a strong awareness of your own feeling as well as those of others. Friendships, affection, and love are extremely important.

Undeveloped or ignored, the negative side of the 9 expression can be very selfish and self-centered. If you do not actively involve yourself with work that benefits others, you may tend to express just the opposite characteristics. It is your role to be very involved with other people and their needs, but it may be difficult for you achieve this role. Aloofness, lack of involvement, and a lack of sensitivity mark the low road of this expression.

Your Soul Urge number is: 7

A Soul Urge number of 7 means:
With a number 7 Soul Urge you are very fond of reading, and retreating to periods of being alone and away from the disruptions of the outer world. You like to dream and develop your idealistic understandings, to study and analyze, to gain knowledge and wisdom. You may be too laid back (LOL! See my name oso can noe I laid back. Zai.=P) and withdrawn to really succeed in the business world, and you will be much more comfortable in circumstances that are tolerant of your reserve, your analytical approach, and your desire to use your mind rather than your physical being. (Wah this part damn true...)

You are very timid around people that you don't know very well, so much so at times that casual conversation and social situations can be strained. You tend to repress your emotions to the extend that some people have a good bit of difficult understanding you. You tend to be very selective with friends and you don't easily adapt to new environments or to new people very quickly.

The negative traits of the 7 include becoming too much the introvert and isolated from others.

Your Inner Dream number is: 11

An Inner Dream number of 11 means:
You dream of casting the light of illumination; of being the true idealist. You secretly believe there is more to life than we can know or prove, and you would like to be provider of the 'word' from on high.



Wednesday, November 21, 2007

21 January 1983

Koped this from Singying's blog




Your date of conception was on or about 30 April 1982 which was a Friday.

You were born on a Friday under the astrological sign Aquarius.
Your Life path number is 7.

Your fortune cookie reads:
Look for new outlets for your own creative abilities. (Music?)

Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 5 & 7.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 4 & 22.
You may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path number 9.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 3, 6, 8 & 11. (Singying you are number 6! Haha!)

The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2445355.5.
The golden number for 1983 is 8.
The epact number for 1983 is 16.

Your birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 1/25/1982 and ending 2/12/1983.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Dog.

Your Native American Zodiac sign is Otter; your plant is Fern.

You were born in the Egyptian month of Famenoth, the third month of the season of Poret (Emergence - Fertile soil).

As of 11/21/2007 6:55:39 AM EST
You are 24 years old.
You are 298 months old.
You are 1,296 weeks old.
You are 9,070 days old.
You are 217,686 hours old.
You are 13,061,215 minutes old.
You are 783,672,939 seconds old.

Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 3.54990215264188 years old. (Life's just a big chewy bone for you!)

Your lucky day is Saturday.
Your lucky number is 4 & 8.
Your ruling planet(s) is Saturn & Uranus.
Your lucky dates are 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th.
Your opposition sign is Leo.
Your opposition number(s) is 1.

Today is not one of your lucky days! (Oh no... I just had my exam...)

There are 61 days till your next birthday (I have to clear my IPPT within 61 days... down...)
on which your cake will have 25 candles.

(If I have a cake, I confirm my cake won't have 25 candles. Who will put 25 candles on their cake??)

Your birthstone is Garnet

The Mystical properties of Garnet

Garnet is used as a power stone

Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)

Emerald, Rose Quartz

Your birth tree is

Elm Tree, the noble-mindedness

Pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, tends to a know-all-attitude and making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humour, practical.



Monday, November 19, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

What my star says


Aquarius - Does It In The Water? Hmmm... wonder what the 'It' refers to...







Friday, November 16, 2007

No Title

This place is surreal... it is kinda wonderland-like... I don't what am I doing, or where the hell am I... all I know is that I am having fun, alot of fun... and I am very happy. I am playing games, reading comic books, drinking coffee... relaxing.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, a stranger came and forcefully handcuffed me. I looked carefully... and to my horror, He is Me!!! Then He threw me into a dark rift and I disappeared. Then he walked towards me, and looked straight into my eyes and shouted,




I was startled and I woke up. And I thought: what a strange and interesing dream I had. Then I proceed to write this down in my blog.


After I finished writing, I suddenly realised that this place is damn dark. Why is this place so dark? Then it hits me...


...I HAVEN'T woke up!


"I want to wake up!!! Let me out!!!"



10 minutes later, I finally managed to open my eyes... luckily.



But, what if... what if I am trapped in my dream, forever??



PS. Damn... Play too much games le... Now is 9pm. Haven't studied a single bit since my last paper ended at 3pm yesterday.



Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Saw this at a random blog somewhere...




9 - 11pm : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (de-toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on her health.


Evening at 11pm - 1am : The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state. Early morning 1 - 3am : de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.


Early morning 3 - 5am : de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.

Morning 5 - 7am : de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.


Morning 7 - 9am : Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 -10am rather than no meal at all. Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.


Therefore, have a good sleep and don’t sleep late.




I dedicate this entry to friends who have been overworking and neglecting sleep. Remember, 有觉无累!!!


P.S. Saw the above '成语' from Song'en's msn nick. Damn funny! Teachers will definitely get it! Haha!


Saturday, November 10, 2007

About me

One day, I was doing homework together with a friend in Canteen B, minding my own business, when suddenly, a friend/colleage I knew during my Industrial Attachment popped up.


Liping: Yo Jiefeng!

Me: Yo Liping!

Liping: Doing homework ah?

Me: Ya lor.

Liping: Doesn't look like it leh...

Me: *frown* Why?

Liping: Cos you were looking serious...

Me: ???


The next sentence she said shocked me to the very core.


Liping: ...and normally when you are looking serious, you are not doing serious things!!! Haha!

Me: *Wide eyes* ...


Then the friend who sat opposite me and knew me for almost 10 years spoke up.


Xiangbin: You know him well man! Haha!

Me: *Even wider eyes* ......


Actually it is hard to blame her for having this misconception about me la. During attachment, I was always looking serious and smile-less behind the computer screen. She always thought I was doing serious work until she walked behind me ...and found me playing Pinball or Last Knights (and made a great hooha out of it, haha!).


But since then I am a changed man. I have really become a very serious and no-nonsense person since.


At the time we had the above conversation, I was really really deligently and seriously copying my friend's tutorials! (I had 'missed' the tutorial lessons. Haha!)


Animator vs Animation + LEGO ULTIMATE chaingun

I am damn impressed ! Alan Becker is damn zai!






Flash version of Animator vs Animation I & II (higher resolution)





Gonna make myself one of these in future... it is an engineering marvel!


Friday, November 9, 2007


I heard this story from yes933. Thought it was quite meaningful, so I went to search the web for it and finally found it here. Share with you guys this story... =)










Plant Tycoon


These few days I have been playing this game called Plant Tycoon from . Quite relaxing ... planting seeds, watching the seeds grow , fertilise the seedings, catching insects for collection, watching plants grow flowers, pollinate and crossbreeding them, taking the seeds produced, selling the plants, buy upgrades, planting seeds... all the while listening to smoothing music and birds' chirpings.                                               


The aim of the game is to get the 6 legendary Magic Plants of Isola. I've got three! 


It was so fun that even my roomie help me to tend my plants sometimes (he enjoyed catching insects)!


Makes me want to become a horticulturist in future! Haha!



My 6 Magic Plants of Isola! Clockwise from the bottom: Golden Berries of Wealth (Aureus Scandens), Rose of Joy (Rosaceae Fern), Magic Tree of Fragrance (Fourpetal Maple),  Fruit of Life (Mela Rare Oak), Flower of Knowledge (Nox Orchid), and finally Fabled Rose of Isola (Fabled Lemonbush)


Tried a few other games too, all quite nice. Fairy Godmother Tycoon, Build-a-Lot, Barrel Mania, Steam Brigade. If need a little entertainment from your daily work can go try try. (If you want to enjoy your games from Reflexive a 'little' longer, can msg me. You know what I mean. *Wink* =)


Going to try this game called Eets next. Sounds interesting!


PS. Don't forget the games I recommended previously: Risk II, Gish, Astral Masters, Jets n Guns, Democracy, Off Road Arena, Grimms Hatchery, Crimsonland!


PPS. Update: I've finally got all the 6 Magic Plants!!! Yeah!!! Oh btw, Eets is damn fun! Highly recommended!




Monday, November 5, 2007

What Kind of Empath Am I?




You scored as a Artist


You are an Artist Empath, one who creates their own reality and infuses the realities of others with your energy & emotions. You are poetic and sensitive. You turn your feelings into creations and share them with the world. Everything you touch turns to song and is freed by the color of your eyes. Your spirit dances with the winds and paints delight in the evening sky.








Fallen Angel



Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Faded Photograph

Photo of 99S27 & 00S60, before '1st 3 months'. (Incomplete)


This photo was taken in year 2000, during Chinese New Year's Eve, one of the happiest times in my life (look at how happy we are? haha!). Without realising it, it has been sitting on my table top for seven years. What has happened to us since the photo was taken?


  • Hours later, one of us went back to his JC. He was not from our JC! Don't know what he was doing here... Haha!
  • Around one month later, most of us (95%) participated in the JC chinese drama production in Victoria Theatre.
  • Around two months later, 2 of us (and more from our class that are not in the photo) left for NJ. It was a time of sadness. (1 of the 2 eventually came to Hall 11 and become Z grp's OGL. Older hall seniors should be able to recognise her.) New people joined our S60 family.
  • Sometime after that, the classic saying: "被爱是幸福的, 悲哀是姓符的" was invented. (Haha!)
  • Around a year later, 14 from the top 2 rows graduated. We were happy for them yet sad that they were going to leave us as they had taken good care of us in the past year.  Yet more new blood joined the S60 family.
  • 1 year 3 months later, another time of sadness, this time for our juniors.
  • 2 years later, the remaining of us in the photo graduated and went separate ways - girls went uni, guys went to protect the country, albeit reluctantly. =P
  • 4 years later, the guys finally ended their servitude and went uni.
  • 5 years later, the place in the photo changed its name. The logo on the school t-shirts will never be used again.
  • 6 years later, the girls graduated and started to work in the society. 
  • Yesterday, I saw the senior (in disguise wearing NYGH uniform to the right of me) when I came out of the cinema. Once we worked together in our JC production's Publicity Team. Sometimes we even went home together since we stay in the same area. Now, we just say 'hi' and then walked pass each other -  the 2nd time I saw her since I graduated. I realised I don't even have hers and the rest of seniors' msn.
  • Today I am looking at the faded photo, feeling nostalgic.


When was the last time you thought of your old friends or the old days?


Will you miss those who used to be good friends but eventually completely leave your life as time goes by?


What will you say when you get to meet them again by chance one day?



"We will always be together

 However far it seems

 We will always be together

 Together in electric dreams"


- Together in Electric Dreams



<- play with the window media player on the left


Friday, November 2, 2007


"A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?" Pointless, really...”Do the stars gaze back?" Now *that's* a question."


“No star can shine with a broken heart.” -Yvaine


Watched Stardust on my way back home from hall. It is another one of those rare gems that are little known and advertised but are extremely nice to watch! Hmmm... actually it is not really little known... The movie is adapted from a novel that is written by Neil Gaiman, an author that is quite well known in the English graphic novel circle. He is the author of Sandman, and is famous for his extremely imaginative, off mainstream stories.


I have read almost all his books, including Stardust. I didn't read the reviews, so I thought Stardust the movie may be another one of those failed novel-covert-films (eg. Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy), that is why I just went to watch without really jioing anyone. In the end, it turns out to be beyond expectations, even for me who already know the story. Watch le I feel very happy... so I strongly recommend all of you to watch. If have love one, watch with your love. If not, watch with your friends. It will make your day. Stay happy! =)   





Thursday, November 1, 2007

Clockwise or Anticlockwise???

Is the girl turning clockwise or anticlockwise?



Most friends can see that it can turn both ways - sometime she turn clockwise, sometime she turn anticlockwise.


My roomie can control the direction he sees her turning.


Some friends can only see her turn clockwise.


Somehow... I can only see her as turning anti-clockwise!!! I just can't see how she can turn clockwise!!!


According to the article, if u see her as turning clockwise, u use more of right brain (feeling and pictures etc). If you see her as turning anticlockwise, u use more of left brain (logic and facts etc).


I don't have Right Brain!!! Down... =.( (my logical conclusion)


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Random Thoughts

Emotional vs Logical


"Are you more emotional or more logical?" People have always asked this question. This made me thought that you can only either be logical or emotional, but not both. But recently, while I was bathing in the toilet, I suddenly realised: Hey! These two terms are not opposites! Why can't they coexist? Being emotional doesn't mean you can't be logical. You like apple doesn't mean you can't like orange. So now I finally know what I am now.


I am a emotionally logical person. (I am strongly emotional about being logical.) =)



Making Things Difficult


Why do someone like to make things difficult for others? Why would someone want to raise the unhappiness level in this world? I really don't understand. Army has tons of people like this. (That is why I hate army.) School has some people like this. I don't understand, but I accept it. Everywhere have people like this.


But recently, I meet another breed of people which I never (noticed I ) encounter before. They make things difficult for you because they claim that they want to train you to handle people who make things difficult for you in future. It is for your OWN GOOD.


This is a new one. You can't do anything about it. You can't protest. You can't resist. Why? Cos I'm the good guy. It is for you OWN GOOD. LL.




All they teach is this: Next time you want to make things difficult for others, say it is for their own good that you make things difficult for them.


(Hmmm... sounds like I very emo hor? But actually I am not la, cos that module over le. Hee! For friends who are encountering such people currently, jiayou!)





Recently I noticed a friend's very unhappy msn nick. Apparently she had some problems with her teammates and projects. (I guess maybe she met people who have the characteristic mentioned above.)


Buddhism philosophy has something to say about unhappiness. All unhappiness comes from unfulfilled expectations. Why do you feel unhappy when the person you meeting is late? Because you expect him to be on time. Why do you feel unhappy when you get a C for your exams? Because you expect to get B. Buddhism philosophy encourage us to have no expectations, so that you won't be unhappy. Of course you also won't feel the happiness that comes from fulfilled expectations. But at least you will enjoy the joy of being peaceful.


A long time ago I asked my buddhist friend, "But, it is impossible for us to have no expectations!"


Then he answered wisely, "Still it doesn't stop you from working towards it."



(Actually there are different types of expectations:


  • Expectations which results you can control - "I expect to get an A+ for my exam."; and
  • Expectations which results you can't control - "Oei friend! I want to get an A+ for our HRM project. I expect you to do your part of our HRM project to A+ standards ah. " (If my teammate expect that from me, he is going to be into a lot of unhappiness, cos I will tell him to wake up his idea. Luckily all my teammates only expected to pass... and it is over le. Haha!)

But that will be a discussion for another time.)



Hopefully I will reach Enlightenment  by the time i reach 80 (after I got my Lamborghini and a 5 storeys house). =P



Friday, October 26, 2007

Nice designs

Some nice designs I found while surfing the web. More pictures in Nice website. =)


'yamaha tesseract'


'mazda taiki'


models display outfits from fendi's spring and summer 2008 collection at the great wall of china,
which was transformed into a catwalk during a fashion show in beijing, china.


'death by cotton candy' 2006


'newton's breakfast' designed by david asher wilson


an unbelievable fully functional, pedal powered, wire frame lamborghini


the player allows you to use the MP3 player as you normally would, or alternatively you can open its sides and insert your favorite CD


stop war shadow grafitti


clothes peg used to transform chopsticks


'toast messenger' by sasha tseng from sashapure


Suddenly this song just sounded in my head...



Sung by If There Are Seasons' cast. Nice show. Think I will go watch again if they have a re-run.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Powerful people

David Copperfield's performance has been cancelled. Cannot see his performance le. Still need to go indoor stadium sistic get refund. Sianzzz.



Now to watch people with powers, I can only watch this guy:



Peter Petrelli! Woohoo! Haha!


Heroes is a show not to be missed. Every Monday at 10pm, Channel 5.



PS. Does anyone notice that David Copperfield looks abit like Nathan Petrelli?



Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dart 101

Ah, today, let me teach you all something about darts. A dart board looks like this: (der...)

The Dart Board 

The board is mounted in such a way that the bulleye is 1.73m from the ground. The player will throw 3 darts/turn behind a line 2.37m from the dartboard. Now the different parts of the dart board:

The outer (larger) red-green-red-green ring is called the Double - if your dart ganna Double, you will score the score of that segment x2. The inner (smaller) red-green-red-green ring is called the Triple - if your dart hit that ring, you will score the score of that segment x3. All other parts of the segment is called Single - erm... self-explainatory. If you hit the black region (with number labels) outside the Double ring, you don't score anything. 

Lastly, the green circle in the center is called the Single Bullseye, worth 25 pts. The red circle in th center is called Double Bullseye, worth 25 x 2 = 50 pts.

Quiz: Which part of the board is worth the most points?

Ans: It is NOT the Double Bullseye! It is Triple 20! (The red small rectangle just above bulleye.) It's worth 60 pts and the good thing about it is, the area is bigger! Easier to fit 3 darts inside. (Can be done, but not by me. Ha!)


The Rules

The rules of a standard dart game is pretty simple.

Everyone start with 301 points (international competitions, as seen in the video, start with 501). The aim is to reduce your point to zero, before your opponent. Easy. But the hard part is that, you only start reducing points when you hit a Double, either the outer Double ring or the Double Bullseye, ie. to Check In. If you don't hit a double, you can keep shooting and shooting until the cow come home and your score will still stay at 301. (It is possible if you are really that suay.)

Since you Checked In with a Double, you need to Check Out with a Double too. That is to say, when your score reach 40, you can hit a Double 20 and you win the game. If you missed and hit 20, you are left with 20 and now, you need to check out with a Double 10. This goes on until your score become 2, then you need to check out with a Double 1. Your score can't go below 2. Let say your score is 2 and you hit a 1 (or a Triple 20, whatever), you burst, your turn ends and your score revert back to the score before your turn, which is 2.

Tip: Most players avoid checking out with Double 1. If their score reach 2, they will try to burst themselves using their remaining darts and revert back to the score before the turn. Double 1 is damn hard to hit, and I mean it.

Quiz: What is the maximum number of darts needed to win a 301 game?

50 + 50 (Double Bullseye checking in and out) + 57 (Triple 19 to eliminate odd num) + 60 + 60 + 24 = 301 

There is prettier method:

5 x 50 (Double Bullseye) + 51 (Triple 17) = 301

At least 6 darts (2 turns) is needed.  

Why play darts?

It trains your focus, concentration and discipline. I've been reading books, my favorite author Paulo Coelho and some enlightened monks have been meditaing through a sport called Zen Archery...

"The archer ceases to be conscious of himself as the one who is engaged in hitting the bull's-eye which confronts him. This state of unconscious is realized only when, completely empty and rid of the self, he becomes one with the perfecting of his technical skill, though there is in it something of a quite different order which cannot be attained by any progressive study of the art..."

Having no forest in my backyard (erm... I don't have any backyard also) and no money to buy bow and arrows, I've decided that Zen Dart-chery will be the next best alternative. You need to really concentrate and be at peace in order for your darts to land where you want it to be. It is a good exercise to sharpen your mind.

And of course, it is fun!


Ok time's up. I will end my Darts Lecture for today. Hopefully after today you all will take up darts. A dart board is only around $20. A decent set of darts also around $10+ only. You can easily hang the board behind the door of your room.

Class dismissed!


P.S. Btw, did I mention a curious security guard knocked on my door and asked me what am I doing when I was playing darts with my roommate at 2am? Haha!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Froggy Tale

Got this interesting old tale from Shirong, who for some strange reason suddenly felt creative and pened this down on her blog =P :




Once upon a time, there was a frog who lived at the bottom of a well. Life was gd by its froggie standards. After all it nv got out of the well b4, the well was the world to it. There was no reason for it to dislike the well; it has the occasional fly to eat and a damp dark place to call home.

As the frog got older, it explored the well further and came to the opening of the well and saw the clear blue sky. “It’s beautiful! Now my world has just gotten better. It now has a blue sky!”

One day a bird came and rested on the opening of the well. And it started talking to the frog. The frog was quick to tell the bird how gd life is at the bottom of the well, "you should come down and see really, there’s even a beautiful blue round sky!"


"Round sky??" the bird thought. Then it occurred to the bird that the sky did appear round to the frog at the bottom of the well, after all that was all it could see from there. However the frog was not convinced that the sky was not round. Their conversation later became what was like the argument in the earlier times where Columbus had to convince pple that the earth was round, not flat.

The frog laughed at the bird for its ignorance. Frustrated, the bird flew away.




For some strange reason, I also suddenly feel creative, so I decide to continue her story, and it goes like this:




So, the bird flew and flew, and for a very long time, it just couldn't release the anger bottled up within it from its argument with the frog. 'What a stupid frog!' it thought. 'KNN sibei dulan!' 


Feeling fustrated with nowhere to vent its anger, it just continue to fly... until it chanced upon a man sitting in the middle of Sahara desert wearing a strange bulky white suit and helmet - an astronaut! (What the hell is an astronaut is doing in the middle of Sahara desert is something we will never know.) The bird, who was very happy to see another sentient creature to whom it could vent its fustration, proceeded to tell the astronaut what happened.


"Just now I met this stupid frog, it told me the blue sky is round! This frog damn stupid right!?" asked the frog.


"Oh, of course the sky is not round. But, little bird, I must tell you something. If you go high enough, the sky actually has no colour btw. That means, it is black." replied the astronaut.


"Oh! I see! Ok, cya!" And the bird flew away, murmuring: "Siao eh, wtf he toking sia?!" And the Ah Beng bird who spoke lots of coarse language will not be seen in the story again, hopefully.


After the bird left, the astronaut went into his space shuttle and blasted off into outer space. He travelled for years in outer space until one day, he saw this gigantic being radiating holy light in front of his space shuttle. Other than size, other aspect of this alien being was strangely similar to a human being. The astronaut stopped his space shuttle, stepped out (floating), and asked,


"Who are you?"


"I AM THE CREATOR OF THIS UNIVERSE," replied the giant being.


The astronaut was awestruck. Trying to start a conversation, he said,


"I see... haha... eh... You know, before I saw you, the last conversation I had was with a bird."




"Yup. It told me the sky is blue, but I told it otherwise. The sky is actually black if you go high enough! Haha! Interesting right?"




"If you say so. You are the Creator wad. Ok, I make a move first. Cya!"


"BYE!" After waving goodbye to the astronaut, the Creator said to himself, "HAHA! YOU ARE ALL MORONS! STUPID! COCK! I AM THE SMARTEST!!!" (At this point, the Ah Beng bird, which was actually a male flying chicken, sneezed. "AH-CHOO! ... Tmd! Someone must be talking bad things behind me. Fcuk!" And then it continued its flight towards its homeland, Singapore.)  


Then something strange happened. In the black empty void of the outer space, the Creator heard something he had never heard before... "tap tap tap tap...tap tap..."


It sounded like some bo liao blogger typing on a keyboard......



And all this while, oblivious to what is happening, the frog was either happily swimming in his well (using breast stroke), or happily sunbathing and enjoying his blue round sky. It is a well world indeed.






What is the moral of story?